Wild Cat ROAR!
Steuart W. Weller Elementary Weekly Newsletter
A Message from the Principal:
October 6, 2024
Dear Weller Families:
Odyssey of the Mind is a great parent-led creative, problem-solving competition. We will be hosting an information night for any interested parents on Tuesday, October 8 at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. Weller students have flourished in this competition at the district, state, and world levels. Check out our trophy case! Many are Odyssey of the Mind trophies!
Our superintendent, Dr. Spence, promised to get parent and staff feedback regarding the early start times. Please take five minutes to complete the survey that was emailed to you. (Just for your information, we have students getting on buses as early as 6:30 in the morning.) We have been asked to remind you to complete the survey.
"A quick reminder that on October 1, LCPS sent out a survey link to families and staff to receive feedback on any potential changes to our bell schedules and school calendars. Your experiences and perspectives are invaluable as we consider how these adjustments may affect our community."
PTO Spirit Night is October 8 at the Belmont Chipotle. Easy way to help the SWES PTO.
SWES Field Day is October 18! If you would like to volunteer, please complete this sign up.
Please participate in the coat drive for Weller students. We are looking for new or clean but gently used coats and jackets for children, sizes 5-14. These may be dropped off at school.
Respectfully yours,
Julia Burton, Principal
Important Survey to Provide Your Parental Voice:
Loudoun County Public Schools is seeking input on Bell Schedules and future School Calendars. Your input on this topic is important. Here is an overview of the purpose for this survey.
Take some time to complete this IMPORTANT SURVEY - The survey should take approximately 5 minutes.
Odyssey of the Mind Opportunities for Parents and Students:
Odyssey of the Mind (OM) is an international educational program that provides students creative problem-solving opportunities in a team environment. It is an after-school academic enrichment program that teaches lifelong creative problem-solving skills and teamwork. It is a lot of FUN! Find out more about Odyssey of the Mind (OM) at an informational meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 8 in the Steuart Weller ES cafeteria. Please come to the cafeteria entrance, not the main door.
Walk and Roll to School - Wednesday, October 9:
Volunteers Needed for Field Day:
We will have the second annual Fall Field Day on Friday, October 18th. This day would not be successful without the wonderful parent volunteers to run each station. Click here to sign up for more information about this fun day with the Wild Cats!
Spirit Week:
During the week of Monday, October 15 to Friday, October 18, the Wild Cats will host a "Spirit Week" focusing on anti-bullying. Let's get pumped up with spirit and remind students about the "Weller 3 Rs". Students are encouraged to be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn.
Coat Drive:
Steuart Weller is hosting a coat drive.
Please drop off new or gently used, clean coats to the main office. Children's coats only!
Bring the coats by October 18.
We Want You!
If you are interested in volunteering at Weller, please complete the volunteer screening application attached to this email and contact your child's teacher about your interest. Return the signed volunteer form to the office. Attention: Mr. Dolansky.
Watchdog Parents:
We are officially launching our "Watchdog Parents" program for 2024-2025. What is this wonderful program you ask? This is an opportunity for parents to become role models for our students. You will have the opportunity to work with classes, students, and your children's classroom throughout the day. You pick the full day or half day to commit your time working with the Wild Cats. Click here to find out more.
Thank You Business Partners!
We want to thank the following local businesses for partnering with Steuart Weller throughout the year!
- Costco: 60 New Student Backpacks
- University Painters: Preparing and Sealing the mural
- Nando's: Lunch for the Teachers & Staff
- BKD Bagels: Teacher breakfast
If you have a partnership proposal, do not hesitate to reach out to the Weller Administration with your idea!