Middleton Update
August 30, 2024
Dear Middleton Families,
My favorite conversation of the week took place with a fourth grade student at the crosswalk after the first day of school.
Me: "How was your first day? Are you exhausted?"
Student: "I just want the second day to start right now."
It has been a GREAT first week at Middleton, with very few tears and a lot of JOY. THANK YOU for entrusting your kids to us. We love the work we do here and know that it is important and consequential work.
While we all might not all be happy about having to start school in August, a 3-day week followed by a 3-day weekend seems just about perfect right now.
Happy Weekend,
Early Release Wednesdays
Wednesday, September 4th, is our first Early Release. Students will be released at 1:15. Early release Wednesdays provide our staff with the opportunity to collaborate, review student data, and create plans for ongoing instruction.
Kindergarten Info
September 3 - 4 | Kindergarten Family Conversation
On Tuesday, September 3 & Wednesday, September 4, Kindergarten students and their families will attend a 20-minute "Family Conversation." This is a new component of our Kindergarten transition and will allow families to teachers an opportunity to get to know one another. There will be no school for kindergarten students on these two days, aside from joining their family conversation. A sign up form will be sent to families today. Kindergarten students are welcome to attend.
September 5 | Kindergarten Students Begin Attending Full Days in Permanent Classrooms
SSD Kindergarten Newsletter for all things Kindergarten!
Fun Run Sponsors
Hurry and grab some of the last business sponsor spots on our Fun Run Tee! Deadline is this Sunday, September 1st!
Your company name or logo will be represented on over 425 T-shirts worn the day of the race & throughout the community for years to come! (Fun Run date: Thursday, October 10th).
Support your school, community and our kids! If you are interested in being a Middleton Mustang FUN RUN sponsor, email fundraising@MiddletonPAC.org to sign up!
Backpack Food Program
As we begin our school year, volunteers at Sherwood Helping Hands are also beginning their work with the Backpacks for Kids program. This program is designed for children and families who may need additional support with nutritious meals at home over the weekends. Every Thursday during the school year, children enrolled will receive a bag that’s pre-packaged with food before leaving school for the day. All children will receive their bag in a confidential and private manner.
If you feel the Backpack Food Program would be helpful for your family or would like additional information, please contact Alyssa Olson, our School Counselor, at 503-825-5304 or Aolson@sherwood.k12.or.us. Enrollment is quick, easy, and confidential.
Crooked River Crosswalk
REMINDER: We will no longer have a crossing guard at the Crooked River crosswalk. Students will walk up the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street and cross over Old Hwy 99 in the front of the school where crossing guards will be stationed. After school, students will cross in front of the school and travel down toward Crooked River on the opposite side of the street.
Dogs on Campus
As a reminder, dogs are not allowed on our school campus. While we understand this is a great time to walk your dog, the safety of our students is our top priority. This rule applies to all dogs, even cute dogs... and nice dogs... and puppies. Thank you for understanding!
Are you planning to volunteer in your student's classroom this year? Are you planning to attend class parties or chaperone a field trip? If so, you will need to complete a background check first. The process is simple and takes less than five minutes. Click HERE to complete your background check. (A new background check must be completed each new school year.)
Free Meals Application
Information about meal prices and menus can be found on our Nutrition Department web page. If you would like to apply for our free and reduced lunch program please complete the application linked here.
Upcoming Dates
September 2 | No School, Labor Day
September 3 & 4 | Kindergarten Conversations
September 4 | PAC Meeting | 4:00-5:00
September 4 | Early Release
September 5 | First Official Day of School for Kindergarteners!
September 26 | Back to School Night | 5:30-7:00
October 1 | Fall Pictures
October 10 | Fun Run
October 11 | No School: Statewide Inservice Day
October 24 & 25 | Conferences | No School