The Patton Post
Friday, October 20th

Friday, October 20th
I hope everyone had a relaxing long weekend and enjoyed spending some time with your child/ren's teachers at Parent/Teacher conferences last week. I know I always find it beneficial to have some one on one time with my own children's teachers so I hope you did too. Thank you to everyone that joined us! A HUGE thank you also goes to our wonderful PTA for providing us with a lovely BBQ Dinner and apple cider donuts! Such a treat and we are always so grateful for the delicious food and the kindness and generosity of our PTA!
We had another wonderful week here at Patton! We had an author and illustrator duo visit on Tuesday for our K-2 students which was a lot of fun! David LaRochelle and Mike Wohnoutka entertained our students and showed them how their ideas come together to turn into a finished product. Our authors and illustrators had a fantastic time!
We also had a bus evacuation drill this week that went incredibly well! I am also delighted to announce that our student council led "Heavenly Hats" fundraiser last week raised a spectacular $665.87! Just amazing! Heavenly Hats is an organization that provides hats to people of all ages who have lost their hair for various medical reasons. Thank you to everyone that donated and made me smile with their amazing hats!
Fall is definitely in the air right now so please remember to send students into school with jackets! We will be going outside for recess every day! We will only stay in if it is raining or the wind chill is below zero.
I hope you all have a great weekend! I am looking forward to another excellent week next week!
Ellie Chin
November 11th is Veterans Day, a day to honor men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Many students in the Patton community know a Veteran, or active service member and we want to honor these Veterans and thank them for their service. We ask that any family who would like to honor a veteran complete this page with information about the Veteran they would like to honor. Please add a photo or have your child draw a picture. We will post these at Patton throughout the month of November to recognize and honor these Veterans for their service. Please return them to the school office by November 1st.
You will have received an email earlier this week chock full of information regarding our Halloween celebrations this year! As always, it will be a busy and fun day!
For our 1st - 5th grade families, please let us know whether your child/ren will be staying at school for lunch or will be going home for lunch/to change into their costume by filling out THIS FORM.
For any students staying at school for lunch, we ask that you ensure that they can get into their costume without assistance.
For students that will be going home, please ensure that they are dropped off by 1.10pm.
The costume parade will start at 1.45pm (see route plan below) and then class parties will run from 2:15 - 3:15pm. Please note that the parade will be cancelled in inclement weather.
We cannot wait to see all our students in their costumes! Please be mindful that we are a K-5th school and that costumes should be appropriate for this age group. Please ensure there is no blood or gore, no scary masks or weapons/brooms/sceptres etc. Students should also be able to sit down and move around easily in their costume.
Please reach out if you have any questions! We are so excited for what is always a fun and FANG-tastic day!
The excitement for Halloween is approaching! 80-90% of students go home for lunch and we need your help to make the traffic line run smoothly. Please consider helping at either pick up (11:50am) or drop off (12:50pm) to help make traffic run smoothly and safely.
It would be so great to have a few more people to help so please click HERE to fill out the form if you can spare some time!
We had an amazing visit from Author/illustrator duo David LaRochelle and Mike Wohnoutka. They came to Patton on Tuesday to share with K-2nd graders their love of writing and drawing. They introduced their third book in their beloved series that began with "See The Cat". This one is called "See the Ghost". It is a silly and thoughtful book about, well, things you can't see! And it keeps that humor going at full speed!
Contest questions reflect the NCTM Standards spirit of problem solving and problems are written to challenge students thinking.
There will be both team and individual competitions. Teams will be asked to work together to answer 20 questions in 25 minutes. Individuals will be asked to work on 8 questions for 20 minutes. Scores of the 2 best teams and top 10 individuals will count toward the school total.
There will be 3 contests throughout the year, and we will be holding two practice sessions prior to the first contest. All practice sessions and contests will take place during the lunch recess hour from 12:40-1:10pm.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs Cioni ccioni@sd25.org
Hey! Do ya wanna build a snowman? Well.....guess what?? Our 5th Graders are going to get the chance to do just that with this year's 5th Grade Musical......FROZEN! As some of you may or may not remember, Frozen was meant to be the 5th Grade Musical for 2020....until the world had other plans! We are so happy that we finally get to bring this amazing show to the stage!
This brrrrrrilliant musical will take place on May 21st and 22nd, 2024 and promises to be "Olaf" of fun so remember to mark your calendars! If anything else comes up, be sure to just "LET IT GO"....what "Elsa" will you have to do anyway?
Are you ready to Pack the Piggy, Patton? The Arlington Heights Council of PTA’s (AHC-PTA) funds scholarships each year for K-8 students, as well as D214 graduating seniors. This November, the AHC-PTA will be initiating it’s 3rd “Pack the Piggies” FUN-raiser across the district to raise money for these scholarships.
The contest begins November 5th and goes through November 10th, which gives us five days to pack our piggy and reach our goal! Our school’s goal is to raise $1k and the overall district goal is $9k. If we reach our school & district goals, there will be a prize, which is still to be determined. To help reach our goal, students can bring in coins, cash, or checks (made out to the AHC-PTA) and pack our piggy! Let’s have some fun for a great cause!
As the seasons change and the weather gets a bit chillier, please know that we have a selection of coats/hats/gloves etc, available for families in need. Please reach out to Barb Donahue, our school social worker's confidential email bdonahue@sd25.org for more information or to request assistance.
It's not too late to join PTA for the 2023-2024 school year! Annual PTA membership is only $12 and can easily be completed through the School District 25 Online store!
As a Patton PTA member, you will have access to the Patton Student DirectorySpot App, which is useful for planning birthday parties, carpools, and playdates. Please note that there is about a one week delay between joining PTA and having access to the Directory.
Scan the QR Code below to join the PTA TODAY!
The Patton PTA also received The Northwest Cook Region PTA Membership Award for growing its membership! Thank you to all who joined our PTA this year. Don't forget, the QR code above or the link below will take you to the link to join the PTA and gain access to the Directory Spot for birthday invites, play dates, etc.
We are so proud of and grateful for our PTA members and all the wonderful ways they support our community! It is wonderful to see them be recognized! Way to go Patton PTA!
We have a fun new club starting up soon that is in need of donations of yarn and crochet hooks! If you happen to have any of these items sitting unused at home and would like to donate them, please bring them into the office or send them in via your child/ren's backpack and have them bring them down to the office. Our Crochet Club would be so grateful!
Crochet Club will run for the next 6 Wednesdays! 4th grade students will have brought home a permission slip this week! If you would like any more information, please email Ms Leigh at jleigh@sd25.org
This week was National School Safety Week. We reminded our Panthers of some expectations to help keep them safe throughout the school day as they follow the Big 3 - Be Safe, Be Ready, and Be Mindful!
Before School
There is no supervision before 8:50 AM. Please do not send or drop off your students prior to 8:50 AM. Students should all make sure to walk their bikes or scooters once they are on school property. Please listen to the Patton staff and traffic team volunteers and seek help from them if needed. Parents should adhere to all the signage on the streets that indicate where parking, stopping, and standing are not permitted. This helps to keep a steady flow of traffic, and helps promote a safe environment for all who are assisting with getting students out of cars and into the building.
After School
Students who are being picked up by car should go directly to the car pick-up lane and wait until they see their car. This helps to avoid a long wait when we are searching for a student. Please tell your children not to go to the playground, but to wait at the pick-up line. Students who are biking or riding scooters should also walk until they are off of school property. We gave an important reminder to students that we ask that you please take a moment to talk with your children at home as well. If at any time your child is unable to find you after school, please tell them to always come back to the office. We are happy to call parents if we need help reuniting a student with their parent.
During School
We also reviewed behavior expectations for during the school day and will continue to do this next week. Students will be reminded of how to show the Big 3 in the lunchroom, at recess, in the classroom, hallway and bathrooms. As special occasions arise, we will review how to show the Big 3 for assemblies, field trips, and other events that do not happen on a daily basis. We also had our Bus Evacuation drill this week and reminded students of appropriate behavior during any safety drills that we have at school. Our Panthers are doing an amazing job!
We have lots of new faces in the building right now! We are so lucky to have so many extra volunteers, college and grad students pursuing degrees in education, as well as District 214 Education Academy students that will be at Patton this year. We wanted to share their names in case you hear about them from your children.
Sandy Blethen - Sandy is a retired teacher who volunteers to work with students in a variety of ways.
Jenna Jacobi - Student Teacher in Mrs Johnson's room
Allison Ganshirt - Graduate Social Work intern
We also have many D214 students from the local High Schools (some of whom are Patton alumni themselves!) coming in each week to observe in the following classrooms:
Ella Huynh - Mrs Koenig
Evelyn Rudy - Mrs Goumas
Lauren Rocks - Mr Morkert
Mica Podlinevas - Mrs Anderle
Kaylynn Olson - Mrs Maloney
IDPH - Advice and Guidance (ONGOING POST!)
Please refer to this LINK for the Illinois Department of Public Health informational materials regarding influenza, meningococcal disease and vaccinations.
It's the most wonderful time of the year......which is, of course, the time of year that Mr Whitaker releases the Musical Performances schedule!! These performances are always a delight and the students cannot wait to get on the stage and perform for all their families!
If you would like to know more about the ABC/25 foundation, please come along to the Open House they are hosting on Monday October 30th at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library.
If you become a member, you can win the opportunity to have your child/ren "cruise to school" with members of the Arlington Heights Police Department! Please click on the image below to be in with a chance!
The theme for 2023-2024 is I am Hopeful Because…
Each year, students nationwide create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme. Approaching its 55th year, this program helps them explore their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life.
Students submit their completed works of art in one or more of the arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts. They participate in their grade division: Primary (Pre-K – Grade 2), Intermediate (Grades 3-5), Special Artist (All grades welcome).
Students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 may enter in the Special Artist Division or grade division most closely aligned to their functional abilities.
Check out Illinoispta.org for more details on the program. Entry instructions and the due date will be posted here soon. Please contact Carolyn Neary at cmneary88@gmail.com with any questions.
If you haven’t joined the PTA for the 2022-2023 school year, please consider doing so!!
Annual PTA membership is only $12 and can easily be completed through the School District 25 Online store! Click here to Join the Patton PTA
As a Patton PTA member, you will have access to the Patton Student DirectorySpot App, which is useful for planning birthday parties, carpools, and playdates. The office is not allowed to divulge any private information and students are not allowed to hand out party invites at school so Directory Spot really is an incredibly handy app for you to have access to.
Your PTA membership gives you discounts at different retailers (see www.pta.org/benefits for details). You are also a member of the National PTA, which advocates for the safety, education, and well-being of our children.
Questions? Please e-mail ahpattonptamembership@gmail.com
Our Food services team are delighted to welcome you back this school year! Updated menus were posted this week and the Choosi App has been updated! All product nutrition and ingredient information can be found on the AHSD25 Food Services page and all allergy information is available on the Choosi App!
Please see links below for some helpful information
The District recently launched its new Parent Academy newsletter and page on the website.
The goal of Parent Academy is to provide learning opportunities for parents to better understand ways to support their students’ academic success and personal well-being. We welcome parents and families to engage in various activities and events to explore topics related to mental health, well-being, equity and inclusion, and academics. Please visit the website (www.sd25.org/ParentAcademy) for archived newsletters, further resources and information, or to submit an idea/topic for the next Parent Academy newsletter.
Halloween Parade and Class Parties - Tuesday 31st October
Thanksgiving Break - 20 -24th November - NO SCHOOL
PTA Sponsored: "Patton Spreads Joy" Event - Friday, 1st October
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton