The Whirlwind News
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Spring Semester: Quarter 3 / Week 4
Monday, January 27, 2025
- NO WIND Time
- RJHS BB (8/9 G/B) vs Searcy
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
- Geometry tutoring in room 133 at 7:30
- Algebra tutoring in room 226 at 7:30
- WIND TIME- Homeroom
- Boles- Book Checkouts
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
- Algebra tutoring in room 226 at 7:30
- WIND TIME- Homeroom
Thursday, January 30, 2025
- Algebra tutoring in room 226 at 7:30
- WIND TIME- Assigned RTI/CSL classes
- RJHS BB (89GB) @ Beebe
Friday, January 31, 2025
- WIND TIME- Assigned RTI/CSL classes
Saturday, February 1, 2025
- RHS & RJHS Band Sweet Heart Dance
Spring Semester: Quarter 3 / Week 5
Monday, February 3, 2025
- NO WIND Time
- Arkansas Nuclear One tour for invited students
- Science ATLAS Interim window starts
- RJHS BB (8/9 G/B) vs Vilonia
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
- Geometry tutoring in room 133 at 7:30
- Algebra tutoring in room 226 at 7:30
- WIND TIME- Homeroom
- Tucker/Daly- Book Checkouts
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
- Algebra tutoring in room 226 at 7:30
- WIND TIME- Homeroom
- PTO Meeting at Noon in the RJHS Library
- Howerton- Book Checkouts
Thursday, February 6, 2025
- Algebra tutoring in room 226 at 7:30
- WIND TIME- Assigned RTI/CSL classes
- Brown- Book Checkouts
- RJHS BB (89GB) @ Cabot North
Friday, February 7, 2025
- WIND TIME- Assigned RTI/CSL classes
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Save the Dates:
RJHS PTO Fundraiser
Check out the awesome Russellville gear that PTO is offering through their winter fundraiser!
Click the link to order: http://whirlwind-winter-warm-up.spiritsale.com
Last day to order is February 1st!
KISS THE PIG Fundraiser and Pep Rally!!!
A message from the National Junior Honor Society:
Hello Parents! We are excited to share with you our list of 2025 Kiss the Pig nominees! Kiss the pig is a fundraiser ran by NJHS to raise money for the National Junior Honors Society and their work around the school. Students and teachers are nominated to kiss the pig and have buckets carried in their name for two weeks. Whichever bucket raises the most money will be who kisses the pig at the pep rally on February 13th, 2025! We cannot wait! You can help us fundraise by sending money with your student to school, dropping off cash or check at the office, or sharing the word.
Go whirlwinds!
follow us on Instagram @kissthepig_2025
Click on the button below to see this year's Kiss the Pig Candidates!
NJHS is hosting a clothing drive to help out our counselors' clothes closet. We will be accepting clothes from Monday, January 27th - Friday, February 7th.
Please give all donations to one of the NJHS Sponsors or officers.
We will deliver the donations and mark your name down for a chance to win a free Coffee Shop voucher!
Student Success Plans
We will be working with all 8th-9th graders in the next few weeks to work on their Student Success Plans, which includes their 4 year plans for courses in order to graduate. Please be looking for information towards the beginning of February on that and registering for their classes for next year. Please contact your child's counselor if you have any questions.
FFA Upcoming Dates:
CDE Contest in Ft Smith, Feb. 5th
National FFA Week, Feb. 15-22
Beef Quiz Bowl Contest in Fayetteville, Feb. 21st
CDE Contest in Fayetteville, Feb. 22nd
Russellville is proud to host a National Civics Bee Competition in 2025. Please see attached information on how your students can participate. Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student residing in Arkansas with an idea about using civics to improve their community may submit their essay to participate. The top 20 students selected in our region will compete at the Russellville Civis Bee with the winner going on to the state competition.
Attached is additional information. This link also has some details. National Civics Bee | Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce
Last chance to guarantee you have a yearbook is Feb 21st! After that it will be first come first serve for whatever extras we purchase. Yearbooks can be bought at jostens.com just enter in the school info. Make sure you put Russellville Junior High. Books are $48.
Whirlwind Shout Outs!!!
RJHS Reading Incentive 24-25!!!
Participation Rules:
* Only 3 Book Talk tickets can be earned per subject or teacher, for a total of 15 bonus points EACH QUARTER to be used at the teacher’s discretion.
*Students can earn an extra ticket into the Monthly Reading Challenge by book talking books they have read off the Monthly challenge shelf or books that fit within the challenge for the month.
*Mrs. Baldwin has the ability to deny book talk tickets if she feels the student did not read the book; per her discretion.
Students still have time to read for the challenge!
The basket will be given away on Friday, February 28th!
FYI: GoGuardian Parent Portal Info
Student Device Information:
Technology Procedures & Policies for RJHS
Internet Safety and Electronic Device Use Policy
RSD Student 1:1 Device Program
*Please note: Replacement chargers will not be provided.
HAC Information
It is the goal of RJHS teachers and staff to keep student grades updated weekly for parents and guardians to stay aware of their child's/ children's progress throughout the semester. If you are having trouble accessing HAC (Home Access Center) you can email Jennifer Roberts for help with login credentials.
RJHS Cafeteria
Student breakfast is free to all students
Student second breakfast is: $2.70
Free and reduced meals are all free to families
Student Paid Lunch Price: $3.25
Student Second Lunch is: $4.70
Reminder, Free and Reduced Lunch application do not automatically renew and must be completed each year. You can visit: https://linqconnect.com/public/meal-application/new to apply online.
Student Badges
*Students will also be required to show their ID if they wish to get into any RSD athletic event for free.
9th Grade CSL Service Hours
9th grade students are required by the state to earn service hours by the end of the 24-25 school year.