7th Grade Course Catalog
Course Offerings
Language Arts
Language Arts
Seventh grade Language Arts curriculum follows the Oklahoma PASS objectives. Students will improve vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and critical literacy through a variety of reading selections. Students will build a foundation for appreciation of literature by learning to recognize literary genres, identify literary elements, and identify and use poetic devices. This will be accomplished by using a variety of historical and culturally significant works. Students will also briefly study research techniques. Students will study the writing process in depth and will do expository, narrative, descriptive, and persuasive writing. Grammar will focus on standard English usage. Students will learn to write a variety of sentences and recognize fragments and run-ons as well as coherence of ideas.
Advanced Language Arts
Advanced Language Arts courses will include all of the components of the on-level course. In addition, students must read on at least the seventh grade level and write in complete sentences using correct capitalization and punctuation. Students must be able to think critically, be able to analyze the written word, and be motivated to work outside of the classroom. Independent reading is required outside of classroom hours. Students should have strong organizational and study skills. A grade of 75% must be maintained throughout the year. If the grade falls below 75%, the student will be placed into an on-level language arts course.
Students will expand and deepen their knowledge of various mathematical concepts by focusing on meaningful mathematics and involvement in intense studies. A mastery of basic math skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) is expected. Integer operations will be introduced, developed, and mastered. Fractions and decimals will be developed and maintained. Plane geometry on a two-dimensional level will be developed. Other topics will include expressions, one-step equations, percents, probability, ratios, rates, and proportions.
Students in this course are expected to have successfully passed the on-level sixth grade curriculum. This course is a pre-requisite for Algebra I. Students must maintain a 75% average to remain in the course and are expected to be self-motivated. Students will take a placement test at the end of the course for eligibility to the Algebra I course. The curriculum includes rational numbers, exponents, scientific notation, ratio and proportion, percents, equations and inequalities, graphing, statistics and probability, and geometry.
Algebra I
Prerequisite: Score of 88 or above on the Orleans-Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test and successful completion of sixth grade Pre-Algebra (maintained an 80% or better).
Students must maintain a 75% average to remain in Algebra 1. This course has been designed for those students interested in pursuing advanced mathematics courses. Those students enrolling in this course should be prepared and willing to spend an average of one hour per night working on algebra.
Students who successfully complete Algebra 1 will receive up to one credit of high school algebra on their Union High School transcripts.
The main concepts for this course are: (1) solutions for equations and inequalities, (2) polynomial operations, (3) graphing, (4) rational and irrational number theory, and (5) quadratic equations. Analytical problem solving, self-motivation and critical-thinking skills are emphasized.
Seventh grade integrated science presents life and physical science concepts. These disciplines are divided throughout the year. Physical science is taught one semester and life science is taught the other semester. The goal is a balance of content and activities that will maintain interest while preparing students for the science specialties offered at the high school level.
Advanced Science
Students enrolling in Advanced Science will study the same topics as those students in the on-level course. Advanced students will be learning this material with differentiated instructional strategies including, but not limited to, pullout activities, independent readings, research, projects, and higher- level critical-thinking skills. This is designed to teach application strategies that will benefit the students as they look toward the Advanced Placement track of science education.
Geography is more than learning how to read maps and memorize states and capitals; it is also about the environment, places, people, and culture as well as the relationship between people and the environment. The aim of this course is to help students see the kaleidoscope of diverse cultures and landscapes that make up this earth.
Advanced Geography
Students enrolling in Advanced Geography will apply in-depth critical-thinking skills as they analyze the relationships between our physical, political, and human environments. Students will access a variety of activities within the curriculum. Some of these include inquiry- based learning, current events, document analysis, individual and group projects, points-of-view evaluations, novel studies, portfolios, and assessments of increased rigor preparing students for enrollment in advanced courses in the future.
Elective Course Information
7th grade students can take 2 electives. We offer both year-long and semester-long electives. Students need to select a total of 8 units. Some courses are worth 2 units and some electives are worth 4 units.
All electives are dependent on course availability.
General Electives
Learning to Lead (semester course) - 2 units
This course allows our students to explore what it looks like to be a leader at all levels. Students will learn self- awareness, empathy, teamwork and responsible decision- making and other social emotional skills that help students succeed in and out of school. It will also encourage and develop qualities in students, such as integrity, emotional security, self-discipline, determination and initiative.
Career Connections (semester course) - 2 units
College and Career Ready Labs are completely focused on creating a career exploration experience to help students decide where their interests and aptitudes align within a career pathway. 100% based on the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in each pathway, these labs ensure students get much more than career exploration; every day they develop behaviors to ultimately prepare them for post-secondary success. This class includes labs such as:
· Introduction to Health Science Careers
· Laser Technology
· Digital Manufacturing
· Welding Basics
· Environment and Ecology
· Energy and Power
· Video Production
Art (semester course) - 2 units
The objective is for students to begin developing a mature drawing style and to train the eye to draw things as they really appear. Creativity and originality are stressed. The basics, such as color, line, and painting are taught. Some craft-type projects are added for variety.
STEM Electives
Computer Science for Innovators and Makers (STEM) - (Semester Course)
This PLTW class will allow students to discover computer science concepts and skills, by creating personally relevant, tangible and shareable projects. Throughout the class, students will learn about programming for the physical world, by blending hardware design and software development. They will design and develop a physical computing device, interactive art installation or wearable, and plan and develop code for micro-controllers that bring their physical designs to life.
Physical computing projects will promote student awareness of interactive systems, including Internet of Think (IoT) devices, and broaden their understanding of abstract computer science concepts through meaningful and authentic applications. The basic hardware used in this course is the MicroBit.
Design and Modeling (STEM) - (Semester Course)
This course encourages students to explore and learn that there is more than one way to reach a solution. PLTW Gateway provides engineering, biomedical, and computer science curriculum for middle school students those challenges, inspires, and offers schools variety and flexibility. Students get rigorous and relevant experiences through activity-, project-, and problem- based learning. They use industry-leading technology to solve problems while gaining skills in communication, collaboration, critical-thinking, and creativity. The course of study includes:
• Design Process
• Modeling
• Sketching
• Measurement, Statistics, and Applied Geometry
• Presentation Design and Delivery
• Engineering Drawing Standards
• CAD Solid Modeling
• Graphic Design
• Engineering Ethics
• Virtual Design Teams
Space and Flight
•The exciting world of aerospace comes alive through the Flight and Space (FS) unit. Students become engineers as they design, prototype, and test models to learn about the science of flight and what it takes to travel and live in space. They solve real-world aviation and space challenges and plan a mission to Mars.
Language Electives
#Spanish 1 (Full Year Course) - 4 units
This is the first year of a sequential language program through which students begin to develop proficiency in Spanish. This is an academic course which requires regular study outside of class. Instruction will focus on the four domains of language: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students will be expected to memorize extensive vocabulary and communicate verbally and in writing using the target language. In addition, the students will gain knowledge and understanding of the culture of the language studied.
# - HS Credit
Health/Wellness Electives
Intro to Football (Available in the Spring Semester) - 2 units
This course introduces our students to the rigorous requirements that are expected of a student athlete at Union. Academic performance and classroom behavior are stressed as the top priority. The course will also contain exercises that will increase speed, flexibility, agility, and strength. This course is for students who have high goals in academics and athletics, and students will be expected to dress out, participate, and give 100% in all aspects of the course. Course size is limited.
Physical Education (PE) (Semester Course) - 2 units
The physical education program provides each student with the opportunity to participate and be active in games and other physical activities on a daily basis. Some of the activities students participate in are a variety of sports, games, cardiovascular/aerobics, swimming and water safety. Swimming activities are modified for all swimming skill levels. A modest one-piece swimsuit and a gym uniform will be required. Students are divided by gender in the physical education course.
Fine Arts Electives
Vocal Music (Semester Course) - 2 units
This course will provide an opportunity to learn music fundamentals with an emphasis on the voice. The students will be taught the basics of proper vocal technique including breath support, diction, and tone quality. Music theory, music appreciation, and music history will also be included in this course.
Competition Choir (Full-Year Course) - 4 units
The 7th Grade Competition Choir is designed for students who are passionate about music and are eager to develop their vocal skills. In this class students will be introduced to vocal techniques, sight singing, and music theory. Students will exhibit teamwork and discipline through the daily rehearsal process. In the 7th grade students will be able to sing in two and three part harmony. Competition choir will provide students the opportunity to sing for school performances, community events as well as competitions throughout the school year. This class provides an exciting opportunity for students to connect with their peers through music while enhancing their vocal and performance skills.
Winter Guard (Full-Year Course) - 4 units
A Fine Arts course that explores the performing sport of Color Guard. Students will be trained in dance as well as flag. This class is structured to give indoor performance opportunities as a member of the Union Color Guard program.
∞Competition Choir- (Full-Year Course)
This course is specifically designed for students who love to sing! Competition Choir will stress the basic fundamentals of good singing, which include proper breathing and support, vowels, diction, tone, and sight-reading skills. This choir performs at numerous concerts and prepares for the annual District Solo/Ensemble and Choir contests. Students will be required to purchase a uniform (approximate cost will be $20.00). In addition, we traditionally make at least one competition trip which includes other ‘fun’ activities for the students. Students participate in a fund-raising project to help alleviate some of the expenses associated with the trip.
Band (Full-Year Course) - 4 units
Band is a continuation of skill development for students who have had one year of band experience. Students will continue to develop technical and tonal skills, and performance opportunities will be expanded from Beginning Band. These opportunities include full band campus performances, All- District Honor Band auditions and clinics, solo and ensemble contest, and a possible full band festival performance.
Orchestra (Full-Year Course) - 4 units
This strings course will be made up of seventh grade string players with at least one year of experience. Students will continue to develop technical skills and will prepare at should have completed Method Book I and have adequate
Speech (Semester Course) - 2 units
Explore the basics of public speaking. The goal is to give students confidence and use their voices for effective performance while focusing on speaking . Class studies include overcoming stage fright, speechwriting, debate, and introduction to other competitive speaking/acting events.
Drama (Semester Course) - 2 units
Explore the basics of theatre and public speaking. The goal is to give students confidence, increase their powers of imagination, and use their voices and bodies for effective performance while focusing on speaking and listening. Class studies include overcoming stage fright, improvisation exercises, pantomime, stage positions and movement, readers theatre, storytelling, poetry recitation, memorization and performance of monologue and duet scenes, speechwriting, debate, and introduction to other competitive speaking/acting events.
Sport Electives
7th Grade Tennis (Full Year Elective) - 4 units
7th hour class for a grade, open to both girls and boys. Students will be expected to dress in athletic clothes and will need a racket. Students enrolled in tennis will be bused to the Union 9th Grade Center tennis facility daily. Parents/guardians are required to pick up students from practice at 4: 30 pm as there is no bus available to take students home after practice. While the tennis team competes in the spring, there is daily practice that is required in both the fall and spring semesters unless the student is participating in a different fall sport. If participating in a different fall sport, the student will transition to tennis after that sport season is over. Boys enrolling in tennis need to email ly.richard@unionps.org for approval but do not need any prior tennis experience.
7th Grade Wrestling (Full Year Elective) - 4 units
7th hour class for a grade, open to both girls and boys. There are no tryouts required. Students enrolled in wrestling will be bused to the Union High School gym/wrestling facility daily. The wrestling rooms are located under the north and south bleachers in the UHS Gym. Parents/guardians are required to pick up students from practice as there is no bus available to take students home after practice. While the wrestling team competes in the winter (same season as basketball), there is daily practice that is required both in the fall and the spring semesters. Wrestling practice can last, on average, from 1-2 hours. Your athlete may play more than one sport and wrestle as long as the other sport does not conflict with wrestling season. For more information regarding the boys wrestling program, please contact jefferson.daniel@unionps.org or the girls wrestling program, please contact mcafee.darin@unionps.org
For information about additional sports, please visit the Athletics home page at Unionps.org.
**The following 7th grade sports are available through tryout: Softball, Volleyball, Girls Basketball.
Softball Contact: girty.courtney@unionps.org (fast-pitch) or
nakashima.christopher@unionps.org (slow-pitch)
Volleyball Contact: mckee.chadd@unionps.org
Girls Basketball Contact: berry.joshua@unionps.org
Cheer Contact: williams.taylor@unionps.org
Highstepper Contact: posey.kristi@unionps.org
Pom Contact: friske.brittany@unionps.org
**Football, Boys Basketball are offered beginning in the 8th Grade. Swimming, Soccer, Baseball are offered beginning in the 9th Grade.
**7th Grade Golf is an after-school activity. For more information please contact jones.lindsay@unionps.org (Girls' Golf) or bushyhead.jonathan@uniops.org (Boys' Golf)
After School Sports (not an elective)
Cross Country (After School –Not an Elective)
Cross Country is an after-school sport, open to both girls and boys, that competes in the fall. Summer practice is expected for students running cross country. As an after-school sport, cross country is not a class for a grade but attendance is mandatory for participation on the team. There is an after-school shuttle that will bus students to practice as needed. Practice is usually over by 5:15 pm. Parents will need to arrange to have child picked up on time at the end of practice. For more information regarding the cross-country program, please contact dial.timmy@unionps.org
Track (After School – Not an elective)
Track is open to both girls and boys, that compete in the spring. As an after-school sport, track is not a class for a grade but attendance is mandatory for participation on the team. There is an after-school shuttle that will bus students to practice as needed. Practice is usually over by 5:15 pm. Parents will need to arrange to have child picked up on time at the end of practice. For more information regarding the track program, please contact granger.james@unionps.org or dial.timmy@unionps.org
Golf (After School – Not an Elective)
Golf is open to beginners all the way up to experienced players! Golf is an after-school activity, therefore it is not a class for a grade and is open to both girls and boys. There is no school transportation for golf. Students wishing to participate will need to have a ride to LaFortune Park Golf Course immediately after the school day, two to three days a week. Parents/ Guardians will then need to pick students up at the golf course at the conclusion of practice. Practice will last, on average, from 1-2 hours. While the golf team competes in the spring, there in 8 weeks of practice in the fall and then 8-10 weeks in spring. Students are still able to participate in a fall sport as the season does not conflict with spring golf. Students are required to have their own set of golf clubs. For more information regarding the girls golf program, please contact jones.lindsay@unionps.org and for the boys golf program, please contact bushyhead.jonathan@unionps.org
Counselor Contact Information
Angie Bruce (918)357-8172 Bruce.angie@unionps.org
Heidi Mayer (918)357-8045 Mayer.heidi@unionps.org
Erin Ward (918)357-8095 ward.erin@unionps.org
Non-Discrimination Statement
The Union School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender, gender expression or identity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, genetic information, or veteran status in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This provision includes, but is not limited to, admissions, employment, and educational services, in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws. However, the student’s participation rights may be withdrawn for disciplinary reasons, e.g., unbecoming conduct, violation of rules or laws, etc.