AHS Student Bulletin
March 10, 2025
The Class of 2028 will be hosting a Pie Night
The Class of 2028 will be hosting a Pie Night on Wednesday March 12th from 5pm to 7pm at the AHS Cafe.
All You Can EAT Pies - Savory, Dessert & Ice Cream $5 (Cash/Venmo)
Raffles and Snack Bar available as well!
Thank You for Supporting the Class of 2028
Amesbury High School Blood Drive
Parents and students (16+ with parent consent or 17+ without parent consent)are Eligible to donate. You will need some form of ID that shows photo and date of birth on day of donation.
Amesbury High School Drama Presents Cinderella
Autism Awareness & Acceptance Day
Credit for Life
Attention Junior Parents:
Last week your student learned about an exciting field trip they may attend on May 22nd called the Credit for Life Fair. We will be encouraging all juniors to sign up to participate in this event that teaches personal finance and budgeting. This annual Fair is hosted by the Institution for Savings and is completely free for us to attend – including bus transportation to and from Salem State University… and lunch!
Some of you with older students may already know about the Credit for Life Fair as we have participated in this for many years. For new parents, please find this video to learn more about the event. Your student will get to choose their career from over 130+ options, and then proceed as if they are a 25-year-old adult using their monthly salary to buy all their needs and wants using an online platform. They’ll buy a car, rent an apartment (or choose to live at home), pay student loans and even decide to give to charity or adopt a pet! You’ll enjoy this quote from the video “I really didn’t understand how much money my parents are spending every month on things I wouldn’t even have thought about.”
Feel free to ask your student about their impression of the presentation and as always, let us know any questions you may have ahead of the event. Be on the lookout for permission slips for your child in the upcoming weeks.
Athletic Information
Winter Sports Awards Night
The Winter Sports Awards Night will be Tuesday March 18, 7:00 PM in the Lawlor Auditorium at Amesbury High School. All athletes are encouraged to attend and families/friends are welcomed. The night is dedicated to sports teams wrap ups, individual awards presentations and a slide show created by Ms. Leary and the Yearbook Staff.
Click on the link below to order.
Guidance Information
10-12: For the next three Wednesdays, there will be a mini fair during WIN in the gym. Junior advisories will be brought down each week. Interested seniors or sophomores should get a pass from their WIN teachers if they'd like to attend. Expected attendees from colleges, military, training and trade programs are listed outside of Guidance.
12: When you receive an acceptance from a college or you commit to a branch of the military, please bring in your letter to Guidance. If you plan on working or taking a gap year please see Mrs. Foley or your guidance counselor. You can then put a star up on the board outside of Guidance. In May, the bulletin board is updated with the post-graduation plans of all seniors, whether they are continuing their education, joining the workforce, enlisting in the military, or taking a gap year.
Any scholarship information (regional, state or national) received by Guidance will be added to the Scholarship Search section under the Scholarships & Money header in Naviance. The information will also be added to the blue Scholarship binder in Guidance.
SAT registration deadline for the May 3rd exam is April 18th.
Grad Night Information
Massachusetts Partnerships For Youth
Community Service Information
Community Service at the Town Park
Help is needed to maintain the ice rink at the town park. If you are interested contact Dan Ouellet at 978-504-0213.
Some Options Include:
shoveling when it snows
shoveling to get the crust off before our almost daily coating
picking up trash
being part of the resurfacing process.
School Dismissal Reminders
This is a reminder that anyone picking up a child from school must be on the student's identified pickup list and must come into the reception area to present their ID. Students will not be dismissed to anyone that is not on their contact list. In the event that a student has their license, parents/guardians must indicate in their dismissal note that the child will be driving themselves.
We have also seen an uptick in students signing out of school for driving lessons. This is a reminder that driving lessons are not an excused absence from school. We ask that families to find times outside of the school day to schedule these lessons. Additionally, we will be enforcing the same dismissal procedures, and if the person picking that child up for a lesson is not on the contact list and does not present proper ID, they will not be allowed to leave. Student safety and attendance are top priorities, and we appreciate your support.
AHS Redhawk Nurse News
Norovirus, is a highly contagious "stomach virus/bug" that causes vomiting and diarrhea, and is currently on the rise nationwide. To help mitigate the virus here at AHS, please review the following signs & symptoms and recommendations from the CDC.
Signs & Symptoms:
Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Stomach Pain
Fever, Headache and Body Aches
Wash hands before eating, preparing or serving food
Clean and Disinfect Contaminated Surfaces
Stay home when sick and per AHS Policy may return to school 24 hours after vomiting/diarrhea has stopped and/or your child is able to tolerate a normal diet
Student Health Guidelines - 24-25 SY (1).pdf
To learn more about the virus, signs and symptoms, treatment and ways to help prevent contracting the virus review here: Norovirus | CDC
Class of 2025 Information
Wow! Senior year is upon us for the Class of 2025! Be on the lookout for announcements from the class about all of the exciting things to come this year.
Friday, May 30, 2025 - Landry Stadium - 7 pm
We can't wait to celebrate your graduates!
Class questions? Email advisors Mrs. Johnston and/or Mr. Opolski.
Yearbook questions? Email Ms. Leary.
AHS School Year Calendar 24-25
AHS Lunch Menu
AHS Schedules
Bus Route Information
All the bus routes can be found by following the link below
Upcoming Events
Save the Dates!
Principal's Coffee
8:30-9:30 a.m - Dr. Ricci's Office
RSVP to Jennifer Machado (jennifer.machado@amesburyma.org) by 2/25/25
Order AHS Spiritwear to support Boosters! The sweatshirts, hats, blankets and shirts make great gifts for the holidays or any occasion! Click on the link below to order.
STUCO School Store
The AHS Student Council Amesbury School Store is open year round. Customize your individual Amesbury gear and accessories with hundreds of options to choose from.
Great prices and fast delivery!
Visit https://schoolstore.jostens.com/school/massachusetts/amesbury/amesbury-high-school for many gift ideas perfect for birthday, holidays or just every day.