St Anthony's School News
Term 4: 10th November 2022
Acknowledgement of Country
St Anthony’s School acknowledges Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the traditional custodians of lands, waterways and skies across Australia.
We thank you for sharing and caring for the land we learn and play on.
We pay our respects to Elders, and we share our friendship and kindness.
Our Vision Statement
St Anthony's School community works collaboratively to teach and live the values of Christ. While respecting tradition, and to meet the demands of a rapidly changing society, it strives to educate our children to their full potential.
Message from the Principal
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the moment when World War 1 hostilities ceased on the Western Front, has become universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war. This first modern world conflict had brought about the mobilisation of over 70 million people and left between 9 and 13 million dead, perhaps as many as one-third of them with no known grave. The allied nations chose this day and time for the commemoration of their war dead. In the modern era, we remember all those who fought in this and subsequent wars and conflict zones that we might live in freedom.
Please join us this Friday at 8.45 as we gather to remember those who died or suffered for Australia's cause in all wars and armed conflicts.
Covid Management Update
New COVID guidelines were signed off by the Chief Health Officer on the weekend of 16th/17th October. These guidelines now state:
- Where a positive COVID test is returned, it is recommended that staff and students stay home until symptoms have resolved.
- RAT results should still be registered via the WA Health and the CEWA COVID-19 Reporting Portal.
- Isolation for close contacts is no longer mandated. They are encouraged to test daily for five days and only attend if the test is negative. Close contacts may choose to wear a mask. Close contacts should avoid high risk settings (hospitals, aged care facilities etc).
- Schools are to continue strong ventilation practices and continue the use of disinfectant and detergent on high contact surfaces.
We strongly encourage parents to keep children who test positive to COVID at home until they are symptom free in an attempt to avoid the spread of COVID in classrooms.
School Advisory Council and P&F AGMs
This year’s School Advisory Council and Parents & Friends (P&F) AGMs will be held on Tuesday, 22nd November commencing 7pm in the Library. Please put the date and time in your diary so you can attend these important meetings. The P&F are running a ‘Lucky Door Prize’ with a free raffle ticket for each parent and community member who attends.
A Message from the School Advisory Council
For 2023-2025 we have between 2-4 positions available on the School Advisory Council. Therefore, we are seeking nominations from interested community members who have the desire and time to devote to Council meetings.
Criteria for membership of the Council shall be:-
- A commitment and desire to promote Catholic education and give service to the Catholic School Community;
- A commitment to the safety, well being and pastoral care of all students and staff;
- An ability to work cooperatively and constructively with the Principal, school leadership team and all other members of the Advisory Council;
- The possession of skills, competencies and experience that are reflective of, relevant and beneficial to the Catholic School Community; and
- A sufficiency of time to devote to School Advisory Council duties.
The School Advisory Council has four meetings a year. These are held on Tuesday of the second week of the term. In addition, Council members attend the Community Annual General Meeting held in November each year.
If you are interested in nominating for membership to the Advisory Council, current Council members will be happy to discuss their role with you. A nomination form is available from the school office. Nominations close 3pm Friday, 18th November.
A Message from the School Parents & Friends Committee
The P&F is led by a volunteer group of parents, each of whom are elected to office bearer positions. These are the P&F Committee members.
At each AGM the P&F Committee stands aside. Therefore, we are seeking nominations from interested community members who have the desire and time to devote to P&F meetings and functions.
Conditions for membership of the P&F Committee are:-
- A commitment and desire to promote Catholic education and to give service to the school;
- A commitment to the safety, well being and pastoral care of all students and staff;
- An ability to work cooperatively and constructively with the Principal, school leadership team, the School Advisory Council and other members of the P&F; and
- A sufficiency of time to devote to School Advisory Council duties.
All parents of enrolled students at the school are considered general members of the P&F. Friends are persons connected to the school community who do not have children enrolled at the school and are considered associate members.
If you are interested in nominating for membership of the P&F Committee, current Committee members will be happy to discuss their role with you. A nomination form is available from the school office. Nominations for the P&F Committee close 3pm Friday, 18th November.
God bless
Therese Bandy
Music News
With Christmas fast approaching we have started learning our songs for Carols on the Green, which is 6pm on Thursday 1st of December at the Wanneroo City Council Amphitheatre.
Music News
The choir spread some Christmas cheer today at the opening of the Kmart Wishing Tree in Wanneroo Central.
Reminder to the Year 3 and 4 children to bring their recorders every Thursday to music.
Julia Aylmore
Music Teacher
St Anthony’s School utilises the SEQTA Engage Parent Portal for parents to access student reports for students in Pre-Primary to Year 6 at the end of each semester. If you have not already done so, please log in to SEQTA Engage to ensure you are able to access your child's report.
To do this you need to go to the following site: and use your current username and password. This link is also found on the homepage of the school website under Quick Links.
If you have remembered your username but have forgotten your password, please click on the "Forgot your Password?" link and an immediate email will be sent to you. The password reset link in the email will expire within one hour, so please action this immediately.
If you have forgotten both of these, then please contact the school and we can remind you of your username.
If you are new to using SEQTA Engage you will receive an email to set up a new log in account. This email will expire within 7 days so please, action this as soon as possible. If you have not received your sign-up email or have any issues, please contact the school.
Thank you
Kate Gellé
St Anthony's Way Awards
Awards are presented at Monday's Assembly
Year 1
Marco Wantok, Cillian Coughlan, Lilah Dzienis, Edyne Antonio, Jude Baxter, Selena Nguyen, Lucy O’Connor, Aidan El Rhazouani
Year 3
Liam Dwyer, Claudia Andrews
Year 4
Chase Mannella, Hannah Walker, Sophie Langullah
Year 5
Sahanga Udawaththa, Penny Arbuckle, Vraj Patel, Grace Allen, Ethan Poliran, William Van
Gold Award
Addison Dixon
Louis Dunne
Faith in Action
Grandparents' Mass
Grandparents play an important role in our lives, and we were fortunate that over 200 grandparents attended the Grandparents' Mass and Morning Tea to help us honour them and express our gratitude for the impact they have on the entire St. Anthony's Community. We honoured and recognised them for the significant part they play not only in the life of our school's children but also in the life of our community. We welcomed them into our classroom so that they could spend precious time with their grandchildren.
God Bless and go in peace,
Nicole Crosthwaite
P&F News
Vision for Learning - Snapshots of our Early Childhood Charter
Children learn through their interactions with others and therefore collaborative learning experiences are essential.
Go Blue for Diabetes Day
Allergy Aware School Reminder
We would like to remind families that St Anthony's is an allergy aware school and we request that peanut butter, nutella and nuts are not included in your child’s lunch.
God Bless
Therese Bandy
Bullying is Never Okay
Bullying is a real problem in all schools across Australia. It happens across all ages groups, and it is a problem that impacts 27% of students between the ages of 8 and 14, in Australian schools. Bullying can happen at school, at home or online. It is never okay, and it is not a normal part of growing up.
What is Bullying?
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.
There are three types of bullying:
1. Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things. Verbal bullying includes:
- Teasing
- Name-calling
- Inappropriate comments
- Threatening to cause harm
2. Social bullying involves hurting someone's reputation or relationships. Social bullying includes:
- Leaving someone out on purpose
- Telling other children not to be friends with someone
- Spreading rumours about someone
- Embarrassing someone in public
3. Physical bullying involves hurting a person's body or possessions. Physical bullying includes:
- Hitting/kicking/pinching
- Spitting
- Tripping/pushing
- Taking or breaking someone’s things
- Making mean or rude hand gestures
Over the next few weeks will be focusing on the issue of bullying and how we can make sure that we stomp out any bullying in our school. Bullying is NEVER okay!
Student Wellbeing
Health News
Scoliosis - Students Aged 10-11
Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. It can be detected by a simple examination of the back. The normal spine has three curves – one in the neck, on in the upper back and one in the lower back. These curves can be seen from the side, but when you look from behind the spine should appear straight. If the spine has a sideways curve, this is scoliosis.
Please read through the scoliosis information provided by Raising Children Network and check your child for scoliosis as described.
If you have any concerns, please contact your General Practitioner or Community Health Nurse, Chelsey Williams on 0404823686
Kindergarten 2023
If you have a child that is due to commence Kindy in 2023 and have not yet lodged an application, please do so as soon as possible as there are only a few spots left. Forms can be obtained on our website, from the front office or click on the link below.
Uniform Shop
Online Ordering (Preferred Method of Ordering)
Ordering online is our preferred method of purchase due to the current COVID climate. Please use the Quickcliq link below to set up an account. If you have already set up an online canteen account, please use the same login.
Ordering Via the Office
To view uniform prices or order uniforms via the school office, choose the relevant uniform order form below, print off and send in with the appropriate payment. The form can also be emailed directly to the uniform shop with credit card details.
Kindergarten Uniform Order
Summer Uniform Order
Winter Uniform Order
Visiting the Uniform Shop
The uniform shop is open on Wednesday mormings between 8.00am and 9.00am.
All items will be accepted for exchange as long as:
- They are still in their packaging and tags are still attached.
- Items have not been washed or named.
When your order has been completed it will be sent home with your child.
If you have any uniform queries please feel free to email me at: or you can ring the school and speak to me on Wednesdays between 9.00-10.00am.
Many thanks
Gabrielle Murphy
Uniform Shop Coordinator
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.
Enrol at