Puma News
June 11, 2023
Big Year for Track and Field!
SMS has a Great Start to their Day with Charlie!
8th Grade Farewell Ceremony Information
Thursday June 15th, the 8th Grade Farewell Ceremony will be taking place in the SMS Gymnasium. This event begins promptly at 6:00.
- Students are expected to arrive no later than 5:30. They may enter through the rear doors by the gym and head directly to their advisory rooms. Parents and other guests can begin entering the gym and finding a seat at that time.
- The front rows of chairs will be reserved for students and staff.
- At the end of the ceremony, students will exit through the rear of the gymnasium and after all have left, families are welcome to join them.
We look forward to seeing you all next Thursday. Please contact me with any questions.
8th Grade Dance Photos!
Big thanks to the 8th Grade team and all of the volunteers!
What Is Coming Next?
The Week Ahead
SAS Information
For the middle and high schools, we have created a way for parents to view their child's NHSAS score report from the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Below are instructions to do so, if you would like to share with families.
1 Log into your PowerSchool Family Portal and select your middle or high school student.
2. At the top of the screen (see screenshot below) you will see under your child's name and student number, your child's NH State Assessment System (SAS) Student Access Code.
3. Make note of that number as you will need to later.
4. Under the NH SAS Student Access Code, there is a link named "Family Portal" which will take you to the New Hampshire SAS website where you can access your child's score report.
5. Click that link and it will take you to the New Hampshire Department of Education's NHSAS Family Portal (see screenshot below.)
6. Enter your child's Access Code
7. Enter your child's Date of Birth
8. Enter your child's first name
9. Click "Sign In".
SMS Sports Corner
Track and Field is a Huge Success!
Coaches Townsend and Pape would like to congratulate the ten SMS athletes who competed at the meet of champions in Manchester. This was the state championship for middle school track, and they competed against athletes from every town and division in the state of NH. Here are the results for athletes who finished in the top three places in their event: Griffin Schultz took 3rd place in long jump, then went on to take second place in both the 200 meter and 400 meter races. He was one hundredth of a second away from first in one race, and just missed the state record. The other athlete to place was Morly Johnson, who took first place in the discus competition, and is now the new state champion in this event with a throw of over 113 feet. Again, we are so proud, GO PUMAS!!!"
SMS 2023 Softball
The SMS Softball Team ended its fantastic season with a 10-3 record. Congratulations on an unbelievable season!
SMS Spring Concert Video (NEW!)
Thanks Terry Berna!!
🤔News you Might Already Know🤔
Free Chess Account
Please fill in the request form below if you would like for your child to have a free ChessKid account for the remainder of the year. Once I receive the request I will add in their account using their school username and password. I will send them an email to let them know when they are set up. Click Here for the Request Form
Pick up Patrol
We will again be using Pickup Patrol with a 1pm deadline. After 1pm please call or email the office 924-7105. Pickup patrol is used for student transportation changes and after school plans.
Community News
Check this Out!
- NHED has awarded nearly $800,000 for this summer’s ReKINDling Curiosity program – hoping to ensure that every child who wants to attend a fun and engaging summer camp has the opportunity. This flyer outlines scholarship and eligibility information. Applications will be accepted until Aug. 31, or when funds are exhausted.
About Us
Email: tconway@conval.edu
Website: https://sms.convalsd.net/
Location: 108 Hancock Road, Peterborough, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 924-7105