Exley PTA eNews
September 5, 2024
EXLEY NEEDS YOU! Have you been wondering how to be more engaged and involved at Exley? This is your answer! PTA always needs volunteers!! Interested or want to learn more?
SAY CHEESE! Volunteers needed for picture day!
Teacher Wishlists!
Exley has the BEST teachers and staff around! Show them some love with some of their favorite things. Click on the link and find your teacher so you can get them just what they'd like!
Join Exley PTA TODAY!
EVERYONE can join Exley PTA! Simply go to www.joinpta.org and select Katy ISD & Jo Ella Exley Elementary. Fill in your personal information and submit online payment. You will then receive your PTA Membership card via email!
Who can join and why should you?
- ANYONE can join Exley PTA! Moms, Dads, Children, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Cousins, Teachers, Admin, Neighbors, ANYONE! We are a vibrant group of people from all walks of life, representing our community.
- Your Exley PTA membership gives you a voice in voting and advocacy. In addition, your membership dues help to pay for the programs and events that the PTA hosts for our Exley students, staff, and families!
- Joining Exley PTA does NOT require any of your time! We would love to volunteer with you this year, but volunteering is separate from joining the PTA.
What's stopping YOU? Join TODAY!
Questions? Email Raashi at membership@exleypta.org
Hello Exley Families!
Don't forget to follow us online for the most up to date information! :)
Click the buttons below to take you to our Facebook, & Instagram pages.
Upcoming PTA Dates...
September 10-VIPS Volunteer Kick off! @ 8:15 am in Exley LGI
September 10-Membership Meeting @ 9:30 in Exley LGI-RSVP BY CLICKING HERE
September 12-13-Sprit Night@ Half Baked Goodness
October 21-24-Exley Book Fair
October 25-Trunk or Treat @ 6:00 pm Exley Parking Lot
November 8-Fall Party
Have questions? Contact the 2023 - 2024 Exley PTA Board. We are here to help! :)
President - Rodney Sharp - president@exleypta.org
VP Programs - Amanda Baxter - programs@exleypta.org
Healthy Lifestyles - VACANT - healthylifestyles@exleypta.org
VP of Membership - Raashi Chawla - membership@exleypta.org
VP of Fundraising - B. Elramy - fundraising@exleypta.org
VP of VIPS - Kathryn James- vips@exleypta.org
Treasurer - Sereyna Graf - treasurer@exleypta.org
Parliamentarian - Aneesa Hasan - parliamentarian@exleypta.org
Secretary - Alissa Sharp - secretary@exleypta.org
Hospitality - Jennifer Coleman - hospitality@exleypta.org
Yearbook - Nicole Pawloski - yearbook@exleypta.org
Staff Reps - Ms. McGrath & Ms. Crowell
Principal - Ms. Wofford