All-Staff Welcome Back Aug. 21
HERE! for their Future

Message from Superintendent Matt Adams
WDMCS Staff,
I am so excited to see each and every one of you on Monday, Aug. 21, as we gear up for a great 2023-24 school year. As we discussed as a leadership team our goal of bringing all employees together to focus on belonging, we decided to host our welcome back on our own school grounds. That’s why we are excited to announce that our welcome back will be held in the Field House at Valley High School.
A few years ago, we moved our commencement from the Knapp Center to Valley Stadium. Families have loved celebrating on our own campus, and we hope you feel the same way.
Our theme for the welcome back and for the year is HERE! for Their Future. We talk every day about wanting our students to feel like they belong, they are valued, and they are welcome. I want YOU to feel like you belong, you are valued, and you are welcome here. I look forward to seeing you at Valley on Monday, Aug. 21.
Please read the updates to logistics for the day below.
Dr. Matt Adams
HERE! for Their Future
Our annual all-staff event is just around the corner. We can't wait to see you! As we prepare for our 2023-24 school year, we are thankful you chose HERE for your career. You want you to feel a sense of belonging HERE as part of our WDMCS family, and your presence HERE at this event is vital!
Whether you are a teacher, support staff, administrator, bus driver, child care provider, custodian, or work in nutrition... YOU are part of WDMCS, and we look forward to seeing you! Talk with your immediate supervisor if you have any questions.
Wear your HERE! for Their Future T-shirt if you have one!
WDMCS All-Staff Welcome Back Event
7:30 a.m. — breakfast and conversation in Valley's cafeteria
8:30-10:30 a.m. — program in the Field House (main gym at Valley High School).
Park in the west and north parking lots. Enter through the west main doors off 39th St. or the north main entrance off Woodland Ave. Carpooling from other buildings is also encouraged due to limited parking at Valley.