SY 2024-25: Back to School Guide

The communication below provides important information from the Public Schools of Brookline.
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Greetings PSB Community,
As we approach the start of school year 2024-25, I want to extend a warm welcome to all of our students, families, and staff. Whether you're returning to our district or joining us for the first time, we are excited to have you as part of our school community.
The beginning of a school year is always filled with anticipation and opportunity. Our team has been working diligently to ensure that we are ready to provide a safe, supportive, and engaging learning environment for all of our students. We are committed to fostering academic excellence, creativity, and the well-being of every child.
In this guide, you will find important updates and reminders to help you and your family prepare for the year ahead. Please take some time to review the information carefully, as it includes key dates, policies, and resources that will help ensure a smooth start to the school year.
We are excited for what this year holds and look forward to partnering with you to make it a successful and enriching experience for all of our students.
Thank you for your continued support, and I wish you and your family a wonderful start to the school year.
Linus J. Guillory Jr., PhD
Staff Return to Buildings
We look forward to seeing our staff return to the school buildings on Wednesday, August 28.
Principals and school leaders will provide more details about your school's opening over the next few days. In the meantime, we encourage you to review resources in the PSB Staff Portal.
First Day of School
- The first day of school for Grades 1-12 will be Tuesday, September 3. Students should arrive at school between 7.45am and 7.55am. There will be many signs and friendly staff members helping every student get to where they need to go.
- For Kindergarten students, the first day is either Tuesday, September 3 or Wednesday, September 4 (not both days) as assigned. Students will be dismissed at 12 noon. Your first-day assignment was sent with your kindergarten class information. All Kindergarten students will come to school on Thursday, September 5.
- For BEEP students, family meetings will be held with teachers on Tuesday, September 3 and Wednesday, September 4. This is a special meeting time for you and your student(s) acquainted with the teacher and the classroom setting, and to receive information about the start of school. It is also an opportunity for you and the teacher to begin planning for your student’s educational program. BEEP families will receive information from their classroom teacher regarding the date and time of your meeting. All BEEP students will then begin their first day of school on Thursday, September 5.
Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures
Consistent with the previous school year, PreK-8 students will continue to line up in their designated line spots at the start and end of school, and enter/exit the building through a designated door attended by school staff. Parents and caregivers are expected to remain outside during these transition times. School leaders will send out more information to you over the next few days with details specific to your student(s) school site.
Accessing the Aspen Parent Portal
At the beginning of every school year, PSB asks families to verify the medical, contact, and consent information for their enrolled PK-12 student(s). Accurate contact information helps us communicate with you about school information, progress reports, and, when necessary, emergency situations.
We also want to ensure that we are taking good care of your student(s) personal information and only sharing it in ways that you approve.
The Student Contact Verification Form allows parents to complete various "opening of the new school year" activities. You can update emergency contacts and medical information, submit immunization and physical exam paperwork (if required for your student’s grade level), update phone numbers and email addresses, and make various other changes to the students' and families' information. Your prompt attention to this form is appreciated as you review the following information:
- Student Information, including Student ID and Physical Address
- Contact Information, including Emergency Contacts
- Parent/Caregiver(s) Permissions and Consents
- Student and Parent/Caregiver(s) Agreements
- Health Information, including updated physical exams and immunizations
Student Homeroom Placements and Schedules
Students (s) in Kindergarten through grade 5 will receive their homeroom placements beginning Friday, August 16. To access your student’s homeroom placement, log into your Aspen account and click on the “Families” tab. Student(s) in grades 6 through 12 will also receive their homeroom placement information, with their class schedules and placements released later in August.
Please note that your student’s homeroom placement may be changed and updated into September, as PSB will enroll students throughout and into the 2024-25 school year. Rest assured that your student’s homeroom and schedule will be completed by the first day of school, even if it may appear missing in Aspen.
After the 16th, you may also begin accessing your students’ supply lists and teacher letters. These resources will be sent directly to you by email or posted on your school’s website.
Residency Verification/Change of Address
Did you or your student(s) need to verify or change their residential address? If so, it must be updated with the Office of Registration and Enrollment.
To update your address, please complete the Student Address Change Form in the Aspen Parent Portal and submit the required documents to the Office of Registration and Enrollment. To verify your existing address, please email the required documents directly to the Office of Registration and Enrollment (enroll@psbma.org). Documents can also be mailed/dropped off physically at:
Public Schools of Brookline - Office of Registration and Enrollment
Brookline Town Hall, 4th Floor,
333 Washington St.,
Brookline, MA 02445.
The address will not be changed or verified until the Office of Registration and Enrollment receives documented evidence of your residence.
If you have questions about verifying or changing your address or completing the form, please don’t hesitate to contact us at enroll@psbma.org or 617-264-6492.
Working Together to Support Strong Attendance
At PSB, ensuring strong attendance is a top priority, and we want to partner with you and your child to help them attend school every day. This section contains important information about our attendance policy and how we can work together if your child faces challenges in attending school consistently.
At PSB, all students are expected to:
- Attend school every day
- Arrive on time every day,
- Stay for the full school day
- Attend all scheduled classes
Helping students manage this commitment is one of the most powerful things we do as caregivers and educators.
Why are we focusing on attendance?
Many students have struggled with consistent attendance over the past several school years. We want to be proactive in helping your child attend school regularly, arrive on time, and stay for the entire day.
Why is disrupted attendance a problem?
Missing just two days of school each month, or 18 days over the school year, can cause students to fall behind academically and experience increased stress about attending school.
Why do students struggle to attend school consistently?
Students may struggle with attendance for many reasons, including stress about school activities or lack of confidence in their academic skills. When attendance issues arise, the school, student, and family need to work together to identify and address the specific underlying causes.
What will happen if my student struggles to attend school consistently?
If your child starts missing school regularly, someone from the school will reach out to discuss attendance and available support. In cases of prolonged attendance issues, we may work with you to arrange a home visit to better understand and address the challenges your child is experiencing.
What is PSB doing about school attendance?
PSB is committed to providing the support and resources needed for your child to be at school on time every day. Regular attendance is essential for your child’s academic and social-emotional development and success. Below, you will find the district’s attendance policies and tips to support strong attendance. If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance, please reach out to any adult at school. We are here to help!
District Policies for School Attendance
In PSB, all students are expected to attend school every day and attend all scheduled classes.
On-time Start
All students are expected to arrive at school on time. The school day begins at 8:00 for students in K to 8 and 8:20 for students at BHS. If your child arrives at school after the scheduled start time or is unable to attend school, please call the school secretary as soon as possible. All students who arrive late must report to the main office.
Stay the Whole Day
All students are expected to be at school for the full day. If your child is unable to stay the full day, please call the school secretary as soon as possible. Please note that per MA state law, a student must be at school, at a school-related activity, or receiving academic instruction for at least half the school day to be counted as present.
Excused Absences
Schools are only allowed to excuse absences that are a result of:
- personal illness,
- significant life stressors (e.g., death of a family member),
- observing religious holidays,
- attending a medical appointment that cannot be made outside of school hours,
- participating in a legal proceeding,
- serving a suspension, or
- attending other educational opportunities that have been pre-approved by the school.
All other absences are required to be marked as unexcused.
5 Unexcused Absences
Caregivers are required to be notified when a student reaches 5 unexcused absences during a school year. If your child reaches 5 unexcused absences, a letter detailing these absences will be sent home and an educator will reach out to you to learn more about how the school can help support attendance.
Supporting Strong Attendance
Here are some suggestions that caregivers have found helpful in supporting children to attend school on time every day.
Keep a regular bedtime and establish a morning routine (e.g., going to bed and waking up at the same time every day). Difficulties with sleep are the most common contributor to attendance problems.
Screen time
Turn off all electronics at bedtime. Have a family media plan, and make sure all screens are off before bedtime. Keeping screens outside of the bedroom can be helpful.
Advance planning. Avoid the morning rush! If possible, pack backpacks and prepare clothing in the evening.
If you are not sure when to keep your child home due to illness, please contact the school nurse.
Anxiety and fears. If your child is having a lot of anxiety or worries about school, reach out to your child’s teacher or school counselor. We have professionals who can help!
Vacation Time, Doctor’s Visits and Other Events
Avoid scheduling vacations and doctor’s appointments while school is in session.
Transitioning Back to School
As a new school year begins, it’s normal for children and families to feel excited, worried, hopeful, and sad about transitioning back to a more structured school-year schedule.
To help facilitate a smooth transition back to school, we offer some strategies and tips belong that you can use over the final weeks of summer.
COVID-19 Update and Health Information
As with the previous school year, PSB continues to remain a mask-friendly environment and will continue to encourage a school culture supportive and respectful of anyone choosing to mask.
The following COVID-19 policies from the previous school year also remain unchanged and in effect:
- Vaccination: The PSB requires all staff to receive "full COVID-19 vaccination", unless they receive a documented medical or religious exemption in accordance with relevant state and/or federal law. As per the Center of Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) definition, "full COVID-19 vaccination” status will be accorded to any person two weeks after the final dose of initial vaccination (one dose for Johnson & Johnson and two doses for Pfizer and Moderna). Additionally, PSB strongly recommends that staff with “full COVID-19 vaccination” status receive any CDC-recommended booster vaccine shot(s) for the Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Moderna vaccines. A COVID-19 vaccine is not required but is highly encouraged for all PSB students.
- Testing and Reporting: We will not be reporting positive cases and close contacts this year, nor will we provide testing at school. At-home test kits are available at local retailers and pharmacies.
PSB Guidelines on When to Keep Students Home
These guidelines are in line with the continued DESE, DPH and DESE guidance for respiratory viruses including COVID-19.
- Stay home and away from others, returning to normal activities only when symptoms are improving and the person has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
- Get tested for COVID-19 and flu. Talk to your healthcare provider about getting treatment if you test positive.
- Stay away from others in your household. Wear a mask when you have to be around them
- Wash your hands often with soap and warm water. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
- Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Use a tissue or your inner elbow, not your hands.
- Clean high touch surfaces (such as countertops, handrails, and doorknobs) often.
There is no requirement for a 5-day isolation if testing positive for COVID-19.
You should stay home even if you don’t know what virus is making you sick.
Upon returning to normal activities, individuals are encouraged to take these additional measures for 5 days to prevent disease spread:
- enhancing hygiene practices,
- wearing a well-fitting mask,
- keeping a distance from others,
- increasing ventilation to clean air,
- utilizing indoor air filters.
Financial Assistance Application
Families seeking financial assistance from PSB must submit a separate application for the 2024-25 school year, along with current supporting documents.
The form can be filled out on your computer and, with the supporting documents, emailed to financialassistance@psbma.org. PSB accepts photos and scans of all the documents. If you need technological assistance, please contact Cassandra Galinauskas at financialassistance@psbma.org.
Free and Reduced Price Meals Application
In August 2023, the Massachusetts state government passed a legislation to provide funding to support universal free school meals for all public schools in the state.
This means that all PSB meals will be free for all students for the 2024-25 school year. You do not have to complete a application to receive these meals.
Families can still submit an application if they think they may qualify for free/reduced eligibility based on their income. The state and federal government will use free/reduced eligibility status to reimburse the district for meals served to families. If you qualify for free and reduced meals, please submit an application today so we can determine your status. Visit the Food Services website to learn more.
School Year 2024-25 Calendar
Be sure to print out a copy of the district calendar and mark the important dates of the school year!