The Social Studies Connection
More than a Newsletter for Secondary Social Studies Teachers
Matthew I. Doran
Office of Teaching & Learning
Curriculum Division
Southland Center
Email: mdoran2067@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: http://www.ccsoh.us/socialstudies
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: 380.997.0470
Twitter: @mdoran2067
In this edition:
- Curriculum and Instruction: CCS Social Studies Curriculum Quarterly
- Curriculum and Instruction: Gimkit Pro Subscription for CCS Social Studies
- Ohio's State Tests: New American Government Review
- Professional Development: January 17 Professional Development Day
- External Professional Development Webinars: First Amendment: Speech and Press
- External Professional Development Webinars: Echoes & Reflection PD
- External Professional Development Webinars: We are Facing History
- External Professional Development Webinars: Kennedy and the Cold War
- Teacher Opportunities: iCivics Educator Network
- Teacher Opportunities: George Washington's Mount Vernon Teacher Institute
- Student Programs: Columbus Journalists in Training
- Student Programs: Rickenbacker Woods Foundation Teen Paid Internship Program
CCS Social Studies Curriculum Quarterly, Quarter 3
The CCS Social Studies Curriculum Quarterly provides a preview of upcoming content. Articles highlight the units, standards, TCI lessons and other resources for each core social studies class, and outline some effective instructional strategies for all courses.
The Quarter 3 edition highlights two frequently-used strategies in third quarter lessons, Problem Solving Groupwork and Writing for Understanding. Strategy correlations to each TCI lesson are included in the summary of each course content.
Gimkit Pro Subscription for CCS Social Studies
Gimkit provides fast-paced gameplay that requires knowledge, collaboration, and strategy to win. Students earn virtual currency, which they can "invest" during the game to boost their score. Students can compete against each other or collaborate in teams or as a whole class. When teachers launch the game, they choose from a variety of play modes.
CCS Social Studies has a Gimkit Pro subscription. To join, first create a Gimkit account with your CCS account. Then, complete the form here to request the Gimkit Pro link. The Pro link will be emailed to you within 1-2 days.
CCS Social Studies has started building collections of standards-aligned unit games. Check this page for updates and links to those collections.
New American Government Reviews
- Civil Rights
- Constitutional Change
- Foundations of American Government
- Government and the Economy
- Ohio's State and Local Government
- Participating in Government
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Three Branches of Government
The review materials may be used in conjunction with units of instruction throughout the year, or as a separate review period leading up to the state test.
The student review guides are interactive, fillable Google Docs with:
- narrative summaries of learning targets and main ideas;
- questions for review;
- application exercises; and
- checks for understanding
To use the documents, students will need to select "File" and "Make a Copy." Alternatively, teachers can make a copy of the docs and assign them via Google Classroom or as a Google Cloud assignment in Canvas.
The slide deck reviews are designed for teacher facilitation. They consist of key bullet points that mirror the content of the student reviews, along with short video reviews at the end. Teachers can make a copy of the slide decks. Please do not request edit access to these reviews.
January 17 Professional Development Day
Social Studies sessions will be held virtually on Zoom. These sessions will focus on Inquiry and Engagement, in alignment with the CCS Social Studies Points of Emphasis for 2022-2023.
In the morning, there will be two general sessions:
- A Deep Dive into Social Studies Inquiry (7:30 a.m.)
- TCI Engagement: Social Studies Skill Builders and Problem Solving Groupwork (9:30 a.m.)
Choice sessions will be offered in the afternoon:
- TCI Breakout Sessions by Grade Level/Course (12:00 p.m.)
- Teacher Facilitated Sessions on Engagement (12:00 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.)
- On-Demand Sessions on Inquiry (12:00 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.)
Access the menu of social studies offerings here.
Learn TCI at Your Own Pace
First Amendment: Speech and Press
Participants will examine the historical context and the drafting of the First Amendment—with a special focus on the factors motivating America’s Founding generation. We will also examine various types of speech, including symbolic speech, hate speech, and political speech, and look at how those definitions have been applied throughout history. We will explore modern court cases that impact students’ lives directly and discuss meaningful ways to include students in the broader conversation about free speech in schools and with technology.
Wednesday, January 18 | 6:30 – 8 p.m. ET
Echoes & Reflection PD
Justice, Life, & Memory After the Holocaust
Join Echoes & Reflections Program Manager, Jesse Tannetta, to examine the pursuit of justice at Nuremberg and the effect the trials had on our understanding of the Holocaust. Also learn how survivors coped with the trauma to build new lives in the aftermath and what memorialization look like today.
January 17, 2023 at 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET
Holocaust Films You can use in the Classroom: A Guide
How can teachers use Holocaust films in the classroom, and which should they use? Join us as we host Rich Brownstein, a leading expert who will answer these questions. Rich has recently published the "Holocaust Cinema Complete: A History and Analysis of 400 Films, with a Teaching Guide" which has been endorsed by scholars from around the world.
February 1, 2023 at 3:00 - 4:00 PM ET
Register here
We are Facing History: Personal Stories, Identities, and our Connected Past
Our personal histories are invaluable in shaping our identities and perception of the world. Please join us for a special conversation in partnership with Ancestry®, featuring historian and author Dr. Tiya Miles and Senior Story Producer at Ancestry, Nicka Sewell-Smith, in discussion with Facing History’s Chief Officer for Equity and Inclusion, Dr. Steven Becton.
Together we’ll explore how our personal histories inform our individual and collective identities, and learn about the systemic barriers which deny many Americans the opportunity to engage with their own histories. By addressing these barriers and investing in the personal histories missing from our shared narrative, we can build a stronger understanding of our connected past.
Thursday, January 19, 2023, 7:30 PM ET
This event will be hosted on Zoom Webinar.
Kennedy and the Cold War: Berlin to Cuba and Beyond
Join Retro Report and The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza for Kennedy and the Cold War: Berlin to Cuba and Beyond. This free educator webinar will feature films, lessons and resources. A new Retro Report film about the Cuban Missile Crisis will be screened, and we will share resources for approaching the global Cold War.
Register now to join us on Tuesday, Feb. 28 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. ET: bit.ly/RR-ColdWarWebinar
iCivics Educator Network
You don’t have to navigate the challenges of teaching alone. At iCivics, we are committed to building a supportive community for educators across the country. The iCivics Educator Network is one of the key ways we do that.
More than just a professional development network, the iCivics Educator Network is an energetic group of civics, history, government, and social studies teachers from almost every state in the nation who serve as champions and ambassadors for high-quality equitable civic education.
“The iCivics Educator Network not only helped me develop best practices for teaching civics and government but has allowed me to collaborate with educators from across the country who have become great friends.”
~ Michael M., Social Studies Teacher and iCivics Educator Network member
Benefits of joining the iCivics Educator Network:
- A monthly email newsletter packed full of learning opportunities and resources
- Monthly virtual Educator Network meetings where you’ll connect with other members and discuss pedagogy and teaching ideas
- First access to behind-the-scenes sneak peeks at new iCivics resources, special events, pilots, and other opportunities
- The chance to share your teaching experiences with national and local media
- Collaboration with other teachers as part of a vibrant and supportive community
Don’t wait! The deadline to apply is January 20, 2023. Click here for the application.
George Washington's Mount Vernon Teacher Institute
The George Washington Teacher Institute Summer Residential Program is a 5-day immersive professional development experience designed to support educators who value the importance of inclusive history content. We invite K-12 teachers of all disciplines and grade levels to explore the life, life, leadership, and legacies of George Washington and the diversity of the 18th-century world in which he lived.
Summer 2023 Program Dates & Themes
June 13-17: Martha Washington and the Women of the 18th Century
June 20-24: The Great Experiment: George Washington and the Founding of the U.S. Government
June 27-July 1: Slavery in George Washington’s World
July 11-15: George Washington at War: From Soldier to Commander in Chief
July 18-22: George Washington and the Economy of a New Nation
August 1-5: Leadership and Legacy: Lessons from George Washington
Columbus Journalists in Training
Columbus Journalists in Training is a career exploration program exclusively for 10th grade students in CCS.
There are 30 slots available for Columbus City Schools sophomores with representation from each high school. Students will be selected based on interests in English, journalism, creative writing, podcasting, broadcasting and similar topics.
Participants will experience intensively interactive exercises while being coached by media professionals. Students will be paired with sets of at least two journalists from the print/digital and broadcast media. Teams will serve as mentors and help students complete a final project that can be used by Columbus City Schools and/or Dispatch.com.
The program will take place on Saturdays - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm on the following dates:
January 28, February 18, March 11, April 1, April 2, May 6 at Ft. Hayes Career Center
Sophomore students can apply for the program here.
Rickenbacker Woods Foundation Teen Paid Internship Program
Our foundation is the caretaker of the boyhood home of Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, one of three National Historic Landmarks in Columbus. Further, RWF celebrates the accomplishments of Granville T. Woods, also a Columbus native, who was a prolific African American inventor of over 60 patents including the “third rail” that powers subways and streetcars today.
The historic home of Eddie Rickenbacker will be redeveloped into a digital museum. We envision the stories of Rickenbacker, Woods, the Columbus Tuskegee Airmen, the historic Livingston Avenue area being told through audio and visual presentation. Additionally outdoor exhibits will be designed.
The interns selected will:
1. Be paid bi-weekly
2. Conduct interviews with local community leaders
3. Research the legacies of Granville T. Woods, Eddie Rickenbacker, the Tuskegee Airmen and other Columbus legends
4. Host community workshops
5. Enjoy expense paid field trips in the city and around Ohio
6. Have the opportunity to visit colleges and universities, museums and other interesting sites
7. Create a documentary about the internship experience
8. Work with the latest design technology
Program days will be Tuesday and Thursday after school and on Saturday. Interested students should apply below.
If chosen for an interview, applicants are encouraged to bring a letter of recommendation (not written by a family member).