The Paw Print
Lovin Elementary Parent Newsletter
July 18, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to another exciting school year at Lovin Elementary School! We trust you had a wonderful summer and are ready for an amazing year ahead. As we gear up for a fresh start, we are eager to welcome back our students and begin a year filled with discovery and growth.
We are pleased to introduce new programs and initiatives that will enhance our students' learning experiences. Our dedicated team has spent the summer crafting innovative and engaging lesson plans to spark your child's curiosity and passion for learning. This year, we will emphasize personalized instruction through small groups to better meet the diverse needs of our students, ensuring each child has the support they need to thrive. Meeting our vision…
Lovin Elementary School’s vision is to create a community of students who love learning and who are prepared for their future through innovation, collaboration, and problem solving.
Our rich academic curriculum is complemented by a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, and clubs. These programs offer our students the chance to pursue their interests, develop new skills, and build lasting friendships. We encourage you to support your child's participation in these activities as they play an essential role in their overall development.
Effective communication and collaboration between parents and the school are key to our students' success. We are committed to maintaining an open dialogue and welcome your questions, concerns, and suggestions. This year, we will continue to host regular parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and events to strengthen the partnership between home and school. Don't miss our monthly Pastries with the Principal and Tour sessions, which provide a great opportunity to learn about our school's initiatives and share your feedback.
To keep you informed, we encourage you to regularly visit our website, follow us on social media, and read our weekly newsletter, The Paw Print. Our website is a comprehensive resource for important dates, school policies, and announcements. Please ensure your contact information is up-to-date so you receive all necessary communications.
As we begin this new academic year, we thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child's education. Your active participation is crucial to their academic success and overall well-being.
We understand that the past few years have been challenging due to the global pandemic. Rest assured, the health and safety of our students, staff, and community remain our highest priority. We have implemented thorough safety measures following the guidance of local health authorities to maintain a secure and healthy learning environment.
Everything is progressing smoothly to provide a fantastic opening of school on Monday, August 5, 2024. You’ll be receiving a phone call and postcard from your child’s teacher prior to Lovin’s Open House on July 31, 2024. At our Open House you will meet the teacher in person, designate transportation, and receive other back to school information. Rather than bombard you all at once, I wanted to go ahead and provide answers to some frequently asked questions (below).
Thank you for choosing Lovin Elementary School as your partner in education. If you are new to our school, we warmly welcome you to the Tiger Family! For our returning families, we are excited to continue our journey together, nurturing strong, capable Tigers and fulfilling our mission to shape minds, build character, celebrate individuality, and create a lasting legacy.
We look forward to a fantastic school year ahead! Together, let’s uphold the spirit of our motto: Learn it! Love it! Live it!
Your Partner in Education,
R. Kevin Payne
Lovin’s Open House is Wednesday, July 31, 2024. At our Open House, from 8:00 am to 11:00 am, you will meet your child’s teacher, designate transportation, and receive additional back-to-school information.
Q: When does school start?
A: The first day of school for ALL students is Monday, August 5th. Our school hours will remain the same this year. Students may enter the building beginning at 7:45 am and should be at their desk ready to learn when the bell rings at 8:15 am. Any student arriving after the 8:15 am bell will be considered tardy and must be checked in by a parent in the front lobby. Dismissal begins at 2:45 pm. For us to prepare for dismissal, students may not be checked out after 2:15 pm.
Q: What about Open House/Meet Your Teacher?
A: We will have our Open House on Wednesday, July 31st times will be according to your child’s last name:
8:00 – 9:00 am
9:00 – 10:00 am
10:00 – 11:00 am
Q: What supplies does my child need?
A: Supply lists have been updated and you can find them in the Parents section of our website.
Feel free to bring your supplies with you to Open House/Meet Your Teacher.
Q: What is MyPaymentsPlus™ and do I need an account?
A: Yes! EVERY family needs a MyPaymentsPlus account. It is more than just your children’s lunch money (more about that below). This is where you’ll electronically sign required forms each year and can also elect to make monetary contributions to help offset the costs of items specific to Lovin, such as maintaining our STEAM Garden, purchasing supplies for our clinic, or covering the cost of technology maintenance. Contributions are voluntary (but very much appreciated!). That’s not all… We will be a “cash-less school” again this year. Throughout the year, you will find it’s a convenient way to pay for other school-related items such as movie night tickets, field trips, t-shirts, and more. No more digging between the couch cushions for exact change and searching for an envelope!
Have more than one child in GCPS schools? You can now jump online and quickly transfer funds from one family member to another. Even if you choose not to contribute, you still need to sign several forms. So go ahead and do that now by clicking here. It’s one less thing you will have to do at Open House!
Q: What’s the cost of breakfast? and lunch?
A: Prices for this year are below:
GCPS School Year 2024-2025 Meal Prices
SY2024-2025 Breakfast Prices
SY2024-2025 Lunch Prices
Paid Student Breakfast – ES: $1.75
Paid Student Lunch – ES: $2.50
Paid Student Breakfast - MS/HS: $1.75
Student Lunch - MS/HS: $2.75
Reduced Price Breakfast – All: $ 0.30
Reduced Price Lunch – All: $ 0.40
Free Student Breakfast – All: no charge
Free Student Lunch – All: no charge
Adult Breakfast – All: $2.50
Adult Lunch – All: $3.75
Milk - All: $0.40
Milk – All: $0.40
GCPS School Year 2024-2025 Ala Carte Prices
Student ES Entree
Student MS/HS Entree
Adult Lunch Entree
Adult Breakfast Entree
Side Items
Extra Milk
IMPORTANT! To be eligible for the GCPS Free & Reduced-Price Meals Program, an application must be completed. GCPS offers both printed and online options for completion. Please remember a new application must be submitted each school year since the previous year's application will not work. Each new school year brings thousands of applications for the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program. Due to the number of applications received, an online application turnaround time is faster. The online application is available in English and Spanish.
Confirmed eligibility for free/reduced-price meals ensures access to many benefits beyond school meals (free SAT/ACT, free college applications, free/reduced internet, additional technology for schools, training/resources for parents to use at home, etc.).
Menus can be found online at or by downloading the “Nutrislice” app available on Google Play or the App Store. GCPS will start the year with a number of student favorites on the menu including crispy chicken sandwiches, 100% all beef burgers and hot dogs, and a variety of delicious pizza items. In addition, the district’s vegetarian line has been revamped and a vegetarian item will be offered every day.
Q: Do you offer any after-school care for students whose parents work full-time?
A: While we cannot recommend a specific provider, a list of daycares that transport students to and/or from Lovin can be found in the Parent section of our website. We are also happy to announce that Camp Success before/aftercare program will again be at Lovin this year. It is the only aftercare program in the county to reach the highest level of accreditation. Information can be found here .
Relax. They’ll be fine. Drop off your Tiger cub at our flagpole and join Mr. Payne for a continental breakfast. He will share some information with you and have tissues on hand if you need them.
It’s a new year, so how about committing to some New Year’s Resolution, courtesy of GCPS. Here’s a list of 10 resolutions for the new school year that are guaranteed to help your children enjoy a healthy, safe, and academically positive school year.
10 Resolutions for Parents to Brighten Their Children’s Future
1. Read. Read. Read. Read to your preschool and primary school children at least 15 minutes a day, every day… and they will become lifelong readers. Encourage older children to set aside time for reading, too.
2. Discuss what happened at school with your child each school day. “What was the most interesting thing you learned today?” is a great conversation starter.
3. Praise children when they do well; support them when they fail; and give children the respect they deserve.
4. Get to know your child’s teacher better. If possible, attend the school events where you can interact with your child’s teacher, including curriculum nights, PTA events, and parent-teacher conferences. If you’re not able to be at events, develop a relationship through e-mail or phone calls.
5. Help children to think and to solve problems. Discuss options and examine alternatives with them.
6. Give children opportunities to be independent and responsible for their own actions. Hold them accountable.
7. Limit television viewing and video game time. Reading, board games, and outside play are all alternatives that are healthier and more productive.
8. Let your children know school is important. Talk to them about how you still use what you learned in school.
9. Join in the life of your child’s school. The more help parents give teachers, the more time teachers can spend with students.
10. Show your children your own love for learning and set their learning sights high. You are your child’s first, and favorite, teacher!
Finally, we would love for parents to partner with us. You do not have to be the PTA President to participate in school. Below, you will find some ideas to consider to be an active participant in our Lovin School Community.
Help in the classroom.
Not sure you have the patience (or stamina) to work with children? Not to worry… there is still plenty to do in the classroom. Try lending a hand with these suggestions:
· Cut out laminated materials, stencils, letters… whatever is needed for classroom activities, centers, or bulletin boards.
· Put up or take down bulletin boards. Artistic? Offer to do a themed bulletin board for an upcoming unit.
· Run photocopies and assemble packets for classroom centers and student work.
· Put together class books of student writing.
· Label class materials, file papers, tear out workbook pages, or make words for word walls.
· Separate math manipulatives or put together board games for the class.
· Help prepare the classroom at the beginning of the year or pack up materials at the end of the year. Provide boxes for packing. Organize class cupboards.
Help from home.
Not everyone’s schedule allows time during the school day, but don’t let that keep you from being involved.
· Many projects are things you can do at home. Ask your child’s teacher how you can help.
· Volunteer to help with the PTA newsletter.
· Offer to make contacts with local companies and neighborhood shops to develop school business partnerships or to provide support for an event.
· Provide goodies from home when the PTA is sponsoring a staff appreciation lunch or other event.
Learn it! Love it! Live it!