Mustang News
Week of March 3-7,2025
HRE Core Belief: All students can reach their full potential with effective teachers that inspire learning in a supportive climate & safe environment.
HRE Mission: We exist to nurture innovative, confident & self-motivated thinkers by providing extraordinary learning opportunities every day.
HRE Vision: We are building an inspiring culture of learners through self-reflection, collaborating & innovation that will foster student & staff growth.
Important Dates
March 3, 2025 Wear Green
March 4, 2025 Wear Funky Socks
March 5, 2025 Wear College Shirt, or Sports Shirt/Jersey
March 6, 2025 Twin/Triplet Day
March 6, 2025 Spring Open House 4:30 -6:30 PM
March 10-14, 2025 Student/Teacher Holiday/Spring Break
March 20, 2025 STEAM Night
Read Across America
Dear HRE Families,
Next week we will be celebrating Reading Across America & Dr. Suess’s Birthday.
Please review our flyer for dress up days.
A Big Thank You to Our PTO President
A huge thank you to Mrs. Leurisa Watson for her hard work and dedication this year. She created amazing events for both students and staff, providing opportunities to celebrate our students and strengthen our school community. Her selfless commitment of time and effort has truly made a difference, and we’re so grateful for everything she’s done!
PTO March Newsletter
Counselor's Corner
HRE Counselors
Marguerite Hairston
2nd,3rd, 4th (Split Moussa, Newton, Mercado, Verduzco, Christopher) and 5th Grade Counselor
Heritage Rose Elementary
Shanteria Johnson
PK, 1st, 2nd, 4th (Bogany-Rowe, Washington, Simmons, Jones, Sanders) Grade Counselor
Heritage Rose Elementary
Parent and Child Connection
Dear Parents,
This is a friendly reminder that we cannot release students for early pick-up after 2:30 p.m. At this time, our teachers and students are concluding their instructional day. Additionally, we ask that you please remain in your cars during dismissal. For safety reasons, we are unable to release students to parents in the lobby area at this time.
Thank you for your understanding and support in ensuring a safe dismissal process for all.
HRE Arrival and Dismissal information
Dear Heritage Rose Families,
Please be reminded that you must park in the teacher parking lot and enter HRE through the front doors. No parking is allowed on Glendale Lakes Drive due to traffic flow and ticketing.
1. The earliest that students may be dropped off is 7:30 AM. School starts at 8:05 AM. Any student who arrives after 8:05 AM is considered tardy and must be signed in by their parent at the front office.
2. All Pre-K and 1st grade car riders (along with their siblings) will be dropped off and picked up at the PRE-K ENTRANCE. All other students will be dropped off and picked up at the FRONT ENTRANCE.
3. Breakfast is served from 7:30-8:00 AM.
4. Doors open at 7:30 AM. Please do not drop off students before this time. We want to ensure that all of our students are monitored and safe.
5. Please do not drop off students at the back bus ramp (unless they are SAILS or ECSE students).
HRE Dismissal Information:
1. Dismissal begins at 3:25 PM. Please be patient and expect longer than normal wait time during the first several days.
2. Pre-K students and their siblings, as well as 1st grade car riders without siblings will be picked up at the PRE-K ENTRANCE. Kinder, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade car riders without PreK siblings will be picked up at the FRONT ENTRANCE. 1st grade students with siblings in 2nd-5th grades will also be picked up at the FRONT ENTRANCE.
3. IMPORTANT-All sibling car riders will be picked up with their YOUNGEST SIBLINGS. (For example, a 4th grader with a Pre-K sibling will be picked up at the PRE-K ENTRANCE.A 5th grader with a 1st grade sibling will be picked up at the FRONT ENTRANCE.)
4. All parents must have an HRE CAR TAG in order to pick up their students through the car rider lines. If you do not have a car tag, please call 281-327-5400 to arrange for one. The first car tag is free. Additional car tags are $5 each.
5. During Front Dismissal For Car Riders
The LEFT LANE is for parents of Kindergarten students and their siblings.
The RIGHT LANE is for parents of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students.
6. All BUSES will be loaded at the BACK BUS RAMP (only SAILS and ESCE car riders will be picked up in that area).
7. There will be two WALKER groups this year. The FRONT WALKERS will be any students who live on the opposite side of Glendale Lakes from our school. FRONT WALKERS will cross Glendale Lakes at the crosswalk in front of the school. The SIDE WALKERS will be students who live on the same side of Glendale Lakes as HRE. The SIDE WALKERS will walk out the side entrance of the school and will be walked to the edge of the school property heading toward Victorville Drive. Students who live on Mariquita Lane and on the left side of Toluca Drive from HRE must be FRONT WALKERS and cross Glendale Lakes at the cross walk in front of the school. Students that live on the right side of Glendale Lakes from the school will be SIDE WALKERS. No student who is a side walker should cross Glendale Lakes Drive while walking home.
PreK, Kinder 1st, and 2nd grade students without older siblings will not be allowed to walk home alone. Parents must meet them at the crosswalk to receive them. If parents are not present at the crosswalk, students will return with employees to the front office. All parents who are meeting their children who are walkers must meet their children at either the front crosswalk for FRONT WALKERS or at the corner stop sign for SIDE WALKERS. Please do not retrieve your child as they are walking in the line as they are transitioning to their destination.
Thank you!
FBISD Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast and Lunch menus may be accessed through this link:
Lunch Reminder
You are able to have luch with your student on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
HRE Breakfast and Lunch Update
All students will receive free breakfast and lunch at Heritage Rose Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year thanks to the USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision.
However, we are still asking that all families complete the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application, which opens on August 1. It can be completed at www.schoolcafe.com/fbisd. Families must complete an application for each school year.
Lunch Visitor Update
Lunch is a time for students to eat and to develop their communication skills and independence. We encourage students to engage in conversation with their peers at lunchtime and take responsibility for their needs. The cafeteria will be closed to lunch visitors the first three weeks of school. This allows our students and teachers time to establish cafeteria routines and expectations. Lunch visitors may begin visiting on Wednesday, September 4th. We appreciate your understanding of the visitor timeframe.
Instructional Calendar
FBISD Parents' Homepage
Heritage Rose Elementary
Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/hre
Location: 636 Glendale Lakes Drive, Rosharon, TX, USA
Phone: 281-327-5400
Twitter: @HREMustangs