Bulldog Bulletin Weekly eNews
Here is what is on top for February 12, 2025
February 12, 2025
Good Afternoon Buena Vista Families,
I hope you are all getting ready for the long President's Day Weekend. Just a reminder, there is no school for students February 13th-17th.
Just a reminder, we will be shifting our communication platform over to Parent Square, if you haven't downloaded the app yet, there are directions on how here. An email invite was sent last week. More information below!
The last week of January was our Kindness Campaign, please check out the photos above to see all of the amazing acts of kindness our Bulldogs performed. We had so many of our classrooms become kindness certified.
Youth Truth Survey
WCSD has partnered with YouthTruth, a nonprofit organization that supports hundreds of schools and districts across the country, to conduct an anonymous survey on our behalf. Families can complete our YouthTruth Survey which will help us improve our school from now until it closes on February 28. It should only take 15 minutes to complete. The survey link will also be sent to families via email on Monday, February 3. Please note:
The survey needs to be completed in one sitting.
We ask that one member of each household fill out the survey.
If you have more than one child who attends our school, you may respond to the survey multiple times - one time per child.
If you write any comments, please do not include your name or anything else that might identify you. Your responses are anonymous, and they will be combined with the responses of other parents and guardians before being shared back with school and district leadership.
Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. Your response is incredibly valuable to us. If you have any questions about the survey, or our plans for how we will use your feedback, please contact me.
The Buena Vista Science Fair is coming!
Buena Vista will be hosting their Annual Science Fair on February 20th. Mrs. Bockser is looking for parents who would be interested in interviewing students about their project from 12:45-2:30 on that day. No one wins the Science Fair, but this is a great opportunity for students to share what they have learned. If you are interested, please email Kellianne Bockser at kbockser@walnutcreeksd.org. Thank you!
Important Dates
- Thursday, February 13 - Staff Development Day - No School for students
Friday-Monday, February 14-17 - President’s Day Weekend - No School
Thursday, February 20th- Science Fair, 5:30-7pm, MUR
Monday-Thursday, February 24-27th- 5th Grade Science Camp
Friday, February 28th- End of Trimester 2, SHORT DAY, TK-K 8:10-11:30am, Gr 1-5 8:10-12:25pm
It's a great day to be a Bulldog!
Angela Gramlick
Buena Vista Elementary Principal
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Please share these guidelines with all members of your family and any other person responsible for transporting your children to and from school. Thank you for your full cooperation in observing all of these guidelines.
Morning Supervision
School breakfast begins in the MUR at 7:45am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday and 8:30am on Wednesday. There is no supervision before this time, so please do not drop off your students early.
San Juan Avenue Entrance (Front of School)
Red = No stopping or parking at any time.
White = Pick-up/Drop-off only – Drivers are not to leave cars unattended.
Please drop off and pick up students in the zone designated by the white painted curb in front of the school, near the BV marquee. Students may be dropped off on the east side of the street (and cross the street with the crossing guard) in the area directly across from the main drop-off area. The curb is painted white for this purpose and is for passenger loading (and off-loading) during the hours of 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Do not park in this area at these times, as you will be cited by the Walnut Creek Police Department.
U-turns are only allowed at intersections where openings for turns are provided. DO NOT turn around in front of the drop-off area.
The parking lot off San Juan Avenue, next to the school office, is for staff and handicapped parking only.
Do not drive into the staff parking area or block the entrance to drop off or pick up students.
This is a reminder that the safest parking area (to avoid a ticket) is located on the school side (west side) of San Juan Avenue. You may park in designated spaces for any amount of time. Be aware that parking on the east side of San Juan is limited to two hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You will be cited if you park in this location over the two-hour limit.
School Lane Entrance (off Buena Vista Ave.) THIS LOT IS FOR DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP ONLY This parking lot is for staff only. After 3:00 p.m., community parking is allowed in open spaces.
Red = No stopping or parking at any time.
White = Pick-up/Drop-off only – Drivers are not to leave cars unattended.
Green = 5-minute parking ONLY – this is for drivers needing quick access to campus. Please leave your car here for only the time allotted.
KINDER DROP-OFF: The area in front of kindergarten is a “No Stopping” zone. It is asked that Kindergarten parents walk their children into class. You will need to find parking along the green curbs in the School Lane lot, on Buena Vista Avenue, on San Juan Avenue, or in the Alvarado lot.
Alvarado Avenue Entrance/Lot
Parents are encouraged to use this parking lot and entrance to the school for drop-off and pick-up, as it is a short, safe walk across the field to the playground and the classrooms.
Please observe the painted entrance and exit arrows indicating one-way drive through.
Besides before and after school the gate will be locked at all times during the school day.
Walnut Creek School District is launching ParentSquare!
Exciting news, WCSD families! We’re making communication easier, more accessible, and more engaging with ParentSquare, our new district-wide communication platform. Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, ParentSquare will replace our current system, bringing everything you need into one central place—right at your fingertips!
One Central Tool – All your school information and updates in one place.
Instant Translations – Messages automatically translate into 100+ languages for better accessibility.
Two-Way Communication – Easily connect with teachers & staff, complete forms, and sign up to volunteer!
Now: Check your email for an invitation to join Aeries Communications and activate your ParentSquare account.
Next Week: Additional instructions on downloading the app will be coming your way.
Later this month: Principals’ messages and eNews will start coming through ParentSquare as we begin our transition.
2025-2026 School Year: All teachers, staff, and WCSD will communicate with you via ParentSquare.
More details about ParentSquare can be found on our WCSD website here.
Get ready to stay informed & connected like never before!
Upcoming Events
Thursday, February 20th- Science Fair, 5:30-7pm, MUR
Calling All Parents - BV Parent Social!
Join us for a fun, casual evening at The Chicken Pot Pie Shop on Friday, 2/28! It’s the perfect chance to meet fellow parents, relax, and enjoy some great food and drinks.
Whether you’re new to the school or a seasoned pro, we’d love to see you there. Come mingle, unwind, and make some new connections!
- Date: Friday, 2/28
- Location: The Chicken Pot Pie Shop
- Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
- Tickets: $25/person. Includes a drink ticket and appetizers. Buy tickets here
It's election time!
We're looking to add a few new faces to our board next year. Email us at President@buenavistapta.org if you have any questions or are interested. We'll hold elections during our March PTA meeting.
Stay Connected
Join the PTA here for as little as $15
Follow, Like our Facebook page
Email us: President@buenavistapta.org
Thank you to all of the families that participated in WCEF's Turn Up the Heat Campaign. If you planned on donating but did not get a chance last week, it is not too late! You can donate to WCEF at their website. Buena Vista is going for 75% participation...if we hit our goal before the end of the year, the principal will treat the whole school to a chocolate milk Friday!
Community Flyers
Is your child home from school?
Parents, it is very important that you remember to leave a message on the attendance line at (925) 944-6822 ext. 3801 or email jlouie@walnutcreeksd.org if your student will not be coming to school. Emails to teachers or the Principal do not always get communicated to the office. Thank you!
Angela Gramlick-Principal
Email: agramlick@walnutcreeksd.org
Website: https://www.walnutcreeksd.org/Subsite001
Location: 2355 San Juan Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Twitter: @BuenaVistaWCSD