The Weekly Wildcat
News and information from Dr. VanRheen, Principal at LHS
Message from the Principal
Thank you for your support of our TEST DAY last week. We felt it was a great success. Freshmen students will receive their scores soon. Sophomore scores are not returned to us until the summer. We will celebrate scores next fall when school starts. Juniors taking the ACT will receive an email when scores are available through their MyACT account. Seniors had great stories of the activities they were able to do on this day. All testing is purposeful for students and staff. Thank you for partnering with us on this day.
Looking ahead, no school for students on April 19th.
April...here we come!
Dr. Amy VanRheen~LHS Principal
Students and Teacher of the Month
Congratulations Bill
Congratulations Mrs. Goode
Congratulations AJ
Kindergarten Round Up
Do you know a little one that will be going to Kindergarten next year?
It's time to Round Them Up!
April 18th
Rockville Elementary (call for more information)
Senior Class
Seniors received a permission form on Friday that will need to be signed by one parent. These forms and $20 are due this Wednesday April 3rd.
Seniors not attending will have a normal school day.
We love noticing students who are doing great things at LHS
check out our EVENTS coming up
LHS Athletics and Activities
Seven Mindsets
April...Live to Give
Here are the learning topics for the month:
Stretch Yourself
Make a Difference
Receive Gracefully
Create a Legacy
Prom April 20th 2024
Louisburg Sports Zone Athlete of the Week
11:00 am in the LHS Gymnasium
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Also follow Louisburg Sports Zone for the latest sporting event updates and great pictures.
Courtesy of Andy Brown
About us
Email: vanrheena@usd416.org
Website: www.usd416.org
Location: 202 Aquatic Drive, Louisburg, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 837-1720
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LouisburgHighSchoolOfficial
Twitter: @LhsUsd416