Gladiator News
October 23, 2024
Mission Statement
The mission of St. Jerome School is to empower each child's unique intellectual, moral, social, and physical development through a safe and nurturing environment. Through a cooperative partnership with families and the community, our school provides a quality education emphasizing faith formation, academic excellence, and service based on Catholic values.
Calendar of Events
October 23-- 8th grade shadow day to Lake Catholic
October 26-- Trunk or Treat at St. Jerome, 5:30-6:30
October 30-- 9:20 VASJ visits to talk about MUSP scholarship
October 31-- Happy Halloween, Kindergarten may dress in costumes, 1-8 may dress down in black and orange.
November 1-- All Saints Day. Grade 5 Veteran's Day Posters Due!
November 4-7-- Mandatory Conference Week
November 8-- NO SCHOOL
A Note From The Principals
Dear St. Jerome Families:
It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of the 1st quarter! Report cards will be available for viewing online using Gradelink. All login information was sent home with your child yesterday. Any questions, please call the office.
We also want to emphasize the importance of regular attendance and punctuality for your child’s success in school. Every day in the classroom provides valuable learning experiences, and frequent absences or tardiness can impact both academic performance and social development.
In an effort to encourage excellent attendance, we are launching a school-wide incentive program! Students who achieve a 95% or higher attendance rate by the end of the month will receive a special reward.
Some examples of incentives: attenDANCE (1 hour dance time at the end of the day), extra recess, popcorn treat, pizza party, pie the principal, eat lunch outside, etc.
We understand that illnesses and family emergencies can happen, and we certainly don’t want students attending school when they are unwell. However, we encourage all families to plan ahead by scheduling non-urgent appointments and family trips outside of school hours (7:45am-2:40pm) whenever possible.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Mrs. Lyndsey Byrne and Mrs. Katie Coan, Co-Principals
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parents: Conferences are mandatory and will be held the week of November 4, 2024. Please select your child's grade from the sign-up below. Our special teachers will also be available in the library from 3-7pm on November 7th if any parents would like to meet with them. If you have more than one child, please sign up for conferences for each child. Thank you!
Gym Uniform
We will no longer be selling the St. Jerome Gym Uniform at school. Moving forward, all gym uniforms and spirit wear will be available for purchase all on one site and ship to your home.
Gym Shirt Option 3, Long Sleeve