CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #12: October 25, 2024
Principal Corner
Happy Friday, Chapelfield families.
Thank you for your support of our Read-A-Thon and One School, One Book. We ended up exceeding our expectations. We raised $22,357. It took all of you to help us reach our goal. We celebrated together with an assembly. We wore our Read-A-Thon shirts and learned sign language for PAWS from Mr. Williams' class. Students were acknowledged for meeting different goals. Here are the top winners:
Kinsleigh Puzines
Theodore Bemis
Nolan Bryant
Samuel Agan
Thomas Gunn
Christian Gunn
Alexa Ziegler-Completing all 3 sets of Frindle questions and reading log
Adalynn Myers-$50 raffle winner
Yaseen Muhammed-$1 raffle winner & lunch with Mrs. Waddle
Class Winners:
Class that earned the most $: Mr. Williams
Class that had the most participation: Mrs. Pijor
Most participation in the $1 drive: Miss Weimer
Thank you again for your support and all of our sponsors! We couldn't have done it without you!
Make sure to check your child's backpack for their report cards today. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's teacher.
Have a great weekend.
Nikki Miller
Report Card Tips
With report cards coming home today, here are some tips to talk to your child/ren. Use this time to encourage him/her to have an even better 2nd quarter of the school year. Try these strategies for discussing it.
- Give your student and his/her report card your full attention. Find a quiet spot with no phone, or tv where you can discuss what is on the report card.
- Find reasons to high-five your student. Maybe he/she got a good grade in reading, or maybe the teacher commented on how well he/she gets along with classmates.
- Talk about ways he/she can improve. Maybe the math grade is not a good as you both would like for it to be, or if he/she needs to be more organized, share strategies you use to keep your things organized.
- Costumes:
- Students SHOULD NOT come to school in costumes.
- Students should bring their costume in a bag Friday morning.
- They should be able to easily put on the costume.
- Students SHOULD NOT bring any weapons for their costumes (axe, spear, toy gun, etc).
- Costumes should NOT be too scary for our kindergarten students (blood, etc).
- Alternative Activities:
- If your child CANNOT participate in the fall party or costume parade, please email your child's teacher.
- There will be alternative activities.
- Parade
- If it rains, we will ANNOUNCE that the parade is canceled at 11 a.m. by email and talking points.
- If it rains, party room parents can set up for the party at 1 p.m. and the party will start at 1:30 p.m.
- If we have nice weather, the parade will start out the kindergarten doors by the K-1 playground and wrap around the front sidewalk closer to the road and wrap around in the bus loop. Parade Viewers can line up around those areas. We will start walking at 1 p.m., weather permitted.
Veterans Day Program
Chapelfileld’s Veterans Day program will be held on Monday, November 11th at 1:15 pm in the gym. Prior to the assembly, we will have a light reception at 12:45 pm. Please RSVP by October 28.
PHOTOS WANTED! Please send in photos of your veterans by October 28 so that we can include them in our slideshow during the assembly. Email photos to: melvillem@gjps.org
Mental Health Team
School Counselor's Corner: Krysten Jasin
This week I visited kindergarten, first, and second grade classrooms while third, fourth and fifth graders took the Panorama Survey. Please talk with your child about the topics below and practice at home.
Kindergarten - We learned the Zones of Regulation. Using the Zones of Regulation at home can help your child recognize and manage their emotions: encourage them to identify which 'zone' they’re in (blue for low energy, green for calm and focused, yellow for heightened emotions, and red for intense emotions) and use simple strategies—like deep breathing or a break—to move towards the green zone, where they feel calm and ready to learn or interact positively.
First Grade - We discussed the size of the problem. Understanding and knowing the size of a problem helps us choose the right tools to solve it. Small problems might need a quick fix and something we can solve on our own, while big ones might need help from an adult.
Second Grade - We discussed the size of the problem and the importance of matching the size of our reaction. Encourage your child to match the size of their reaction to the size of the problem by discussing examples together, so they can learn that small issues require smaller reactions (ignoring, taking deep breath), while big problems may warrant bigger reactions (getting help from a grown-up, visiting a calm space).
Related Arts Spotlight
Music Updates from Mrs. Herrmann
Students are working hard in music class - singing, reading, improvising and moving to music. Kindergarten students are exploring four different ways to use their voices including whisper, talking, shouting and singing. A favorite with KG is This is My Singing Voice. A first grade favorite has become Carnavalito which is a Spanish dance. Have your first grader follow along with the video! Second graders are having fun coming up with things we do when we wake up with the song “Wake Me, Shake Me” and learning to say hello to each other in many languages with “Ways to Say Hello.” Third graders are having fun learning about music from Mexico and have learned a partner dance with Los Machetes. 4th and 5th grades have continued with world music drumming and 5th grade recently started to learn to play ukulele. Ask your 5th grader about how to hold the ukulele which includes having a “seat belt” . They learned the C7 chord and can strum along to two songs.
Transportation changes by 2 p.m.
The front office is a busy place the last 30 minutes of school. We ask that parents NOT CALL to make transportation changes after 2:00 p.m. Please make sure students know your plan of pick up before they come to school.
PTO Updates
PTO Events
Read-A–Thon: October 3-24:
*Our annual Read-A-Thon started on October 3rd. This year we’ve combined the Read-A-Thon with our One School One Book program. These two programs will run from October 3rd through October 24th. Let’s get our kids excited to read! Please follow this link if you would like to donate: www.99pledges.com/fund/chapelfield24. You can search for your child by name. Don’t forget to share the link with family and friends!
*We have raised $4,176.00. Our goal is $19,500. Please support us. If every family gave $50 to your child, we could raise $20,000!
PTO Restaurant Night @ Chick-Fil-A: Tuesday, October 29 from 5-8 p.m.
Fall Party:
*We are scheduled to have a Fall Parade and Party at 1 p.m. on November 1.
*Room Parents will reach out to you for help and/or supplies.
*If it rains, we will ANNOUNCE that the parade is canceled at 11 a.m.
*If it rains, families can set up for the party at 1 p.m. and the party will start at 1:30 p.m.
5th grade committee updates:
*Join us for Bingo Night on Friday November 15th 6:30-8.
*Thank you to everyone who purchased spirit wear and purchased treats at the bake sale. We appreciate your support!
Community Connections
October Important Dates
Monday, October 28: Firefighter Dave visits 2nd grade
Tuesday, October 29:
*Firefighter Dave visits 1st grade
*PTO Restaurant Night-Chick-fil-a from 5-8 p.m.
Wednesday, October 30: Firefighter Dave visits Kindergarten
Friday, November 1:
*Parade at 1 p.m. outside unless it rains. If it rains, it is canceled.
*Fall Party at 1:30 p.m.
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230