DRES Family Message
February 26, 2023
Message From Mrs. Sanchez
We have been noticing an increase in discipline referrals this quarter due to students having a hard time regulating their emotions. Many of our 4th and 5th graders are engaging in "roasting" one another. We have talked about how this is not being respectful nor kind. Please talk with your children about using kind words and not to participate in "roasting" others. No one likes to be made fun of. Encourage your children to be a leader through being kind and supportive of others.
Additionally, at DRES, across WCPSS, and the nation, we are seeing an increase in threats made to cause physical harm to others. Make sure your child knows this is will not be tolerated and not acceptable. Students will receive consequences for threats made to harm others, even if they are joking. As you've seen in the news recently, this is not a joking matter. Our school needs to be a safe place for all students and staff.
On a positive note, I enjoyed seeing many families out to our Dinner Date last week sponsored by the John Wall Family Foundation. We had a nice evening with dinner, a movie, popcorn, Italian Ice, give aways, and prizes. Glad you could make it out for the evening.
Together we are stronger!
Mrs. Sanchez, Principal
Empathy & Kindness
Use this link to our website and scroll down to Unit 3. Find your grade level and select the link for the English or Spanish version.
Free Reduced Lunch Application- Last Push
Our Title 1 status for the next school year is determined by the amount of families that qualify for Free or Reduced Priced meals. If you haven't completed a form to see if you qualify, please do so today using the link below. We are very close to moving to a higher tier that would bring more funding for our students. The number of students that qualify by 2/28/23 sets our funding for 23-24 school year.
Family Collaborative Learning Night- March 21- 5:00pm-6:30pm
Help Us Send Our 5th Graders To Washington, DC
Front row at graduation, first place in carpool, Principal for the day and more! Place your silent auction bids today!
First place in carpool, Principal for the day, guest anchor on the news, front row at 5th grade graduation and more are the items up for auction as our 5th graders continue to raise money to help everyone get to Washington, DC this May! Check out the Class of 2023 silent auction and bid on an item or two: https://app.memberhub.gives/dresfifthgrade/Campaign/Details
Up for auction are:
- 1st and 2nd place in carpool for 2023
- Front row at 5th grade graduation
- Principal for the day
- Weekly guest anchor on the morning news
- Front row at the 2nd grade play/music performance
- 50/50 raffle
- Lunch with your favorite teacher
**Check out the items and bid today! https://app.memberhub.gives/dresfifthgrade/Auction/Details
All money raised will be used to support field trip scholarships so every student who wants to go to Washington, DC can!
Order a dozen doughnuts and help send a 5th grader to Washington, DC
Our 5th graders need your help! The weekend is here and there's no better time to think about doughnuts! Help us raise some DOUGH and purchase a Krispy Kreme dozen doughnut voucher for only $13 (about 20% off retail)! Money raised will go towards scholarships to help ensure all interested 5th grade students are able to attend the DC field trip.
Here’s how to place an order:
• Visit tinyurl.com/DRESDonuts to submit your Krispy Kreme Doughnut Voucher Order
• Once you place your order, your digital dozen voucher will be emailed to you
• Purchase as many as you’d like (up to 5 per day)!
• Use the voucher now or whenever you have the craving for a doughnuts!
• Krispy Kreme in Wake Forest is only 10 minutes away from the school
• The electronic voucher can be used at any retail location (except Connecticut) at any time - in store or drive thru
💰Working on that New Years resolution or can’t have doughnuts?
• Make a tax-deductible donation instead: https://drespta.memberhub.com/store/items/776009
Cafeteria Helpers
Morning Male Greeters
Quarter 3 Dates
DRES Chorus Meets Thursday Mornings from 7:15am-8:00am in Music Room
3/1/23- First Day of Women's History Month
3/2/23- Read To Achieve Meeting- Media Center @ 4:30pm-5:00pm
3/6/23- Author Diane Silcox Jarrett- Week Long Resident Artist working with 5th grade
3/9/23- Single Subject Acceleration Parent Meeting 4:30-5:30pm Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vgf-jdow-nyr
3/13/23- School Leadership Meeting 3:45-4:45pm in Media Center
3/15/23- School Tour for new families- 4pm
3/19/23- Spring Play Date & PTA Meeting- 3pm- Outdoor Classroom @ DRES
3/20/23- School Social Worker Appreciation Week- Celebrate Mrs. Pearson
3/21/23- Family Collaborative Night 5:00pm-6:30pm
3/23/23- On Safari- 2nd Grade Performance @ 7pm
3/24/23- Last Day of Quarter 3, Early Release at 1pm
Important Q4 Dates:
Return from Track Out 4/24/23
EOGs begin 6/14-6/28
Last Day of School 6/28
EOG Retakes 6/29 & 6/30
DRES PTA Information
- Please join here if you have not already joined the DRES PTA! Also, please ask grandparents and family members to join!
- Check out the PTA website here: https://durantroadpta.weebly.co
Monthly PTA Meeting Dates, Times, and Location
- Sunday, March 19th, 3:00pm PTA meeting and playdate at DRES playground
- Monday, April 24th, 6:30 at DRES media center
- Sunday, May 21st, PTA meeting and Playdate at DRES playground
- Monday, June 26th 6:30 - location TBD
Interested in donating to the school, PTA project, or student?
- Check out options for donations here: https://durantroadpta.weebly.com/dres-wish-lists.html
Early Release Dates
The rest of the Early Release Days for the year for Track 4 are:
March 24
May 9
Past Principal Newsletters
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger
Did you change your phone number or move?
If you've moved, please provide an updated gas, electric, water bill, signed lease agreement, or bill of sale for house purchase. Contact Mrs. Antonio for an appointment.