Newsletter Week 3 Term 4
Shelly Park School - Wednesday 2 November 2022
Dear Parents and Whānau
Fun Fest
The Fun Fest is now just around the corner. NOVEMBER 13 - 10am - 2pm, this will be such a great event. I know there have been a large number of parents involved in making sure this is one of the highlights of the year.
Although we have had a huge uptake with helping out for the day, there are still a few positions required to relieve the pressure on some of the zones. If you can, or you know someone who can volunteer an hour of their time please complete the Google Form provided here
Board of Trustees Quiz Night -ROYALTY- Save the date
Get excited, the Board has decided on a date and the legendary Board Quiz Night is confirmed. Please save Saturday 26th of November in your diaries. The theme is ROYALTY, so get your thinking caps on. Tickets will go on sale next week.
School Pool Keys
Pool keys are selling fast. From my last count we had sold over 60 keys. If you or a family member would like a key then please talk to the ladies in the office. You will be able to use the school pool from now through Easter. Keys will be $80 for Shelly Park Families and $150 for non Shelly Park Families.
Scholastics book Club
The closing date for the Scholastics Book Club is November 7th.
Help - Any ideas are still welcomed
We are currently designing a one pager that gives staff, students and families and overall picture of what we stand for at Shelly Park. In this one pager we have our vision, our motto, our school values, the capabilities we want students to grow and the our anchor stones, which are the things that we are grounded in. We are looking for help from a person or people who have a background in graphic design or creativity that can bring our thoughts together on one page. We want this page to reflect our local community, our history and what we stand for. We are happy with our wording, we are just not happy with how it looks and how it all ties together. We have started the process but we don't feel that it is connected enough, it feels disjointed, so I am putting it out to the community to help us get it right. I have attached what we have so far and would love the communities input.
Ngā mihi
Ed Roper
PTA News
Newsletter No.22 Wednesday 2nd November 2022
Chair: Kieran Lewis Treasurer: Brent Batten
Secretary: Nicola Fletcher-Williams and Danelle Cresswell
Contact: pta@shellypark.school.nz
Next PTA Meeting date: Monday 28th November 2022 @ 7:30pm
Fun Fest
Our Fun Fest is just around the corner, if your family has not replied to an email to accept a one-hour volunteering slot on
Sunday 13th Nov, please do so ASAP, This promises to be a fantastic family event but we are still short of the help we
need. A huge thank you to all the families who have signed up so far, we couldn’t run this event without you!
Year books
Orders are now able to be placed on Kindo for a Year Book, priced at $21. The Yearbook is suitable for students at all
year levels and is a great keepsake, covering all the events of the year.
The last day for ordering is November 14th.
Pizza Lunch
A pizza lunch will be held on the 25th November, opening date for orders to be advised.
Uniform Shop
The second hand uniform shop will be open on Friday 18th November in the hall foyer from 8:30 to 9am
Entertainment Book
Thank you to those who have recently purchased an entertainment book. The PTA truly does appreciate the extra funds
that the school gains from each purchase. All memberships last 12 months from the date of purchase.
Every membership sold gives 20% back to our school! Please support our school with this fundraiser, and share this
link with family, friends and work colleagues. Use this link to find out more! https://nz.entdigital.net/orderbooks/954z61
Monthly meetings
A reminder that all parents are automatically members of the PTA and encouraged to join us for our monthly meetings to
hear from Ed & the Board of Trustees about what is happening at the school, and find out what fundraising activities are
planned for the months ahead.
2022 Dates for PTA Meetings
The November and December meeting dates have been amended, the new dates are Monday 28 November and Monday
12 December.
Term 4 Events
- 8 November -School Athletics Day
- 10 November - Board of Trustees Meeting - 7pm
- 13 November - Shelly Park Fun Fest (Sunday)
- 14 November - PTA Meeting - 7.30pm
- 5 December - PTA Meeting - 7.30pm
- 6 December - Pod 1&2 Prize Givings - 9:30am
- 6 December - Pod 3 Prize Giving - 11:00am
- 8 December - Pod 4 Graduation - 1:30pm
- 13 December - Year 6 Pool Party
- 13 December - Learner Updates go home
- 14 December - School finishes at 12pm
Contact Us
Email: admin@shellypark.school.nz
Website: https://shellypark.school.nz/
Location: Shelly Park Primary School Sunnyview Avenue, Shelly Park, Auckland 2014, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 535 8784