Math Matters
Getting To Deeper Thinking
Process over Product
I soon learned that like the "wacky wall walkers" I played with as a child, this content was not sticking and I needed to reinvent how my students were interacting with the content. I want students to really engage in the classroom so they can think about processes they are using, why they work, when they don't, and get beyond just answer finding.
In this newsletter, I'm going to share just a few thoughts on how to get students to do more engaging and more thinking about your math content, rather than always focusing on direct teach and worksheet practice.
Correct/Incorrect or True/False?
Who is Right?
Use this structure as a chance to talk about reasonableness. Role play with is happening in the situation and discuss if the answer should be larger or smaller than the numbers in the problem, and WHY!
What's the Process?
Always, Sometimes, Never True
In the activity, give students statements to analyze about a topic. They decide if the statement is always true, sometimes true, or never true. So much thinking goes on! You can extend by having students talk about how to change statements to move them to another category, or even have them create a statement of their own for each heading.
Current Reading
How can I serve you?
If you like what you see here, visit my website or email me anytime.
Email: integralmathematics@gmail.com
Website: www.mathcutups.com
Phone: 214-471-5760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MathCutUps/
Twitter: @Mathcutups
Professional Learning
Here's where I'll be presenting next in case you can come:
DFW Mini-CAST in HEB = February 8
Dallas ISD (8th grade) = February 14
Pan-STEM conference, Lubbock = June 30-July 1
CAMT, Ft Worth = July 8-10