Hazelbrook Community Newsletter
Boletín de la comunidad de Hazelbrook
April 26, 2024
April 25- Track and Field Meet @ Athey Creek MS
April 30- PSO Fundraiser- Crumbl Cookies
May1- Volleyball Jamboree Twality @ HMS 3:35-5:05
May 1- Principal Appreciation Day
May 2- Track and Field Meet @ Meridian Creek MS 4:15-6:45
May 3- School Lunch Hero Day
May 7- Incoming 6th Grader and Family Night @ HMS 5:30-8:00
May 7- PSO Meeting @ HMS Commins 6:30-7:00
May 8- National School Nurse Appreciation Day
May 8- Soccer Jamboree Twality @ HMS 3:35-5:05
May 8- Volleyball Jamboree HMS @ Fowler 3:35-5:05
May 9- Basketball Jamboree HMS @ Twality 3:35-5:05
May 9- Track and Field Meet @ Sherwood MS 4:15-7:15
Mensaje de la directora Dailey
Saludos familias de Hazelbrook,
Espero que este mensaje te encuentre bien a ti y a tu familia. Como muchos de ustedes saben, muchos distritos del estado, incluido el nuestro, enfrentan déficits presupuestarios. Esto no sólo ha impactado nuestro horario para el próximo año sino que ha requerido que el distrito haga cumplir los recortes. Mientras todavía estamos en el proceso de determinar el impacto total en Hazelbrook, hemos tenido que reducir 7 puestos de enseñanza. Estas reducciones no se hicieron fácilmente y se sintieron en todos los departamentos excepto en Estudios Sociales, que ya contaba con personal mínimo.
El equipo de programación está trabajando cuidadosamente para garantizar que el tamaño de las clases se mantenga por debajo de 30 mientras continuamos entendiendo el impacto que estos recortes tendrán en nuestra comunidad. El horario de 7 períodos brindará mucha más flexibilidad para permitirnos mantener el tamaño de las clases al mínimo y confío en la capacidad de mi equipo para mantener esto como una prioridad.
Como siempre, no dude en comunicarse si tiene alguna pregunta.
Lisa Dailey
Directora orgullosa del HMS
Message from Principal Dailey
Greetings Hazelbrook Families,
I hope this message finds you and your family well. As many of you know, many districts in the state, including ours, are facing budgetary shortfalls. This not only has impacted our schedule for next year but has required the district to enforce cuts. While we are still in the process of determining the total impact at Hazelbrook, we have had to reduce 7 teaching positions. These reductions were not made easily and were felt in all of the departments except social studies, which was already staffed minimally.
The scheduling team is working carefully to assure class sizes stay below 30 as we continue to understand the impact these cuts will have on our community. The 7-period schedule will provide much more flexibility to allow us to keep class sizes at a minimum and I am confident in my team’s ability as they keep this a priority.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Take care,
Lisa Dailey
HMS Proud Principal
Message from Associate Principal Harvey-Foltz
We are beginning the process of forecasting for classes next year with current 6th and 7th grade students on Tuesday May 7th. Students will receive information in their Community Meeting classes. Here are the steps we’ll be asking students to follow:
Complete the “Elective Forecasting Survey” provided through a link sent to each student’s email as well as through a QR code given during their Community Meeting class presentation. This Google Survey asks your student’s preferences around possible elective choices for next year and is due by Friday, May 10th.
We ask that you take time to discuss this survey with your student so that you can plan together. Our 6th and 7th grade counselors, Ms. Leander and Ms. Haaland, will be available to help. Here is their contact information:
Ms. Leander (Class or 2030): cleander@ttsd.k12.or.us 503-431-5122
Mrs. Haaland (Class of 2029): ahaaland@ttsd.k12.or.us 503-431-5123
This survey is only gathering information about elective classes. Placement in core classes, including math, will be assigned automatically for every student. The Teaching and Learning Department shared Math Placement information in the last community newsletter. Here is a link to their website with that information.
We need EVERYONE at Hazelbrook to complete this survey and will do our best to get your student a schedule that they will enjoy.
If you would like to take a look at the possible Elective opportunities ahead of time, you can check out this link.
Mensaje del subdirector Harvey-Foltz
Estamos comenzando el proceso de pronóstico de clases para el próximo año con los estudiantes actuales de 6to y 7mo grado, el martes 7 de mayo. Los estudiantes recibirán información en sus clases de Reunión Comunitaria. Estos son los pasos que les pediremos a los estudiantes que sigan:
1. Completar la "Encuesta de pronóstico electivo" proporcionada a través de un enlace enviado al correo electrónico de cada estudiante, así como a través de un código QR proporcionado durante la presentación de su clase en la reunión comunitaria. Esta encuesta de Google pregunta las preferencias de su estudiante sobre posibles opciones optativas para el próximo año y debe entregarse antes del viernes 10 de mayo. Esta encuesta solo recopila información sobre clases optativas. El asignamiento de las clases básicas, incluidas matemáticas, se asignará automáticamente para cada estudiante. El Departamento de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje compartió información sobre colocación de matemáticas en el último boletín comunitario. Aquí hay un enlace a su sitio web con esa información. Necesitamos que TODOS en Hazelbrook completen esta encuesta y haremos todo lo posible para brindarle a su estudiante un horario que disfrutará.
Le pedimos que se tome el tiempo para discutir esta encuesta con su estudiante para que puedan planificar juntos. Nuestras consejeras de sexto y séptimo grado, la Sra. Leander y la Sra. Haaland, estarán disponibles para ayudar. Aquí está su información de contacto:
Sra. Leander (Clase de 2030): cleander@ttsd.k12.or.us 503-431-5122
Sra. Haaland (Clase de 2029): ahaaland@ttsd.k12.or.us 503-431-5123
Si desea echar un vistazo a las posibles oportunidades optativas con anticipación, puede consultar este enlace.
Community Meeting Lessons
OSAS testing again this week. There will be no specific community lessons other than an 8th Grade Survey on Thursday.
Monday- OSAS State Testing Tuesday- OSAS State Testing Thursday- OSAS Testing Friday- Potential OSAS Testing Fun Friday
Hazelbrook School Events
All flyers are hyperlinks. Clicking on the flyer will take you directly to the website associated with the flyer for your convenience.
8th Grade Pano Picture On Monday May 6th.
Fotografía panorámica de octavo grado el lunes 6 de mayo.
Flier expires 4/30
Homework club is a free after-school activity open to all students for extra help and work time for school assignments. The program is paid for by a grant from the Foundation for Tualatin Schools. The club will run every Tuesday and Wednesday for one hour after school, starting at 3:20. After school busses are provided as well.
Flier expires 5/30
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6th to May 10th. The PSO is doing a raffle for teachers at the end of the week. Please help us get items for the raffle. If you have any gifts you can bring them to the front office or order something off of the Amazon wish list or order something similar. Help us make this week special and show our support for all teachers do for our kids!
La Semana de Agradecimiento a los Maestros es del 6 al 10 de mayo. El PSO está haciendo una rifa para maestros al final de la semana. Por favor ayúdanos a conseguir artículos para el sorteo. Si tiene algún regalo, puede llevarlo a la oficina principal o pedir algo de la lista de deseos de Amazon o pedir algo similar. ¡Ayúdanos a hacer que esta semana sea especial y muestra nuestro apoyo a todo lo que los maestros hacen por nuestros niños!
Jamba Juice Punch Cards
A fundraiser for the 8th Grade party
Cards are just $10 each, and half of the amount goes to support the 8th grade celebration. Cards entitle you to seven medium smoothies for $4 each and a free small smoothie!
To purchase, Venmo Veronica Avelar $10 for each card and in the notes include your name. Cards will be delivered to the school within a week of purchase. For questions, email vrdavelar@gmailcom.
PSO Website:
PSO Meeting Minutes:
PSO Email:
Volunteer Opportunities:
PSO Donation Opportunities:
Visit our webpage for all the latest info
Help the PSO by picking up a blue bottle drop bag in the office to fill and return. Thank you.
TTSD Events
Flier expires 5/2
Flier expires 5/2
Community Happenings
All community flyers are hyperlinks. Clicking on the flyer will take you directly to the website associated with the flyer for your convenience.
Flier expires 4/27
Flier expires 4/30
Flier expires 4/30
Flier expires 4/30
Flier expires 4/30
Flier expires 5/1
Flier expires 5/3
Summer Learning Program:
We have begun accepting applications for our annual Summer Learning Program! In this program, the learning focuses on the Oregon State Benchmarks appropriate for each child in mathematics, language arts (reading, writing, and speaking), and any other subjects in which the student needs help. Our Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) candidates tutor/teach students according to their learning needs. There are usually 4-5 students per 2-3 MAT candidates.
This year’s program will run July 1-August 1, Monday-Thursday, 9:30am-11:30am, and we welcome students entering grades 2-11 in 2024-25. The cost of the program is $125, though scholarships are available.
Online registration is now available here. To request a printable PDF or registration packet via postal mail, please contact Amy Kwong-Kwapisz at kwongkwa@up.edu or 503-943-7752.
Flier expires 5/30
Flier expires 7/2
Flier expires 7/2
Tualatin Library Teen Room
Tualatin Public Library welcomes YOU to the Teen Room! The Teen Room is a space reserved for students in grades 6-12. (The only adults allowed to stay in the room are library staff.)
There's Art supplies. Board games. Maker stuff. Computers. Space. And on weekends and school’s out days—video gaming! Questions? Email Aimee at ameuchel@tualatin.gov.
See other events here:
Health And Safety
Helpful Links and Forms
Miss a Past Newsletter?
All of the newsletters are archived on the Hazelbrook website!
You can find all of this year's newsletters here.
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking to volunteer at HMS?
Once you have completed your background check and training, sign up to volunteer on the PSO volunteer sign up link.
Hawk Report
Please continue to encourage your students to use
the Hawk Report for bias, hate speech, and other concerns here:
Bus Feedback Form
Want to join one of our Affinity and Alliance Groups?
Please sign up for FlashAlert for alerts on school closures and delays due to bad weather.
Si necesita servicios de intérprete, favor de llamar al Departamento de Aprendizaje del Idioma Inglés (ELL) al: (503)431-4123 (Spanish)
Haddii aad u baahantahay adeegga turjumaan, fadlan u wac Qaybta Barashada Luqada Ingrisiga ee Tel: (503)431-4123 (Somalí) (503)431-4123 (Arabic)
Nếu như ông/bà cần dịch vụ thông dịch, xin vui lòng gọi bộ phận English Language Learner (ELL) của chúng tôi tại: (503) 431-4123
(Vietnamese) 若您需要語言翻譯服務,請聯絡我們的英語學習部門(ELL),電話:(503)431-4123。 (Chinese)
Ika pwe ke mochen an emon epwe anisuk non pekin chiaku kose mochen kopwe kokori ei nampa: (503)431-4123 (Chuukese)
Если Вы нуждаетесь в услугах переводчика, тогда, пожалуйста, звоните в наш Отдел для изучающих английский язык (English Language Learner- ELL), по номеру телефона: (503)431-4123 (Russian)
PSO QR Code for Paypal
Main Office Phone/Teléfono de la oficina principal: 503-431-5100
Attendance Phone/Línea de Asistencia: 503-431-5121
Fax: 503-431-5110
Counseling Office Fax: 503-431-5090
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223