GLC Family Newsletter
September 11, 2022
This Week at GLC
- Monday, September 12
3:15 PM - Volleyball practice - Tuesday, September 13
3:15 PM - Volleyball/football game @ St. Paul's School (6101 West Goshen Ave.)
5:30-6:30 PM - PTSA association meeting and parent presentation "Healthy Choices on the Go!"
5:30-7:30 PM - TCOE College Night (Visalia Convention Center Exhibit Hall) - Wednesday, September 14
2:15 PM - Dismissal for ALL students (Gr TK-8)
2:15-3:15 PM - Volleyball/football practice - Thursday, September 15
3:15 PM - Volleyball/football game vs. Willow Glen @ home - Friday, September 16
GLC Spirit Day - Students and staff are encouraged to wear GLC spirit wear
3:15-4:15 PM - Football practice
Upcoming Events
- MINIMUM Day - Monday, September 19
All students dismiss at 12:50 PM - School Site Council (SSC) meeting - Tuesday, September 20, 4:00-5:00 PM
- Lunch on the Lawn - Monday, October 17 (Gr TK-4, 11:10-11:50; Gr 5-8, 12:00-12:40)
- Fall Picture Day - Wednesday, October 26
Remember 9-11
Zumba Classes CANCELED - This week only!
PTSA Association Meeting and Parent Presentation
We hope you can join us for our first PTSA association meeting of the 2022-23 school year. We will be meeting on Tuesday (9/13) from 5:30-6:30 PM in Rm 50.
We will begin with PTSA business, followed by a presentation titled "Healthy Choices on the Go!", presented by Eustolia Zamora-Bonilla from Kaweah Health. The presentation will be in English and Spanish, and childcare will be provided.
Our originally planned presentation about "Keeping Kids Safe, Happy, and Healthy in the Digital Age" has been postponed until a later date.
School-Home Communication App - ClassTag
ClassTag is central to teachers' ability to communicate with families. If you did not receive an invitation or were not able to set up the ClassTag app on your phone, please reach out to your child's teacher. They will provide you with a join code and help ensure you have access to this important communication tool. Thank you!
School Site Council (SSC)
Parent representatives are elected for two-year terms. We currently have three parents returning for their second year and are seeking one additional parent to serve.
Meetings are held in person from 4:00-5:00 p.m. and are currently scheduled for the following dates: 9/20/22, 10/25/22, 12/6/22, 2/7/23, 3/21/23, and 5/16/23. If you are interested or would like to learn more about the position, please call our office at 730-7768.
TCOE College Night
The Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE) hosts a College Night each year as a means for local students to learn more opportunities for continued education and training after high school. With over 80 colleges, universities and trade schools represented, students and their families can learn more about acceptance requirements, programs offered, and other valuable information for life after high school.
When: Tuesday, September 13
Where: Visalia Convention Center Exhibit Hall
What time: 5:30-7:30 PM
Attendees will also have the option of attending informational breakout sessions on topics such as the University of California and California State University admissions, financial aid, scholarship opportunities, and college and career planning.
See the TCOE College Night webpage for more information.
Family Astronomy Night at Circle J-Norris Ranch
Space is limited. Please contact Amanda Driver, Lead Teacher, to reserve a spot:
- Text - 559-359-8575
- Phone - 559-539-2263
- Email -
Located not far from SCICON, Circle J is a part of the SCICON School of Education and Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE).
Important Links
Remembering 9-11
Most helpful students EVER
Thank you volunteers!
About GLC
Location: 1051 West Robin Drive, Visalia, CA, USA
Phone: (559)730-7768
Twitter: @GLC_VUSD