Brunswick High School Newsletter
Updated August 20, 2023
LINK Did a Great Job Welcoming the Class of 2027! LINK Leaders will be wearing green shirts on the first few days!
Welcome Back BHS! It's Going to Be a Great Year!
Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year!
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! The administration, teachers, and staff are looking forward to an exciting and successful school year. Brunswick High School is committed to providing each and every student a memorable, educational, and engaging learning experience. BHS is ready and is looking forward to meeting our students.
Success is achieved when there is a partnership between school and home. We strive to build a partnership with our parents and community is more important now than ever. I encourage you to come to Open House on August 23rd, from 5:15-7:15 p.m. This is an opportunity to walk the building and to meet the Brunswick High School staff. If you are looking to get involved, help support programs, clubs, or groups, BHS has many options from Brunswick Athletic Foundation (BAF), Brunswick Band Parents Organization (BBPO), Brunswick After Prom Committee, Brunswick Hall of Fame, and many others.
Students have five minutes between classes and that is plenty of time to go from one class to the next. During the school day, 7:25 a.m. to 2:10 p.m. students should only enter or exit the building through one of the three main entrances the East, Center or West Entrance where the grade level offices are located or an outside door with a security guard. This will help maintain the security of the building by following our safety protocols. School safety is a priority and I ask that you also talk to your child(ren) about listening, following directions, and taking our safety procedures and drills seriously. It is important that if anyone hears or see something, to speak up to a trusted adult at school or home.
Before we begin the year, I ask that you talk with your child(ren) about being on time, ready to learn, and actively participate in class. When students are engaged, complete assignments on time and participate in class discussions, they are more successful. A major distraction is technology, specifically cell phones and earbuds. Students are permitted to bring them to school, listen to music during lunches/study halls (non-instructional time), but are not permitted to wear or use them during an instructional period or use them to make phone calls during the day. If a student needs to make a phone call, they report to the nearest office. BHS will implement a building/classroom policy this year to address cell phone and earbuds in the classroom. I ask that you support this policy by talking with your child about the use of cell phones during the school day. BHS grade level principals will be addressing the cell phone policy at their grade level meetings.
With the development of artificial intelligence, internet searches, and other technologies, academic integrity is important. Help them understand why it is important to do their own work, not to plagiarize, copy others work or use any artificial intelligence to complete assignments. Any student who uses devices, technology, artificial intelligence or other tools to find answers or to submit work that is not their own is a violation of the code of conduct. Cheating and plagiarism will result in a zero in both content mastery or work habits.
Keith Merrill
Brunswick High School
Picture day is September 27th, for 9th, 10th and 11th Grades
Seniors Proof of Immunization Required By 9/5/23
Senior Parents and Guardians,
Last spring, the Class of 2024 received letters that the seniors are required to have 2 doses of the meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) before the start of the school year. Exceptions: Only one dose of MCV4 is needed if the first dose was given on or after the 16th birthday or if the 12 grader is 15 years old or less. Physicians have been informed of these requirements, but most parents are unaware. We hope this advance notice will make it easy to comply with these requirements.
The law states schools cannot permit students to remain in school (at the beginning of their 12th grade school year) more than 14 days (September 5, 2023) unless the student has proof of immunization or an exemption.
Parents and guardians, please UPLOAD the immunization record into Final Forms when your child gets the vaccine or submit proof of your child’s MCV4 vaccination as soon as possible to the nurses office at Brunswick High School or the East Office or by fax 330-225-5393. If you have already submitted proof of the MCV4 vaccinations for your child, please disregard this letter.
If you have any questions, please contact Nurse McCartin at 330-273-0408 or email with any questions.
AUGUST 23, 2023, FROM 5:15 - 7:15 P.M.
Before you come, open up ProgressBook to see your child's schedule. Print it out, take a picture, or write it down. It is going to be a great year! We look forward to seeing everyone at Open House.
First Two Days of School
- Receive a printed copy of the 2023-24 schedule (It also can be found in ProgressBook)
- End of Course Test scores from the state for the EOC's they took in the spring of 2023
- Picture Day Information
- Teachers will cover, Safety Drills, Student Handbook & BHS Expectations, Media Literacy & Safety, Hall Pass Policy, Cell Phone Policy and Grade Level Specific Information.
BHS Adjusted Schedule 8/23 and 8/24
BHS Homerooms are Alphabetical by Grade and are posted outside all of the offices as well as printed on their schedules.
Final Forms - Student Information
If you don't update your information and your email, address, phone number or custody has changed, you will not receive district and building calls, emails or emergency messages. It is important to update your information throughout the year.
Final Forms can be found on the district website under families, located at the top of the page. Click on Final Forms to update your information.
Brunswick Library Letter to Students & Parents
Dear Parents and Guardians of Brunswick High School Students,
As students return to Brunswick High School this fall, we at the Brunswick Library invite them to take advantage of the resources our library has to offer. We are committed to making the library an inviting, safe, and enriching space for everyone. Included is a copy of our Public Behavior Policy. We expect every library visitor to adhere to this policy so that we may maintain such an environment. Our staff is prepared to ensure that students are aware of these behavior guidelines and the possible consequences for behavior that is in violation of our Public Behavior Policy. To prevent any damage or mess in the study rooms, use by high school students will be limited to 2 students per study room at any time.
The Brunswick Library has a space dedicated specifically for teens, as well as events and activities (afterschool and evening) designed to meet their interests and needs. We also offer a variety of on-site and online resources to help students with their academic needs.
We wish you luck this school year and remember that we are here to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact me should you need any further information.
Connie Sureck
Brunswick Manager
Brunswick Library, Medina County District Library
3649 Center Rd., Brunswick, OH 44212
330-273-4150 ext. 2101
Policy No: SS-11 Title: PUBLIC BEHAVIOR
Medina County District Library is responsible for establishing the rules for public behavior in the Library. Any individual whose behavior is disruptive or in violation of library policy may be asked to leave library property and may lose library privileges. The library will work with law enforcement authorities to remove and/or prosecute actions for criminal behavior against the library, its patrons and staff.
People have a right to expect:
∙ Courteous behavior
∙ Reasonable noise levels
∙ Appropriate language
∙ Respect for people and property
∙ A clean, tobacco-free environment (including vaping)
∙ Quiet use of electronics, audio equipment and cellphones
∙ No use of skateboards and other athletic equipment on library property
If library behavior is not in accordance with these guidelines, students will be asked to leave library property for the remainder of the day. Students may be suspended from the library for multiple infractions or behavior that is excessively obscene, violent or destructive. Students will also be warned that we do not tolerate behavior that is bullying in nature or can be construed as hateful to a specific group of people.
BHS Parking Permit
Parking permits can be purchased all year long. Parking permits can be purchased prior to the start of school on:
Wednesday, August 16th from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 17th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Monday, August 21st from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Parking permit sales will stop at 3:00 p.m. Please do not wait to come up until 2:45 p.m.
Parking is on a first come, first serve basis student are permitted to park in the front East Lot, Center lot east of the trees by the recreation center, and the back west lot. Students who speed, drive unsafe, or park in unauthorized areas will lose parking privileges, ticketed and towed.
BHS Guidance Department
Schedule Corrections
Counselors will be available during schedule pickup, Wednesday, August 16th, from 12:30- 3:00 pm and Thursday, August 17th, from 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and from 12:30 - 3:00 p.m. to meet students on a first come first serve basis to correct scheduling errors. Scheduling errors include missing lunches, missing requested classes, missing graduation requirement classes, missing study halls, or balancing semester class loads..
Lunches, study halls, and class periods/locations cannot be changed. Level changes can only be made if a student is academically misplaced, which the student needs to be observed over the next several weeks to determine misplacement.
Beginning Wednesday, August 23rd, students can request to see their counselor using this Counselor Request Form - BHS or take a picture of the Guidance QR code located in the Guidance Office.
For all Course of Study Information or Policies, please visit for more information.
ASAP- Food Services Breakfast & Lunch Program Application for Free or Reduced
Free and Reduced Lunch Application Process
The Brunswick City School District offers healthy meals every school day. Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunches may also be eligible to have their school fees waived. In an effort to make this process more convenient for families, we have created an online application portal.
Breakfast and Lunch Prices for 2023-24
BHS Breakfast $2.25
BHS Lunch $3.75
Please reach out to our Nutrition Services Coordinator Karen Becker with questions.
Summer Reading Reminder
The summer reading Google Classroom Codes to submit an assignment, will be turned off until integration and scheduling for the 2023-24 school year is completed. Google Codes will be available when students schedules post in ProgressBook.
Dear Students and Families,
As a department, we believe in the importance of reading over the summer, but that summer reading is about choice and taking a moment to read for pleasure. ALL STUDENTS are encouraged to choose a single book from a list created for their appropriate grade level. The *pick your own book* option allows your student to choose a grade-appropriate book that will be of interest and challenge your student. Additionally, students enrolled in AP and Honors courses will have a required reading selection and assignment upon returning to school.
After reading the book, students can create a Google Slide incorporating the items on the sample template below. Once a students reads the book, create the template, and turn it into the appropriate Google Classroom set up for their grade, they will be entered into a drawing for some pretty cool prizes. Such as gift cards, parking passes, prom tickets and much more.
Happy reading!
Required assignments for Honors and AP courses linked below:
Summer Book Recommendation Lists for BHS Students by grade level
This is the Google Slide Template that you should use. Please make a copy and then make one slide with the template provided.
Templates should be turned in by September 22nd.
Lives in Transition Google Classroom Code: isurgbk
10 ELA
The Power of Choices Google Classroom Code: cpfdgbx
11 ELA
The American Experience Google Classroom Code: lfc5nil
12 ELA
Personal Growth Google Classroom Code: wnszggj
One Way Patterns are In Place during arrival and dismissal. Buses Only are permitted in front of BHS. Students being dropped off, please drop off in any of the three parking lots. Students need to be in class before the 7:25 a.m. bell. Students who arrive late to class will have to sign in and will considered tardy.
2023-2024 MCCC Shuttle Request Form (To and from Medina County Career Center & Brunswick HS)
Students are permitted to ride the AM HS Bus Route from their home to the school to catch the AM MCCC Shuttle. HS Buses arrive beginning at 7:10am.
Afternoon bus transportation from MCCC is scheduled to arrive at Brunswick High School (EAST DOORS) by 2:40 P.M.
Note: there is NO PM transportation from the school to the home. Students/parents must arrange on their own due to the HS dismissal time. etc.
How to Find Your Bus Number, Times, and Location:
Accurate Bus Route Information will be available for Kindergarten through Grade 12 students when face-to-face instruction begins. We will continue to offer busing for the high school students during the 2023-2024 school year.
You can find your students’ busing information on the transportation department web page: Then, click on the “My Stop APP” link. Your username and password are set to your home phone number unless you previously changed your password.
Please remember that at the start of the school year, the transportation department is extremely busy. Therefore, if you submit an address change or child care transportation request, please be aware that it may take a couple of days to handle your request.
“My Stop” Real-Time Bus Location: Parents/Guardians can view their students' real-time bus location through Versatrans.
If you have never logged into Versatrans before, please use the student’s primary phone number used on the Student Information Form (SIF) as the username and password. Once a parent/guardian has logged in, they must change their password. To change the password:
Click on the “OPTIONS” tab
Click on the “CHANGE USER PROFILE” tab
Complete the requested information and then click on the “UPDATE USER PROFILE” tab
After the initial login, parents/guardians click “STUDENT” and then “VIEW MY STUDENTS.”
Medina County Career Center MCCC Busing Information
If you are taking the MCCC shuttle bus from BHS to MCCC each morning, you need to report to the front East Entrance. The MCCC buses will leave around 7:25 a.m. each morning.
Afternoon MCCC students will be shuttled from MCCC to BHS each day. Families and students are responsible to provide transportation from BHS to home. MCCC students will return to BHS about 2:40 p.m. Please make arrangements as soon as possible.
Attendance Procedures:
Signing in and out and Attendance Phone Numbers:
9th/10th Grades (West Office): (330) 273-5964
11th/12th Grades (East Office): (330) 273-5966
NURSE: 330-273-0408
When picking up or dropping off your child, if they are coming in late or being pick up for an appointment, they need to sign in and out of their grade level office. 9th & 10th will report to the West Office and 11th & 12th will report to the East Office. If you have any questions, please contact the grade level office.
If your child is sick with the nurse, your child will be signed out at the Center Doors. For Safety reasons, never leave with your child without notifying and signing out with a grade level secretary, office or the Nurse.
Late Arrival, Early Release Requirements, & Parent Form
BHS Early Release/Late Arrival Form
Students who park in the back west lot, will enter through the back west of BHS, where the security guard is located. All students will sign-in the West Office everyday once you have been approved for late arrival. Students who park in the East Lot, will sign-in the East office. If you are being dropped off at school, students can sign in at either office.
Now Open to All Students Who Have A 1st and/or 10th Period Study Hall
The following criteria must be satisfied throughout the year for the Early Release/Late Arrival privilege to remain in place:
Students must not be on school property during the Early Release/Late Arrival period(s).
Parent/Guardian must approve Early Release/Late Arrival and submit this form ASAP.
If you choose to participate in an early release or late arrival, you must leave school grounds within 5 minutes after your last period and arrive no sooner than 5 minutes prior to your next period class.
The administration maintains the right to revoke Early Release/Late Arrival temporarily or permanently at any time during the year for any violation of the rules, regulations, and Code of Conduct for the Brunswick City Schools.
Please note: Schedule changes will not be made to facilitate Early Release/Late Arrival. For instance, a 1st period and/or 10th period class cannot be moved to another period in the day. If a student has two periods open at the beginning or end of the day, a double early release or late arrival will be permitted. If you have any questions, please call at 330-273-0490 and ask for the grade level administrator.
On days when the school schedule is altered students must follow the altered schedule.
(Exam days, assemblies, etc.)
Late Arrival students are required to sign-in with their ID each day to the appropriate Grade Level Office by 8:14 a.m. to make it to 2nd period class that begins at 8:19 a.m.
9th & 10th Grade West Office (Drop off/Enter Front West)
11th & 12th Grade East Office (Drop off/Enter Front East)
Early Release students are to exit the building at the end of their final class. In most instances, this will be 1:16 p.m.
If you are applying for a late arrival or early release, the Late Arrival/Early Release Form must be completed, signed, and turned into the guidance office. Once students are approved, their schedule will state Late Arrival or Early Release.
Brunswick High School Athletic Events
Brunswick students participate in many sports during the year. Please consider coming to support our student athletes. Please check out the athletic website for updates about spectators attending games & events. GO BIG BLUE!
See Something, Hear Something, Say Something
The Brunswick City School District encourages students, teachers, staff, parents and other members of our community to report any instances of potential violence, bullying, self-harm or any other issue where our students may be at risk. Information about the SaferSchools Tip Line can be found on the Brunswick City Schools webpage. The Brunswick City School District partners with SaferSchools Ohio to provide our families with a free resource for keeping our schools safe. The anonymous tip line service helps alert local law enforcement to potential school safety crisis. By calling or texting the statewide tip line (844-SAFEROH), you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering to you, your friends or your school. The SaferSchools Tip Line accepts calls and texts 24 hours a day /7 days a week.
Thank you for keeping our Brunswick Community SAFE.
Upcoming dates to remember:
8/9 All 7th and 12th Grade Vaccination Clinic at BMS - See above for information
8/14 Freshman All Parent Meeting 7:00 p.m. J. Hayes Performing Arts Center (PAC)
8/15 Class of 2027 - Freshman Orientation 8 a.m. -12 pm Last Names A-L
8/16 Class of 2027 - Freshman Orientation 8 a.m. - 12 pm Last Names M-Z
8/23 First Day of School All Students
8/23 Open House 5:15 - 7:15 p.m.
10/18 No School In-service Day
11/7 Parent Teacher Conferences - No School
11/22-11/24 Thanksgiving Break
12/15 Senior Pictures must be completed by this date.
12/18-12/20 BHS Midterm and Final Exams Adjusted Schedule
12/20 End of 2nd Quarter and end of 1st Semester
1/15 No School Martin Luther King Day
2/6 Parent Teacher Conferences
2/19 No School - Presidents Day
5/8 Top 30 Class of 2024 Excellence Ceremony
5/16-5/22 Cap and Gown Pick Up (All fees, books, computers need to be returned to pick up)
5/23 BHS Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony 7 p.m. Brunswick Automart Stadium (Thursday Night)
5/24 Rain date Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony 7 p.m.
5/25 Rain date: Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m.
Questions, Visit the Brunswick City Schools Website for Information!
BHS Website
Check the Brunswick High School website for daily announcements, updates on student achievements, upcoming events including state testing, adjusted schedules and other important information. Visit, select Brunswick High School in the pull-down menu, and look at the tabs which include BHS News, District News, Events and Resources.
Follow us online, social media etc.
Twitter @BCSDBrunswickHS
Athletics @BHSGoBigBlue
BCSD @BrunswickCSD
Brunswick City Schools & Brunswick High School Website