Principals' Weekly Newsletter
Our First Week

District Update
Avoca Staff Focus on Wellness
We are excited to share that our staff recently participated in a Wellness Day, dedicated to promoting overall well-being in various aspects of life. Throughout the day, our team engaged in activities focused on financial wellness, physical health, and emotional well-being. Staff members had the opportunity to meet with a financial planner, speak with a healthcare representative, and learn valuable self-care techniques such as acupuncture, Chapman’s reflexes, and yoga.
Additionally, some enjoyed a fun and active game of pickleball, reinforcing the importance of movement in daily life. This special day allowed our staff to recharge and gain tools to support both their personal and professional lives, ensuring they continue to provide the best care and education for our students. We appreciate your support as we prioritize wellness for our entire school community!
Families: come out for one of our premier family evening events next week! The best part - IT'S FREE!
We hope to see you there!
Tiger Grams
The Student Council is selling Tiger Grams for Valentine's Day for students and staff.
Since the elementary classes already have a Valentine’s Day Party with a card and candy exchange, the Student Council thought that we would give parents/guardians the opportunity to send their child (or other family/friends) a little something special.
Due to Valentine’s Day being a half-day this year, Tiger Grams will be sold on Feb. 12th and 13th. If you would like to send a Tiger Gram, please complete the form that was sent home with elementary students, put the money and form in the envelope that was attached, and return it with your child by February 12th.
Tiger Grams come with 2 options: Carnation for $1.00 or a Chocolate Heart for 50¢.
Spirit Week
As we continue through the winter season, Student Council has come up with a way to invigorate our students and pep them up with themes for each day leading into Winter Break.
Elementary School Update
Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration
Clemens Center Field Trip-Mrs. Prusha's 1st grade class
Positive Behavior Referrals
Middle High School Update
End of Marking Period 2 (Reminder)
The end of Marking Period 2 is today - Friday, January 31st. Report cards will go home with students next Friday, February 7th.
Remember that you don't have to wait until the Progress Reports or Report Cards come home; you can check on your child's progress through Parent Portal any time. Directions are below.
All-County Band Selections
Congratulations to Reagan Campbell and Tae Hogan for both scoring an A (93-96) on their prepared solo at solo festival last weekend.
Their audition consists of preparing a solo, several scales, and sight reading (playing a piece of music, selected by the judge, for the first time without preparation). Their solo is judged based on the following criteria:
- Tone
- Technique
- Accuracy
- Interpretation
- Musicianship
Their performances led to them being selected for the All-County Band which will perform March 8th at Arkport Central School. Great job, ladies! We're proud of you!
Ski Club Shreds at Swain
ACS' Ski Club has been having a blast at Swain on Saturdays. Thank you to Vanessa O'Brochta and Robyn Fink for giving these students a great experience!
Using the 3D Printer
Students in Mrs. Bottoni's 8th grade Agriculture class recently utilized the 3D printer to learn more about technology. Previously, students used two different platforms to learn about 3D design. Then, they either found a design they liked or created one and printed their design.
In producing their design, students engaged in taking measurements and spatial skills! Great job, Tigers!
Athletics Update
Boys Varsity Basketball Senior Night
Last night, the Boys Varsity Basketball team celebrated their Senior Night in Prattsburgh. Thank you to the hard work and dedication of this year's seniors: Bryan Heale, Julian Frings, and Noah Hoffman.
Spring Sports Sign-Up
Students in grades 7-12 interested in playing a spring sport: Avoca's Medical Director, Dr. Brammer, will be with us next Wednesday, February 5th. You MUST be signed up for your spring sport before that day so that we can plan and schedule you for an annual health physical.
Check your email for a message from Mrs. Wright with the information for signing up for a spring sport!
Practice & Contest Schedule
Click our Titan logo to view next week's practice schedule. Note that practice times on Monday are delayed by a half hour to account for club meetings after school.
To view the most updated version of a contest schedule, CLICK HERE and:
- Click on the schedule(s) you'd like to view.
- Click "VIEW"
A lot of people have been asking for some new Titan swag. Click the Titan logo and check out some of the new merch we've got available!