Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School October 31st, 2024
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
to provide a high-quality education,
and to guide children in living the Catholic faith
A Note from Mrs. Longden
All Hallows' Eve - October 31. Although most people know this day by a slightly different name, Halloween, it really means the eve of a holy day. The holy days are All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, which we celebrate on November 1 and 2. As with most holidays, this one too has a meaning behind it that the secular world often misses. All Hallows' Eve was instituted as a feast by Pope Gregory III in the eighth century as a preparation for the holy days ahead. All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days commemorate the dead, in heaven and in purgatory respectively.
The contemporary version of Halloween glorifies the demonic with emphasis on violence, horror, and death, and also includes trick or treating, carving pumpkins, scary stories and the like. But why does our culture focus on these things, instead of the original intent for the feast? This is, at least in part, a result of Catholics believing the propaganda that was spread against aspects of their faith (that it is evil, rather than holy) and pulling away from a traditional and faithful celebration of this essentially religious holiday. It was then left to be hijacked by secular culture.
However, there are things within the Halloween secular “traditions” which actually have Catholic meaning behind them.
Trick or Treating - visiting neighborhood homes asking for candy started as a way to pray for the dead. People would go door to door and promise to pray for the deceased members of a family in exchange for some food.
Costumes - traditionally, people would dress up in costumes on All Hallows' Eve, usually like ghosts or demons, to make fun of evil because they knew that Christ had won the battle over sin and death. Another tradition is that people would dress up in remembrance of the dead when going door to door.
Decorations - it became a tradition to decorate with skulls and other symbols of death to remind us that we will die and must rely on Christ for our salvation.
It is true that Halloween has been badly corrupted and hyper-commercialized just like Christmas and Easter. However, just as that should never stop Catholics from fully celebrating the great feasts of the Church the Catholic way and with best intentions, neither should it stop Catholics from enjoying Halloween as a vigil celebration of the great feast of All Saints' Day. In the same way, we should keep the birth of Christ at the center of Christmas, and the Resurrection of Christ at the center of Easter, we should keep commemorating the dead and praying for the souls in Purgatory the main focus of the beginning of November. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. Amen."
Mrs. Longden
November Virtue - GRATITUDE
Saint: St. Augustine
Aspiration: Come Holy Spirit, increase in me the Gift of Piety
Meaning: Thankful disposition of mind and heart
Prayer: Dear Jesus, Please give me a thankful heart, realizing that all I have comes from You.
Scripture: Luke 17: 11-19
Opposing Trait: Not expressing appreciation; taking other people and things for granted
Ways to Cultivate: Count the good things (blessings) in one's life; express gratitude even when it is difficult.
Looks Like/Sounds Like: Smile at your mom after she cooks dinner. "Thank you!" "I am thankful for..." Write a thank you note. Take into consideration the blessings in your life. Say thank you even for difficult or unwanted things (homework, cleaning your room, etc.). Count the blessings in your life.
Caught Practicing Virtues
The following students were caught practicing the virtues by Holy Trinity Staff:
Lydia B was showing respect when she cleaned up cheerios left on the floor in Church to a keep a clean worship space.
Harlan G was showing prayerfulness when after only 1 reminder he used prayerful body posture at church.
Lucia O was showing prayerfulness when she focused on the crucifix and held prayer hands for all of the Angelus.
Langdon P was showing respect when he focused on his morning routine instead of talking.
Ted N was showing respect when he was the only student in a large group to reply "Good Morning".
Bram H was showing respect when he was the only one in a group to reply "Good Morning".
Bram H was showing respect when he helped pick up dropped items in the hallway.
Sawyer K was showing prayerfulness when hearing a siren, he prayed for them.
Ted N was showing prayerfulness during the Angelus.
Bethany H was showing prayerfulness when hearing a siren, she prayed for them.
Emery M was showing prayerfulness when hearing a siren, she prayed for them.
JJ K was showing respect when he waited patiently without talking for friends to finish.
Reeve T was showing respect when he noticed shoe marks on the floor and cleaned them off.
Bethany H was showing prayerfulness during the Angelus.
Noah S was showing respect when he sat quietly waiting for the next direction.
Family Folders
Please be sure to return your yellow folders to the school office.
Catholic Schools Glow Walk
The GLOW WALK is this Saturday!
You can donate using the link below.
The student choir will be singing at the 4:00 PM Mass. Please consider joining us and listening to this great group of kids.
If you are coming for the Glow Walk after church, please park in the PEACE CHURCH parking lot across the street from the school.
Please come to the registration table located near the Parish Office Doors to check in and register.
Invite your family, neighbors, and friends to the Glow Walk!
It is $5 to walk and glow items will be available for purchase.
We will have the Cousins Food Truck and Cupcake-A-Rhee Food Truck available for food and beverage purchases from 5:00-8:00 PM that evening. Cupcake-A-Rhee will have gluten-free and vegan options available. There will not be any nuts in the cupcakes. See the menu of items below.
The Glow Walk will begin at 6:15 PM in the back church parking lot.
After the walk we will be having a Glow Dance in the school gym until 8 PM.
Trunk or Treat
Home and School Information
We are looking for an individual (or two) who would be willing to head (or co-head) the committee for our Chili Luncheon held during Catholic Schools Week in January. We already have a couple of individuals who are willing to make the chili and help out at the event, so there should be a great team of people! We are hoping to have this committee hold a meeting or two before the holiday season sets in. Email us at homeandschool@htschool.net if you are interested in heading the committee or being on the committee. This is a well-loved event by both our Parishes and School. Thank you for supporting Holy Trinity School!
Holy Trinity School will be a stop in the Chamber of Commerce Cookie Hunt again this year. It is Sunday, December 8th from 1:00-4:00. We will be putting together a sign up genius soon looking for families willing to sit in shifts at the table handing out cookies. Be on the look out!
As always, feel free to reach out to our President, Lisa Mueller, with any questions or ideas regarding the Home and School Association. Connect with her at homeandschool@htschool.net.
Happy Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day! Enjoy the weekend!
Daylight Savings Time
Don't forget to set your clocks back this weekend!
November 3rd begins Daylight Savings Time!
November Lunch Menu
Attached is the November Lunch Menu.
It was sent home in Family Folders last week as well.
If you need to get in contact with the Home and School Association, please email them at homeandschool@htschool.net
If you would like the advisory commission to discuss anything, please email at advisorycommittee@htschool.net
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is a program offered for 3rd-8th grade girls. It inspires girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum that creatively integrates running. It is an after school program combining physical activity with lesson plans designed to promote positive choices and an active lifestyle.
This program runs for 8 weeks with 16 lessons, designed to have practice 2 times a week. There is coach training, curriculum, and supplies all included.
No running experience is necessary.
Holy Trinity is looking for a couple of parents to help run the program. This would occur in the Spring of 2025. If interested, please reach out to Mrs. Longden at principal@htschool.net for more information.
We would like to thank the volunteers who have helped at school in September and October.
Each month or two we will recognize those who have helped make Holy Trinity great!
*Kacie Ahrens
*Katy Coyne
*Ellie Sabel
*Dennis Gundrum
*Amanda Gall
*Jennifer Schladweiler
*Dean and Debbie Pankratz
*Kevin Bednarek
*Nikita Ronk
*Keaton Olson
*Leah Averill
*Maria Survis
SCRIP Ordering Dates
The following dates are when SCRIP will be ordered through the school office:
November 4th and 18th
*We will have some cards on hand in the office for sale as well. Please call the office ahead of time to make sure we have what you would like to order. Thank you for supporting Holy Trinity School through the purchase of SCRIP!
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, October 31st - Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 1st - ALL SAINTS DAY Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Saturday, November 2nd - Catholic Schools Walk- GLOW WALK
Wednesday, November 6th - Mass (Grades 4K, 1-4)
Friday, November 8th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Monday, November 11th - Veteran's Day - Mr. Leigel Presenting to 2nd-8th grade on Honor Flight
Wednesday, November 13th - Mass (Grades 3K, 4K, 5-8)
Friday, November 15th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Wednesday, November 20th - Mass (Grades 4K, 1-4)
Friday, November 22nd - Baptism Mass (Oct./Nov. Baptisms) (Grades 5K-8)
Tuesday, November 26th - End of Trimester 1
Tuesday, November 26th - Prayer Service
November 27th-29th - No School
Monday, December 9th - All School Mass - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Calendar of Cash
Thursday, October 24 - Joe Klemp-Hawig
Friday, October 25 - William Scherbert
Monday, October 28 - Becky Krueger
Tuesday, October 29 - Scott Rohlinger
Wednesday, October 30 - Robin Mueller
Parish Events Flyer
Please see attached with information on events in the parish and school.
Winter Wonderland Dance Clinic
The West Bend East Varsity Dance Team will be hosting their annual Dance Clinic on December 15th, 2024. This year’s theme - Winter Wonderland!
The clinic is open to K5-8th graders and will run from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, with check-in starting at 8:45 AM. At 12:45 PM, there will be a special showcase performance for family and friends to enjoy. Additionally, participants will have the exciting opportunity to perform at the December 17th basketball game!
The registration fee is $30, and lunch will be provided. To guarantee a t-shirt, registrations must be submitted by December 1st.
You can register either through this Google Form, or by completing a paper registration form and mailing it in (address found on the form). Please mail in payment with your completed registration to: West Bend East High School - Attn. East Dance Team. 1305 E Decorah Rd. West Bend, WI. 53095. Please indicate if you completed the registration via Google Form with your payment. You can also find the registration on the East Dance Team's Facebook and Instagram.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603