Pence Newsletter
December 2024
A message from Mrs. Jones
It is crazy to think that we are down to less than a month before our Christmas break! With the upcoming holiday season, please reach out if your family has needs for food or clothing. Our community has a wealth of resources and I want to ensure that all feel able to ask for help.
Take care! :)Mrs. Jones
🧡Our Pence Family🧡
Upcoming Dates
December 23- January 3- Winter Break; No School
January 6th- PD Day; No School
January 7th- School Resumes
January 20- PD Day; No School; MLK Day
January 10, 17, 24, 31- 2pm Early Dismissal
LIMO rides for our top cookie dough sellers! Lots of fun for all 49 students! Thank you Mrs. Atwood for chauffeuring us around Fairfield!
A wonderful Veteran’s Day Assembly. Our student leaders did an amazing job leading our assembly.
Our Veteran's Day Wall of Honor!
Student Led Conferences- Parent Teacher Conferences- THANK YOU!
We greatly appreciate everyone who took the time to come to our Student Led Conferences. These conferences are a wonderful way for our students to share their goals, successes and let their voice be heard. We are very proud of each and every one of our students and their accomplishments thus far!
Pence Leader in Me Family Engagement Night- THANK YOU!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! To all that helped prepare and plan for our Pence Family Engagement Night, along with the 540 people who came through our doors! The night was filled with lots of joy, laughter and fellowship! We want to thank Bodacious Clay at Pizza Hut, along with his amazing staff who kept the pizzas hot and coming throughout the night. We were able to feed 115 pizzas to our families. We hope everyone left feeling loved & appreciated!
Our Family Engagement Night Highlights!
Family activities to take home!
Family FUN!
Families gathering to eat supper together!
A note from Nurse Beth
As we enter into the winter season, below are a few things to keep in mind for your student and school!
*If your child's temperature is 100.0 or higher, they will need to stay home. Your student may return to school once they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication (Tylenol/Ibuprofen).
*If your child has vomited in the last 24 hours, they will need to stay home.
Your student may return to school once they have been free from vomiting for 24 hours.
*If your child has had diarrhea within the last 24 hours, they will need to stay home. Your student must be free of diarrhea for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
*Remember to cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or use your elbow!
*Wash your hands with soap and water on a regular basis for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.
Nurse Beth
4th Grade Music Concert- December 9th
Attention: 4th Grade Families
Please join us on December 9th at 6:30PM for the 4th grade winter concert. The performance will be held in the Fairfield High School Auditorium. The concert will feature holiday hits of the season that we are sure you will enjoy!
Students are welcome to dress in their favorite holiday attire.
Please plan to arrive by 6:15PM and students will report to the Fairfield High School Commons to get lined up.
All students have been working very hard for this performance, and we can’t wait to share our talents with you. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Robin Wendland
Pence Elementary Music Teacher
2nd grade Trojan Trait Superstars
3rd grade Trojan Trait Superstars
4th grade Trojan Trait Superstars
November 2024 Trojan Trait Superstars
Trojan Superstars
Our November Trojan Superstars are those who exemplify Trojan Traits (Respectful, Responsible & Safe) in and out of the classroom. We are honored to recognize these leaders within each class.
2Bo- This month’s Trojan Trait Superstar for 2Bo is Elijah Adams! Elijah comes to school every day ready to learn. He is very respectful to his peers and staff members. Elijah does a great job of putting first things first. He is always turning in his assignments on time and making sure to answer every question. Whenever it comes time to work with a partner in class I know he will do a great job of working well with whoever it is. Elijah also did a great job at student-led conferences last week. We are so lucky to have you in our class, Elijah. I am very proud of you and keep up the great work!
2B- The November Trojan Superstar for 2B is someone who has shown great leadership in our classroom. She enters the classroom each day with a positive attitude and eagerness to learn. This Superstar has a winning attitude about her schoolwork, and is always willing to help other students solve problems in a kind and supportive way. She is a hard worker, a good listener, and a positive role model for other students. She is always willing to participate in classroom discussions and share her ideas. She relates well to her classmates and is appreciative of different perspectives and experiences. She follows all the rules in the classroom and on the playground, and includes everyone. Our November Trojan Superstar is Vivian Miller. Thank you, Vivian, for being a great leader! Keep up the good work! You are truly a Trojan Superstar!
2Bu- This month’s Trojan Trait Superstar is a student who is always respectful, responsible, and safe. She comes to school with a positive attitude and always puts her best foot forward. She is helpful and kind to all students. I know I can count on her to always do the right thing even when no one is watching. She consistently leads by example, participates during instruction, focuses, and puts 100% effort into all of her work. The November Trojan Trait Superstar goes to Mia Smith! Thank you for being such an awesome example of what it means to be a leader. We are so lucky to have you in our class!
2J- The Trojan Superstar for November in 2J is Alonso Ramirez-Goytia! Alonso is a leader in our classroom throughout the day. He shows respect by listening to his peers and teachers. He engages in our activities and takes charge of his learning. Alonso demonstrates the importance of understanding the skills we are learning and will ask questions to better understand our lessons. He is sure to share his thinking with his peers too. Alonso works hard to meet his goals and is excited to set new ones to continue to challenge himself. Alonso is a great friend to all of his classmates. He is kind and helpful and is sure to include anyone into any activity that he is doing. Thank you for being an amazing leader in our classroom Alonso!
2M- This month’s Trojan Trait Superstar is a student who is taking the 7 Habits to heart and living them in her life. She has made her WIG in our class. She is proactive to make sure she has the supplies she needs to work towards her WIG. This leader has also gone above and beyond by creating herself a 2nd WIG. She lets me know each day how she is doing with her lead measures. We are excited about her growth! Our Superstar focuses on the big rocks at home and at school. She helps keep our classroom organized so that we can focus on our daily big rocks. We are proud to have this leader in our classroom! You are a leader and always will be, Layla Kool!
3SM - This month’s Trojan Trait Superstar is a student who consistently demonstrates respect and responsibility. She always has a positive attitude and always gives 100% effort. She is kind and helpful to everyone around her, and I can always count on her to make the right choices and to be a wonderful example. She participates in class, stays focused, and gives her all in everything she does. Congratulations to Malary Brecount, our November Trojan Trait Superstar! Thank you for being such an inspiring leader.
3H- The November Trojan Trait superstar for 3H is someone who is living the 7 Habits. She is a model of what it means to be Proactive. She listens, follows directions, and gives her best effort on all tasks. She is kind to her classmates and respectful of adults. She Puts First Things First by giving her full attention to her learning, and Synergizes well with others to accomplish a task. She did an amazing job at student-led conferences! She shared details about her learning and was excited to share information with her parents about projects she’s worked on. Our Superstar enters the classroom with a smile, carries a positive attitude with her wherever she goes, and shares her enthusiasm for learning with everyone around her. Our classroom is a better place because of you, Anna Rebling! Thanks for sharing your light with us!
3S- Our class decided that the 3S Trojan Trait superstar should be Conner Larmore. They stated that he is an intelligent and kind leader that encourages and includes others. Conner puts first things first and works hard to synergize to get the job done.Another student stated that Conner leads by example and is always paying attention to directions, teachers and students. Conner also is a great leader because “ he never runs” in the classroom. Thank you Conner for making our classroom a responsible and safe place to learn and grow.
3O- The Trojan Trait Superstar for 3O is Isabella Jeck. Isabella can always be counted on to be respectful, responsible, and safe. She puts forth her best effort in all class assignments. She is an engaged learner who shares her thoughts with the class. Isabella is a very conscientious, reliable student who always puts first things first. We are so lucky that Isabella is a part of our classroom. I am so proud of you Isabella, keep being an amazing leader!
3M- 3M’s November Trojan Trait Superstar is someone who is known for being responsible, polite, safe, and caring. This student is a quiet leader who I can count on to follow expectations, do his job, and finish his work. Many of his classmates’ nominations shared that Jace Wright is a positive person! Another classmate shared, “Once I fell in kickball. Jace helped me get up right away.” We often say in our room that leaders are listeners and Jace does a great job at seeking first to understand. Thanks for being a leader, Jace! Keep being you!
4N- 4N's November Trojan Trait Superstar is Gabe Conner. Gabe's rural values and work ethic shine through in class. He meets challenges head on and sees them through. He takes initiative by solving problems independently. He uses his leadership skills to positively interact with peers and encourages them to do their best. I can count on Gabe to look for the win-win. Thank you for your leadership, Gabe!
4F- Our 4F Superstar for November is Scarlett McKee! Scarlett is a hard worker who synergizes well with her table group and partners. She asks questions and helps others with their learning . She is kind to everyone. I often see Scarlett checking in with others who are sad or upset. She is a very empathetic person which is a great quality to have. Another leadership skill Scarlett has been amazing at is her public speaking. She was one of our assembly leaders and did great! I’m so proud of Scarlett. She is very deserving of being our Superstar!
4R- The Trojans Trait Superstar for 4R is Devarsh Pattar! Devarsh is an excellent classmate to everyone. He is responsible for getting his work done along, with helping out when he sees that something needs to be done. Devarsh is very patient and understanding with all classmates. He is a quiet leader within our classroom, that always has a smile on his face when he is here. Thank you for your awesomeness, Devarsh. Congrats!
4T- The Trojan Trait Superstar for 4T is Skylar McKim!! Everyday she comes into the classroom with a positive attitude, a smile on her face, and is ready to learn! Skylar is always willing to lend a helpful hand to anyone! She continuously shows gratitude and kindness towards others. No matter where she is, Skylar is always respectful, responsible, and safe! In class, she loves sharing her ideas and she works hard to complete any given task! Skylar, you are a wonderful role model and leader to your peers! Congratulations Superstar! You deserve it!! (:
4Ry- The Trojan Trait Superstar for 4Ry is a student who can be counted on to show respect at all times, while also being responsible and safe. She is focused and determined to work hard and put forth her best effort in all class assignments and activities. She often sees a need and helps behind the scenes without even being asked. Congratulations, Analise Cass! I’m so thankful for your quiet leadership and your inspiring ways!
Fairfield, IA 52556
Pence Mission Statement: Pence loves me for who I am, celebrates my growth & encourages me to be my best. At Pence, I matter. #giddyup