Winand ES~ Parents as Partners
November 2024
American Education Week
"American Education Week (AEW), set for November 18-22, 2024, is a time where school systems across the nation celebrate public education and honor the individuals who work in our nation’s public schools and support students’ academic and social-emotional growth. Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) has observed AEW for many years, providing opportunities for families, stakeholders, and members of the Team BCPS community to see learning in action and participate in engaging activities with their students."
News From Our Reading Specialist
Coming home soon for grades K-5 will be the beginning of year screener results for reading. An explanation of your child’s screener and their scores will be sent home with your child or shared at an upcoming conference.
Please note that this is only one assessment at one point in time and other data is always being collected. Reading skills are being observed daily by teachers. All students in grades K-5 receive small group instruction by their homeroom teacher.
Some students might work on phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, novels studies, research projects, and or advanced skills. When not in small groups students in grades K-3 practice with Amira and read out loud, receive interventions/support, and build comprehension skills. Their goal is to read 30 minutes each week on Amira.
In grades 4 and 5 students participate in independent reading and writing when not in small groups. If you receive a letter indicating that your child is “at risk” in reading, then your child will participate in an additional small group inside or outside the classroom with the classroom teacher or resource staff including the reading specialist and/or special educators.
As always continue to READ at HOME and chart it on your child’s reading log we will soon be rewarding those who have read 50 STEPS or 750 minutes of reading at home. Thank you for supporting your child as we create lifelong readers together.
As always, I am available at trhoten@bcps.org.
Tiffany Rhoten
Reading Specialist at Winand Elementary School
The Winand Way is to Read Every Day!
News from Nurse Pugliese
Dear Parent and Guardians,
Allergy, cold and flu season is here! I would like to remind parents to keep children at home with fever of 100.0 degrees until fever is resolved without using any fever reducing medicine for 24 hours. Please do not medicate your child before school who may potentially have fever and then send them to school, illness is spread this way!
Please make sure your child has an extra change of clothes in case their clothes become soiled at school.
If your child needs medication at school- daily or emergency rescue medicine- a doctor’s order must be obtained by the parent and given to school nurse. Medication must be in the original prescription labeled box from pharmacy. Please let me know if you need a medication form.
As always, please call me with any questions or concerns you may have-443-809-6046. Thank you!
Best regards,
Nicole Pugliese, RN
Counseling Corner
November Guidance Lessons
This month students will be learning about how to deal with certain situations through conflict resolution.
Magnet School Applications
*PreK and 5th Grade Students*
The online application closes at 1pm on November 1st.
For more information, please visit www.bcps.org and search Magnet Programs.
How Can I Help My Child Succeed In School?
-Help your child with his/her homework every night. -Read with your child every night.
-Be positive, speak well of school and learning. -Ensure your child is getting plenty of sleep.
-Encourage your child in all aspects of academics. -Teach your child to be responsible for their actions. -Stay involved and feel free to contact your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns.
Lost and Found Items
Winand Elementary School Store Sponsored by the Social Committee
Spirit Wear is Available
Our official School Spirit store is up and running again this year. We would like input from parents as to what you would like included on the site. Please email Ms. Lane at slane2@bcps.org.
Northwest Boundary Study Meeting
Join Us on November 6, 2024
Participating Schools: Church Lane, Deer Park, Hernwood, Lyons Mill, New Town, Randallstown, Scotts Branch, Winand, Woodholme elementary schools, and the Campfield Early Learning Center
****Public Information Session: Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Milford Mill Academy, Cafeteria
Board of Education Dates: Recommendation: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 6:30 p.m. Greenwood Building E
Board Public Hearing: Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 6:30 p.m. Milford Mill Academy Auditorium
Board Decision: Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 6:30 p.m. Greenwood Building E
Calendar Reminders
11-1-2024 Schools Closed for Students- Staff Professional Development
11-5-2024 Election Day-Schools and Offices Closed
11-14-2024 Report Cards Available Online After 4 p.m.
11-8/11-22 American Education Week
11-18-2024 Pre-K Conference Day-No Pre-S 3's or Pre-K
11-19-2024 Pre-K and Elementary Conference Day-School Closed for Students
11-27-2024 3 Hr. Early Dismissal (1:05 p.m.) for Schools and Offices
Thanksgiving Holiday after School
11-28/29 Thanksgiving Holiday-Schools and Offices Closed
12-20-2024 Winter Break Begins at the end of the day-Schools and Offices Close 3 Hr. Early (1:05)