Congdon Park Weekly News 1/22/2025
Powerful Learning in a Peaceful Environment
Important Dates
Feb 4 & 6 - Spring conferences & Book Fair
Feb 5 Winter Walk to School Day
Feb 10th PTA Meeting
Feb 17 Summer Key Zone registration opens
Feb 17-21 No School - Winter Break
Feb 24 No School - Prof Dev for Staff
March 10th PTA Meeting
March 20 Kindergarten Meet and Greet
March 31-April 4 No School - Spring Break
1st Week of April - 2025-26 school year Keyzone registration
April 11 Family Night - Science/STEM night
April 15-17 MCA Reading Testing
April 22-24 MCA Math Testing
April 21st PTA Meeting
April 28-May 2 MCA Reading and Math Makeups
April 28-May 2 5th gr MCA Science testing
May 9th Spring Concert
May 5-9 5th gr MCA Science testing makeups
May 12th PTA Meeting
May 26 No School - Memorial Day
May 27 No School - Prof Dev for Staff
June 5 Last Day of School
MCA Testing 3rd-5th Graders
The dates have been set for MCA testing. Please do not schedule vacations or trips during this time. This is an important testing time for your students. Here are the dates:
Reading- April 15-17 grades 3-5
Math- April 22-24 grades 3-5
Make-ups April 28-May 2 grades 3-5
Science- April 28-May 2 grade 5
Science make-ups May 5-9 grade 5
Safety Drills at Congdon Park
Throughout the year, we practice several different safety drills in order to be prepared for an unexpected event at school. Below are the dates we plan to hold each of these drills.
Fire Drills:
September 10
September 24
October 4
April 30
May 20
Lockdown Drills:
September 18
November 13
January 14
March 12
May 12
Tornado Drill:
April 10
Yearbooks for sale
Don't forget to purchase your yearbook! Prices go up on Feb 1st and yearbooks will no longer be able to be personalized after Jan 31st.
https://www.jostens.com and search for Congdon Park Elementary school (make sure you are choosing the correct school!) under yearbooks.
If you took ANY photos during school activities/holiday parties, please send them to us!
5th grade parents: reminder that we are still collecting a baby (or toddler) photo to include next to your graduating 5th grader's portrait.
PTA yearbook Committee:
Deborah Sah & Kate Van Daele
Meet our new MN Math Corps Tutor
Name...Carson McManon
Position... Math Corps Tutor
How long have you been at Congdon/District... I'm brand new!
Tell us about your family... I live with my boyfriend and our 2 dogs and a bunny. I have 2 older brothers.
What do you like to do in your spare time? I love playing board games and playing fetch with my Golden doodle.
My hopes for the 2024-25 school year... To help kidos gain confidence in their skills and learn how to be the best people they can be, inside and outside the classroom.
Many students and parents are frequently concerned about when students should stay home or attend school. The following information is intended to help with this decision.
General practice:
- If a student has had a fever of 100 degrees or more, the student must stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever reducing medication.
- If a student has vomited or had diarrhea, the student must stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
- If a student has had any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with your family physician before sending the student to school.
- If a student is ill, please call the school daily to report the illness.218-336-8825 ext 2 or email congdonattendance@isd709.org
Please call the school health office at 336-8950 x1845 if you have any questions regarding the information above.
Some helpful links:
- Is My Child Well Enough To Go To School
- Safe Learning Plan COVID-19 Information
Please be sure to let the school office know when you have a change in address, or perhaps an additional address due to a separation or divorce. Parents are unable to change their address in Infinite Campus. The school office needs to email the change to our District Tech Dept after receiving a residence verification from the parent/guardian.
Examples of what we can accept for a Residence Verification for a new address:
* Property Tax Statement
* Purchase Agreement
* Lease Agreement
* or are a Family In Transition
This a school district policy. Please email heidi.klassen@isd709.org with questions. Thanks!
Parent/Teacher Conferences in Feb.
Conferences will be held February 4th and 6th. Watch for an email from your student's teacher on January 21st for how to sign up for your child's conference. This sign up will be through Parent Square.
Winter walk to school day is Wednesday February 5, 2025.
The idea is simple: go for a walk for at least 15 minutes, and don’t let the cold scare you off.
We encourage everyone to walk to school. If you live too far to walk or typically drop off your student, consider parking at Ordean Middle School and walking down the hill to Congdon Park School together. Dress appropriately.
If you do walk daily, congratulations! Walking is good for your health and helps kids focus at school. Continue to walk and invite a neighbor to join. We encourage families to meet up and form a group, or "walking school bus" to improve visibility. Maybe try a different route for a change of scenery and add more steps.
If you don't walk regularly, consider taking one day to walk with your student. Show them the safest route and talk to them about safety tips along the way.
Online registration will be open on February 1st. Be sure to click on 2025-26 in the drop down, to ensure you are registering your incoming kindergartner for next school year. You do not have to wait for the Meet and Greet to complete the online registration. It is important to register early as it helps us determine how many kindergarten teachers we will need.
The Kindergarten Meet & Greet will be March 20th, tentative hours are 3:30-6:00pm. This is a chance for Kindergartners, who are starting in Sept of 2025, to turn in their registration paperwork and meet the Kindergarten teachers. As we get closer to the event there will be a Sign up Genius to sign up for a time. Please click HERE and fill out the form to get us your child/family information. It is important to fill out this form as this is what we use to send out registration paperwork packets and emails.
Do you have a child that is between the ages of 3 - 5? Know someone that does? Early Childhood Screening is needed for all students in the state before they start Kindergarten. You only need to do the screening once between the ages of 3-5. Please arrange an appointment by calling 218-336--8816 or email ecscreening@isd709.org. Slots fill up fast (limited appointments during the summer)
Attached are the minutes from our January PTA Meeting. Additionally, we'd like to share some upcoming needs and volunteer opportunities.
- We are looking for some volunteers to coordinate the main meal for teachers and staff for the PTA provided dinners on February 4th and 6th. It would involve using PTA funds to coordinate and pick up the main dish meal for staff (previous examples are Jimmy John's, Vitta Pizza, Olive Garden, etc). All the sides are donated by families (see link below for that sign-up). If you would be interested in learning more about this coordinating role, please reach out to meghan.sperl@isd709.org for more information. We hope to have a volunteer coordinate the 2/4 meal and another volunteer to coordinate the 2/6 meal.
- PTA is hosting another family fun night - Science/STEM Night on April 11th! This is a great event and it takes some hands to get it organized. If you are interested in joining this committee, please reach out to meghan.sperl@isd709.org to be put in touch with committee leaders.
Upcoming February Volunteer Sign-Ups:
- Scholastic Book Fair - https://signup.com/go/eOPoQDV
- Conference Dinners for teachers - https://signup.com/go/BAYHuZn
- Kindergarten meet and Greet:
- Kindergarten and 1st grade lunch help: https://signup.com/go/tVGgadD
Thank you for all the ways you continue to support Congdon Park!
Congdon Park PTA Jan 6, 2025 meeting minutes.docx
Thanks for considering and helping to make our Congdon community great! If you haven't joined as a member yet this year, you can sign up here: https://congdonparkpta.givebacks.com/
Who should I notify if my child is missing school?
Dropping off my student late
Getting dropped off late:
- Please park in the 15 minute parking spot by the main doors.
- Call the office at 218.336.8825 ext 0 to let us know you are dropping your child off.
- Send your child into the building and direct them to come to the office
- Office staff will check them in and send them to class.
Picking up my student early
Picking up early:
- Please notify your child's teacher by note or email on the day that your child will be getting picked up early
- Please park in the 15 minute parking spot by the main doors
- Call the office (218.336.8825 ext 0) and let us know you are here and where your child is going
- When your student gets to the office, we will sign them out and send them outside.
What is the best way to reach my student's teacher or other staff? Emailing is best.
We have a list of staff and their extensions that you can access by clicking HERE. You can also find this on our website. Click on "About Us" then look for link on the right side of the page directly under the Classrooms title.
On the list you will also find their full name to use for an email:
email: (first name).(last name)@isd709.org
Teacher Wish List
Teachers have many needs for their classrooms. Our PTA helps to gather those requests and create a sign up for those parents that would like to purchase something for a teacher. Here is the sign up:
Looking to purchase a Congdon tshirt, sweatshirt or hat?
Here is your chance to purchase some Congdon wear with our new cougar logo.
Community Activities
What's happening at The Depot in January?
Duluth Parks and Recreation Winter-Spring Program Brochure
The City of Duluth Parks and Recreation is excited to present our program brochure for Winter-Spring 2025! This brochure includes programs from January-May for all ages.
About Us
Kathi Kusch Marshall - Principal
Website: https://www.isd709.org/congdon-elementary
Location: 3116 E. Superior St
Phone: 218.336.8825
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cpsduluth