Pleasant Valley Family Newsletter
October 25, 2024

đź’™Panther PRIDE - A Focus on Kindnessđź’›
Happy Friday, PV Families!
Here are a few highlights from this past week and some reminders of exciting events coming up!
Our preschoolers had a memorable “Pumpkin Patch Day,” where they picked and decorated pumpkins to celebrate fall! Our 2nd graders had a special in-house visit from the Fire Department, and we wrapped up a successful week with our Book Fair, 5th Grade Pumpkin Fest, and Breast Cancer Awareness fundraiser. We also concluded our Readathon—thank you for helping us raise funds to support our school!
I’ll share the total funds raised from the Book Fair and Readathon after our PTO board have shared the info at our next PTO meeting. In the meantime, thank you to our committee leaders, volunteers, and the entire PTO board for making these events possible. Let’s not forget last Saturday’s 3rd Annual Fall Fest, which welcomed over 100 attendees—thank you all for making PV such a unique and welcoming place.
Tonight, Friday, Oct. 25, join us for Family Night from 6–8 p.m. at the PV Library Media Center! Bring friends and family to shop for more books, enjoy ice cream, and connect with the greater PV family.
Looking ahead, we’ll be honoring veterans on Monday, Nov. 11. If you have veterans in your family, please complete the Google form to let us know if you and your veteran will be able to join us for breakfast and/or the assembly. It’s a privilege to honor the sacrifice of our veterans who safeguard our freedom, and we look forward to celebrating them together as a school.
Finally, a very Happy Diwali to those who celebrate! Enjoy the festivities!
Esther and Jenna
Read for the Record
Read for the Record, brings brings together millions of people to read the same book, on the same day, in celebration of global early literacy and social-emotional development. This week, the PV community engaged in the shared reading experience of Piper Chen Sings, a story about a young girl who loves to express herself through singing, but is struck with self-doubt and nervousness when asked to perform a solo in front of an audience. Classrooms celebrated this beautiful story by engaging in conversations about building confidence, embracing family history, and overcoming challenges. Students also participated in making fluttering butterflies illustrating the ones that Piper felt when she was about to perform. Thank you to South Windsor's Literacy Department and Pleasant Valley's PTO for funding this project!
5th Grade Pennies for Pumpkins
Pumpkin Day for our POP Students
Grade 2 Fire Safety Day
Thursday, October 31st
STEM After-School-Clubs begin 4:15 p.m.-5:15 p.m.
Happy Halloween!
Message from the PV Health Nurses
Attention all kindergarten, 1st grade and 3rd grade parents, the Nursing Department will be partnering with the Lion’s Club on October 31st to complete vision screens using the Welch Allyn Spot Screener. If you wish to have your child opt out of this screening, please reach out directly to the nursing team, 860-856-8285 or email dkorzep@swindsor.k12.ct.us . Thank you!
Picture Retakes
Picture retakes will be November 12th
Kindly take a moment to review our upcoming events and important links below. Your participation and volunteer efforts with the PTO are highly encouraged as they play a vital role in ensuring a smooth transition into the school year and in fostering a strong community connection. The links provided include essential information about arrival and dismissal procedures, FAQs, PTO details, and a link to our school website.
BINGO- November 8th
Tickets for Bingo went on sale last Friday. Click on the link to sign up.
Here is the link:
This event is an amazing way to support our 5th graders and is a tradition at PV that is in its 51st year! Contact Abby Bernd (Abigailbernd@gmail.com)
Volunteers Needed: The Bingo team is asking for volunteers. You can sign up using the SignUpGenius link here: Bingo Volunteer Sign-Up.
Volunteer Registration
Throughout the school year, there are many volunteer opportunities for parents/guardians (for example - chaperoning a field trip, helping at a PTO event, etc.) If you would like to volunteer, you must complete a Volunteer Registration form-
Bike Week Volunteers
Do you love to ride bikes? Are you willing to help 4th graders learn to ride? We would love to have your help. Dates for Bike week are April 23, 22, 24, & 25. If you are interested, please complete the Volunteer Registration form above and email Kristin Carmon to let us know you are interested.
If your child is going to be absent, please log in to your Parent Portal and fill out the Attendance Monitor prior to the start of the school day. It is very important that the office be aware of your child's absence. Attendance Monitor Instructions can be found under Important Links, below.
If you would like to pick your child up early, please email both Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Strom or call the office at 860-610-0291.