Shawnee Heights Elementary Scoop
December 2, 2024
Upcoming Events 🗓️
Monday, December 2
- BOE meeting @ SHHS @ 7:00pm
Tuesday, December 3
- PTO meeting @ 6:30pm in library
Thursday, December 5
- 5th Grade Music Program @ 6:30pm @ SHHS
- 6th Grade Music Program @ 7:30pm @ SHHS
Friday, December 6
- ECSE/Prek Screening at SHES. Call 785-357-5440 for an appointment
Saturday, December 7
- PTO Pancakes & PJ's with Santa 9:00-11:00am
Thursday, December 12
- Orchestra Concert @ 6:00pm @ SHHS
- Band Concert @ 7:30pm @ SHHS
Friday, December 13
- Spelling Bee @ 9:30am
Friday, December 20
- End of Second Quarter
- Holiday Sing @ 2:45pm; Holiday Parties from 3:00-3:30pm
Monday, December 23-Monday, January 6
- No School
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
- Classes Resume
A Note from Our Principal 💛
Mrs. Shawnie Hays
Greetings SHES Families,
I'm not quite sure where this school year has gone, but it sure has flown by. Thank you to those who were able to attend our PTO Chili Feed and Basket Raffle and those who donated items to our baskets. Our next PTO event is this Saturday, Pancakes & PJ's with Santa, from 9:00-11:00 at SHES. Hope you can join us!
Thank you for helping your student with our Major Saver Fundraiser. Tomorrow, December 3rd is the last day to sell cards. Prizes for students will be delivered to school on Thursday, December 5th.
As we finish up this first semester, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and kindness to my hard working staff and myself! I absolutely love our SHES community and it's because of you all!
Have a safe and wonderful Holiday!
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at
785-730-5345 or at hayss@usd450.net.
Shawnie Hays, Principal
Mrs. Clay's Check-In 🖤
Happy December, Thunderbolts!
Hang on tight, because the next few weeks are going to be fast and furious! This is one of my favorite times of the year. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, there are so many opportunities for us to sit back and reflect on all of the wonderful things around us. Becoming a part of the SHES family is certainly at the top of that list for me. I want to extend my deepest gratitude for each and every one of you; you have welcomed me into the SHES community with open arms and made my first few months here such a joy. I hope to never take for granted the gift of being truly excited to come to work every day; thank you for your part in that.
In the coming weeks, students will be working hard to wrap up the first semester. We will be concluding our winter FastBridge testing window, finishing up end-of-semester learning targets, taking part in all of the holiday excitement, and preparing to call the 2nd quarter a wrap. As always, students and staff will be living by and practicing the 8 keys of excellence that help us to always be the best version of ourselves.
We look forward to another great month here at SHES. As always, please reach out to me with questions or clarifications at clayk@usd450.net or 785-730-5183.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season,
Katie Clay, Assistant Principal
Classroom Fun!
Mrs. Havens' Prek "turkey's"!
Kindergarten enjoying "Friendsgiving"!
Ms. Luttjohann's Class
First grade earned their Compliment Party!
Mr. Mielenz and his 2nd grade class enjoyed "Stone Soup" for lunch. Thank you to the students and parents for providing the ingredients for this yummy meal.
Mrs. Terry's fourth grade class has been busy! They made individual pumpkin pies, which required reading and measuring. They also learned about the history of the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and learned how balloon makers plan, develop, and create balloons for the big day. SHES students and staff were able to watch the "Balloon Parade"!
Community Resources 🤍
Care Closet
We are still collecting any non-perishable food items to add to our Care Closet. These items go directly to our SHES families who are in need. Your student can bring any items to Mrs. Fleming and Ms. Bloxsom's office. Thank you for your contributions!
PTO Pancakes & PJ's with Santa
Major Saver Fundraiser 💰
Thank you to everyone who has set up an account and have sold Major Saver cards. As of right now, we are just under the $2000 mark. Our fundraiser will end December 3rd and prizes given to students on December 5th.
Art with Mrs. Schawang 🎨
Teacher Wish Lists
Thunderbolt Thursdays ⚡️
New shirt styles have been added, along with our 50th Anniversary t-shirt! We will continue to have this link in our monthly newsletter for anyone who would like to order SHES gear. Show your school spirit and wear SHES attire on Thursdays. Click on the link below and happy shopping!