K-4 Social Studies
People, Communities, History
K-4 Social Studies Curriculum
Learners K-4 focus on the 4 main strands of social studies curriculum outlined by the PA core standards. Curriculum expands each year, building on the topics from the year before.
Civics and Government
Principles and documents of government, rights and responsibilities of citizenship and how government works
Contributions of individual and groups in Pennsylvania history
Geographic literacy, human characteristics of places and regions, and interactions between people and the environment
Scarcity and choice, markets and economic systems, and economic interdependence.
Focus by Grade Level
-Classroom Community and Citizenship
-Time and Seasons
First Grade:
-Classroom Community and Citizenship
-Manheim Community
-Holidays and Different Cultures
-Famous Americans
-American Landmarks
-Community, Wants and Needs
Second Grade:
-Classroom Community and Citizenship
-American Symbols
-Needs and Wants
-Famous Americans
Third Grade:
-Pennsylvania Geography, People and History
-Pennsylvania's Government
-Pennsylvania Agriculture
Fourth Grade:
-U. S. Government
-U.S. States
-Native American History
Junior Achievement
Learners also have the opportunity to work with volunteers in our community through Junior Achievement. Junior Achievement is the nation's largest organization dedicated to giving learners the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their futures, and make smart academic and economic choices.
Junior Achievement's programs; in the core content areas of work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy ignite the spark in young people to experience and realize the opportunities and realities of work and life in the 21st century.
Elizabeth Brady
Social Studies Lead Facilitator
Second Grade Facilitator
Email: bradye@manheimcentral.org