CUSA Communications
About us
The Chester Upland School of the Arts (CUSA) is dedicated to improving our community through high academic achievement and artistic excellence. We will engender in our young scholars strong character and enlightened leadership through purposeful acts of service.
We will provide a safe learning environment with a welcoming atmosphere which creates a sense of belonging amongst the families. We maintain an inclusive environment which acknowledges and respects children from diverse family and cultural backgrounds.
Website: https://www.chesteruplandsd.org/Domain/10
Location: 901 West 9th Street, Chester, PA, USA
Phone: (610) 447-3777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cusa2017?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Women's History Month
Every March, people in the United States celebrate the achievements and history of women as part of Women’s History Month.
Make Sure That Your Scholar is Present by 8:45 AM
Lessons start at 8:45 AM
Families, it's imperative that students come to school daily, on time, and stay the duration of the school day. Valuable instructional time is lost when students arrive late. Teachers begin lessons at 8:45 AM daily. Thank you for your help in getting all students to the building on time!
- K-5th grade breakfast starts at 8:30 AM, FULTON STREET entrance
- 9:01 AM - Students are late and must report directly to the front office to receive a late pass.
Lateness will be excused only for an illness, medical appointment, or family emergency; a signed parent note, or appointment slip must be presented or scanned to verify excused late arrivals. Other late arrivals are unexcused.
All students who arrive after 9:45 AM will be marked as absent (unexcused). Exceptions will be made only for written excuses from a doctor or dentist for a morning appointment or prior notification for funeral attendance.
Dismissal is 3:35PM (PreK & K) & 3:45PM (1st-5th)
Parents, it's imperative that your child is picked up on time daily. We DO NOT have staffing for proper supervision after 4:00PM. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up on time daily.
Early Dismissal ENDS at 2:45PM
Medical or other planned appointments should be scheduled around the dismissal window. Please don't reduce instruction time for our scholars by scheduling or planning routine early dismissals.
Cold/Inclement Weather Dismissal
- Pre-K & Kindergarten parents will enter through the front entrance (9th Street courtyard) and leave through the Parker Street exit.
- Students that ride the bus or a van will continue to leave through the Parker Street exit,
- Siblings of Pre-K & K students will be picked up from the conference room (Room 105).
- Walkers and pick-up (1st - 5th grade) will dismiss from the cafeteria (Fulton Street exit).
Pre-K 2024/2025 School Year Applications
Applications for Pre-K (2024/2025) are now available. However, there are limited placements available and are first come first served.
Applications can be picked up in the office Monday - Friday, between the hours of 10:00am-3:00pm.
Last Week at CUSA
Black History Every Day
Black History Month - Arts Presentation 02/27
Ms. Trotter's Behavior Reward
Pajama Day 🎉🎉
Shout out to Ms. Trotter's class for receiving 10 behavioral compliments!
CUSD March Calendar
This Week at CUSA
Dress Down Fridays Fundraiser ~ $1 to participate
Friday, March 8th
Western Day
Read Across America
Black Children’s Book Days📖
The Amazing Corner Catalog Book Fair - Thursday 03/07
In person Book Fair
Upcoming Events!
Half Day - Friday 03/15
🛑Important Notices🛑
Volunteer/Chaperone Clearances
We would love to have you here assisting us and your children!
If you would like to volunteer at CUSA or be a chaperone, please make sure the you have completed the requirements and submit your clearances to the main office.
Also, if you need assistance, contact the main office and we will schedule a time for a teacher or other staff member to assist you.
As of July 1, 2023, Chester Upland School District initiated a new process for all volunteers.
- All potential district volunteers are required to submit a volunteer application on the district’s website. Volunteers must submit the necessary clearances with the application. The application is titled 2023-2024 Volunteer Application. Human Resources / Human Resources (chesteruplandsd.org)
- Once the completed application is submitted, Human Resources will review.
- Approved volunteers will be placed on the board agenda for Receiver approval.
Please note that individuals who are not listed on a board agenda and approved by the Receiver, will not be permitted to volunteer at a school or event/program.
Food Allergies
🚫Allergy Alert Reminder🚫
☎️☎️Calling the Main Office☎️☎️
Also, please remember to speak clearly and calmly so you can be assisted in the most productive manner possible.
🥓🍳Now Serving Hot Breakfast!🍳🥓
- Breakfast starts at 8:30AM
- Students must eat breakfast in the cafeteria (except Pre-K)
- Students enter through Fulton Street entrance
- Breakfast ends at 9:00 AM
Updated Contact Information
Updated phone numbers are so important to us. We need to be able to reach you in the event of sickness or injury. Only parents or guardians will be called (except in emergencies) unless you specify something different in writing.
An updated Emergency Information form is important for the safety and well being of your child.
Please contact Ms. Summers, at HSummers@Chesteruplandsd.org and your child's teacher with any and all updated contact information as soon as possible.
For the safety of our CUSA Scholars and Staff:
The parent/guardian of any student that comes to school sick with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or pink eye will be contacted to pick your child up immediately; this is a district wide policy. Update your child's emergency contact list at CUSA to include trusted adults that can pick your child up if they become sick during school hours. Failure to pick your child up when called by the nurse is a form of neglect.
CUSA's Student Uniform Policy
Please note that being in uniform is not only expected, but is part of attendance and our reward system, including field experiences, trips, and other prizes.
Chino or dress pants/skirts:
navy blue
**🚫No open-toed shoes/sandals, flip-flops, slides, slippers
**🚫 No jeans
**🚫 No sweatpants or joggers
**🚫 No t-shirts
Student Rewards
The details of each reward expectation are communicated with staff and students.
PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports
PBIS Theme for March:
A HUGE thank you to The CHESTER INTER-GREEK COUNCIL for your GENEROUS donation of books to our 4th grade classroom!
We appreciate your support!