February 7th 2025
HSS-Austin Celebrates Black History Month!
Activity Calendar
02/05- STEM Fest @3:30 pm
02/11- STAAR Interim Reading Test
02/12-STAAR Interim Math Test
02/13-STAAR Interim Science Test
2/17- Parent/Teacher Conference/ No School
2/18-21st- Black History Month Spirit Week
2/19- Teacher/Staff Breakfast- 3rd Grade Families
2/22-Sweetheart Dance Night @ 5 pm
2/24- 2/27-TELPAS testing
03/03- NO School/District PD
03/05- Literacy Night @ 4 pm
03/05- Chipotle Fundraiser for HSS PTO @4 pm-8 pm
03/12- Teacher/Staff Breakfast-4th Grade Families
03/17-21- Spring Break
03/24- NO School/ District PD
03/25-4th Quarter Begins
03/31- Spring Picture Day
Classes start at 7:45 am
Make sure that your student arrives to the school before 7:45 am to be on time in the classroom. Thank you for your cooperation!
School Uniform Donation Drive
We need your help, Please donate gently used uniform polo and pants. Donations will be collected in the front office. Thank you for your help!
Share Your Feedback: Take the Survey Today
Dear Parents and Guardians,
At HSS-Austin, your voice matters. Your feedback helps us grow, improve, and make decisions that benefit our entire community.
Our annual climate survey is now open, and we want to hear from you! Your responses will guide meaningful changes across our schools.
Taking the survey is quick and easy—just check your email for the link or click here to access the survey directly. It’s available in English and Spanish, and you have until February 16 to participate.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. Together, we can make HSS-Austin even better!
Amy Guney
STAAR Interim/Practice - Tuesday, February 11th - Friday, February 14th
Our 3rd-5th grade students will begin their practice for the Spring STAAR exam in April. Please make sure your student is present during this time so they can get an idea of this year's assessment format and questions.
Closed Campus: During this week we will have a Closed Campus which means there are no visitors during testing. Please try to make appointments for after 12 as not to disturb our testing students. Please make sure students have their lunches and belongings for the day when they arrive each morning.
You are ZAP'ped!!!
Not completing assignments is unacceptable at Harmony. HSS is starting a new after school program to support our students. Students who do not turn in assignments will be “zapped” and will work on the assignment after school. This will greatly reduce the number of zeroes and failing grades for missing work and better prepare our students for academic success. If students receive a ZAP form from their teacher, they are required to participate in the session.
Goal: No more 0s or failing grades
How: Teacher will send the ZAP form with your child
Day: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Time: 3:15 pm to 4pm
Location: Maker's Space room
Pick-up: From the front lobby
Parent Autism Training from Texas A&M University
The Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University would like to offer training at no cost to Texas parents and caregivers of children up to age 22 with core features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Parents and caregivers will learn how to improve their child's communication skills. This service is provided by a research grant project entitled Coach to Communicate (C2C), sponsored by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
The training includes a 1-hour self-paced webinar that teaches behavioral strategies to increase communication use in children with ASD. Once complete, parents can choose to be paired with a coach for a more intensive 10-week training specific to their child’s communication needs (again, at no cost to parents). Shorter options of 4-7 coaching sessions are also available for parents, if better suited to their needs. Coaching is offered in English, Spanish and Thai.
Literacy Night Event -March 5th
"If you want to view paradise, take a look around and view it. Anything you want to; do it. You can change the world. There is nothing to it"- Willy Wonka
Hello amazing Harmony family!
We are hosting our sweet Wonka Wonderland where literacy is sweet on March 5th.
Ms. Lopez bought a life size picture prop of Willy Wonka and oompa loompas with holes to take pictures with at the event.
To make this imagination go smoothly and come to life, Ms. Lopez is asking for donations. Anything helps!
-Snacks- Goldfish, chips, animal crackers, any snack goodies for reading rooms
-Soda (5- 8 cases)
-Poster boards
-Water (5- 8 cases)
-Candy- Peanut free
-Colorful tissue paper
-Construction paper
-Comfy chairs
-More stuff animals (I have 2 bags full but would love more)
For those items you would like back please write your name for me on them so I can return the items.
If you have any questions or thoughts please feel free to touch base with me @julie.lopez@harmonytx.org as I am the coordinator for this event :)
Thank you so much, your support allows this HSS literacy factory to be successful!
BLACK HISTORY MONTH SPIRIT WEEK (Tuesday, February 18th-21st)
TUESDAY(February 18th)- BLACK LOVE
Wear red or black to demonstrate unity, appreciation and love for the contributions made by Black people to our collective history.
Dress like a famous icon who has inspired you. This can be someone from present or past.
Wear African Head Attire or Cap
Wear red, green, and/or black to represent the Pan-African flag colors.
Please remember, all Spirit Week aƫre must be school appropriate according to
Harmony Free Dress requirements. If students are not participating in Spirit Week
are on any day, students must be dressed in school uniform.
-Campus Engagement-
Partner with us and let's get active in your student's school - Join PTO!
PTO Members Still Needed for the 2024-2025 School Year - Sign up & Apply Today!
HSS-Austin Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is looking for parents to join as a Member or to serve as a member of the PTO Board for the 2024-2025 school year.
Available PTO Board positions include:
Executive Member - Membership Coordinator - Philanthropic Chair
*If you would like to apply for a Board position, complete & email completed nomination forms to Ms. Phillips: stephanniephillips35@gmail.com or to: pto.hssatx@gmail.com
Afterschool Clubs
There are still available spots - REGISTER TODAY
Register today for our Campus Clubs sponsored by our Teachers & Staff or one of our Club Partners. The club time is from 3:20 pm to 4pm. The club dismissal is from 4 pm to 4:10 pm.They can try a new club they were considering before or you can register for the same club and just pay for the Spring semester. All current clubs will be on the same day.
* Please note: Only current VEX Robotics Team and Drone Team members need to register for Robotics and Drone/Aviation Clubs. *
K-2nd Grade Clubs
- Math Kangaroo
- STEM Building
- Yoga
- Art& Craft
- Zumba
- Gardening
- Lego
3-5th Grade Clubs
- Drone/Aviation
- Readers Leaders
- Yoga
- Zumba
- Chess
- Student Council
Request Breakfast Donations for Teachers/Staff
Dear Parents,
We are excited to launch an initiative to show our appreciation for the teachers and staff at our school. Each grade level will have the opportunity to contribute by donating breakfast items.
To ensure we have a variety of options for our dedicated team, and to accommodate dietary restrictions, we kindly request that all donated items be peanut-free. Please bring your homemade/store bought breakfast donations to the front office or distribute them during morning drop-off. To accommodate everyone’s busy schedules and ensure we have a variety of options, we are pleased to offer the option to order breakfast items online and have them delivered directly to the front office.
Please ensure that all donated items are nut-free to accommodate dietary restrictions. Here’s the schedule for each grade level to bring in or order breakfast items every second week of the month:
- PreK: October 9th
- Kindergarten: November 13th
- 1st Grade: December 11th
- 2nd Grade: January 15th
- 3rd Grade: February 19th
- 4th Grade: March 12th
- 5th: April 9th
- PreK- 5th: May 14th
We are looking for a variety of peanut-free breakfast items, such as:
- Fresh fruit (e.g., apples, bananas, berries, grapes, oranges)
- Muffin, pancake, waffle, croissant or pastries
- Bagels with cream cheese or butter
- Jam , jelly, chocolate spread, maple syrup
- Vegetarian Tacos
- Hard boiled eggs
- Granola bars (nut-free)
- Yogurt
- Cereal or oatmeal (Individually packaged)
- Breakfast Sandwiches (Vegetarian friendly preferable)
- Juice, coffee, or tea
If you choose to order online, please have the items delivered to the front office. For any questions or additional details, feel free to contact engagement coordinator Ms. Suzek at asuzek@harmonytx.org or your child’s teacher.
Your support and generosity will make a big difference and help us brighten the mornings of our dedicated teachers and staff. Thank you!
Kids Heart Challenge
We are excited to announce that our school will again be participating in the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge in P.E!
Dates for the Kids Heart Challenge:
Feb 3rd thru Feb 28th
This is always a fun and exciting program for our entire school as we work together to raise awareness to our nation's #1 cause of death, heart disease.
Our Fund Raising Goal: $3500
We will be encouraging mainly online donations as we have found this to be an easier way to monitor donations more safely and accurately.
Students will be receiving a collection envelope, for those that need it. For those that will be collecting cash donations - please do not send cash donations to school until the week of Feb 24th.
One way to start raising funds is by having your very own fundraising page. Simply follow these steps:
1. Go to http://www2.heart.org/goto/BennyBillsElementaryTN or www.heart.org/khc on your computer
2. Find our school Harmony School of Science - Austin, click on Sign Up
3. Create a username and password and fill out the registration form
4. Share your personal fundraising link with friends and family right away
5. Download the FREE Mobile app by searching Kids Heart Challenge and Register, Fundraise, Scan Checks, and Share on Social Media no matter where you are!
Motivating incentives this year: -
TOP FUNDRAISERS: Will be acknowledged on the morning school announcements and receive a special gift and certificate from AHA and Coach!
$75 and ABOVE CLUB: Students that a minimum of $75 dollars will be able to SILLY STRING COACH!!
For more info click here.
Thanks for your support!!
Coach Monninger
Our Bus is Full - Register for the Waitlist
2024-2025 Bus Transportation Service - Register Today
If you would like to register your student for our Bus Transportation Service, please review & complete the registration form below. Bus registration is first come first served. You will be contacted when a seat is available.
**We do NOT recommend the bus service for Pre-K & Kindergarten students unless
they are traveling with an older HSS sibling or family member.
Our school uniforms are pretty simple and should be followed each day.
Monday - Thursday:
- HSS-Austin uniform shirt (previous red, bluestone or teal),
- uniform shorts (knee length) or pants - NO sweats, leggings or basketball shorts (khaki, navy or black),
- closed toe rubber sole shoes (any color - no light up or skating shoes - students have recess every day and PE twice a week).
- jackets or sweaters should be zip up or button style
In our efforts to spread our school spirit and the vision of our students being college bound, we will have Spirit Day on Fridays! Students may wear a college shirt or HSS-Austin spirit shirt with blue or black jeans (no rips) on Fridays.
Students that don't participate in Spirit Day, must be in full uniform.
HSS-Austin Parent Information - Keep our Kids & Schools Safe
In 2021, 4,613 Texans experienced gun-related deaths. Restricting access to guns is critical in reducing acts of violence, whether as self-harm or towards others. Guns should be stored unloaded in a safe or locked container, with ammunition stored elsewhere.
As required by Texas Education Code 37.222, the Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC), in collaboration with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), is providing each school district & charter school the information & resources regarding the safe storage of firearms including information on section 46.13 of the Texas Penal Code. School Districts are required to provide this information to the parents or guardians of each student enrolled in the district or school.
For more information and resources: https://safegunstoragetexas.com/
Hi Harmony Families,
We love sharing school activities and achievements with students on our Harmony Facebook page
If you would like for your students to be shared on our videos, photos, and live feeds, please make sure to give consent by filling out the form and responding with "Yes"
If you do not wish for your students to be in any photos or videos, please make sure you fill out the form and respond with "no"
Keep us Informed of Any Contact Information Changes
Please let us know if you have any address, phone number, email or student pick up person changes. We send information and updates on a regular basis and we want to make sure you don't miss anything.
You may call 512-821-1700 or send an email to the Front Office Team with the
Subject Line - Parent Contact Update:
(please include your student's first and last name & grade in your email)
Attendance - Mrs. Sierra: asierra@harmonytx.org
Health Coordinator - Mrs. Hernandez: maritza.hernandez@harmonytx.org
Meal & Nutrition Coordinator - Mrs. Zarate: mzarate@harmonytx.org
Registrar/Student Recruitment & Retention - Mrs. Sanchez: jessica.sanchez@harmonytx.org