IP Lesson 1: SUN 10/2 @ 1:15pm
Extracurriculars Begin: Rondalla & Dance
Introducing Iskwelahang Pilipino's 2022-2023 Theme
Lesson 1
Hosted by Bonifacio (Merienda) & Binhi Families (On Site)
Volunteer Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E48AFA822A3F49-bonifacio
Families with multiple children should serve with your OLDEST child's class.
Complete the online self-check!
Self-Check (now for individuals not families)
Everyone can help cut back on waste by bringing your own water bottle, filled.
12:15 Early Check-in at IP Office (1st Fl) | Dance - Experienced Sampaguita & Upper School
1:00 Set up Classrooms | Beginner Rondalla Entrance Quiz
1:15 Family Check-in Opens (2nd Fl)
1:30 Community Assembly
Classes | Merienda
4:50 Clean Up & Dismissal
Please help put chairs and tables back at dismissal.
5:00 Beginner Rondalla Results | Intermediate Rondalla | Dance - Lower School
5:10 Beginner Rondalla Information Session
6:00 Clean Up & Dismissal
Families who indicated an interest in dance performances outside of IP will receive a separate email about rehearsals.
Sunday, Oct 2, 2022, 01:15 PM
12 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA, USA
What does it mean to HOST at IP?
Families take turns hosting merienda and monitoring the halls every IP Sunday.
Merienda will be hosted by Bonifacio families.
Sign up to bring a dish to share. Hosting families prep and serve merienda. Families with multiple children should host with your OLDEST child's class.
Returning families will see that merienda is being scaled down, so this should be more like a snack than a feast.
Binhi families will serve as the On-Site Team
Help with set up and break down of rooms, guide people to check-in, check for name tags, guide students safely through the halls to class, and be on hand for any extra help needed outside the classroom.
Rondalla Updates
Interested in Beginner Rondalla Class?
The quiz will be graded after merienda, and results will be available at 5pm at the check-in table at the top of the stairs. An information session for families of students who are accepted into the beginner class (those who pass the test) will begin at 5:10pm in the Union Room, on the left side (the door to the left of the check-in table). The meeting will include details about class times, class expectations, and loaner instruments.
Please contact Tita Elsa if you have any questions prior to Sunday (Elsa.Janairo@gmail.com).
Rondalla Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule for Sep-Dec 2022
Details will be announced via TeamSnap.
- Friday, Sep 30, 7-9pm
- Friday, Oct 14, 7-9pm
- Sunday, Oct 23, 5-7pm
- Saturday, Nov 5, 5-7pm
- Saturday, Nov 19, 5-7pm
- Sunday, Nov 27, 5-7pm
- 1st weekend Dec TBD
- Sunday, Dec 11, 5-7pm
Registration is Open
Register for Classes Today
Register at this link: https://forms.gle/VrzwMYD5WnqysCLL7
At the next IP Sunday, complete your registration paperwork and make your tuition payment.
In the unlikely event that a class becomes full, you will be put on the waitlist. IP will notify you via email.
Please complete all registration steps by Monday, October 31, 2022. For more information and instructions visit http://home.ipbahay.org/how-to-register/
IP 2022 Fall Schedule
All sessions are Sundays in person, unless otherwise indicated.
- 9/11 Registration Day
- 9/18 Opening Day
Filipino American History Month - October
- 10/2 Lesson 1
- 10/16 Lesson 2
- 10/23 Lesson 3
- 11/6 Online Family Workshop 1
- 11/20 Lesson 4
- 12/3 Sat - IP Tiangge/Holiday Bazaar (tentative)
- 12/4 Online Family Workshop 2
- 12/11 or 12/18 IP Pasko Celebration (TBD)