Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School March 3rd, 2022
Prayer for Strength and Guidance
Heavenly Father, thank you for your faithfulness throughout the generations. Your word says that, although people plan their course in their hearts, it is you who establishes our steps. Give me strength and guidance for everything that lies before me. Whatever I do today, your loving eye is on me and you have promised to guide me. Help me to fix my eyes on you as I run the race of life. Help me to walk by faith and not by sight. Strengthen me through your Holy Spirit. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
Lent began this week. Lent is an amazing time of year in a Catholic school because it gives us an opportunity to teach the children about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and how His life on earth has changed our life now and for eternity. We are able to practice our faith with prayer and traditions. We are able to walk with Jesus in a very real way, of course that happens at so many different levels of understanding from our preschool all the way through our 8th grade. Our staff grows in their faith too as they guide the students. We reach out in service to our community during this special time as well with an all-school service project.
What a joy it is to welcome new families to our warm and supporting Holy Trinity Family! The gift of Catholic education that our families have chosen to give to their children is a tremendous lifetime treasure that will positively impact all of these students as they grow and mature into adulthood. If you know a family who is interested in providing their children with a Catholic education, please encourage them to call the school. Thank you for the honor of sharing the education of your child(ren) with us.
Part of the reason why I enjoy working in education is because no two days are alike, and nearly every day brings something new. Something new could be in the form of a student saying or doing something funny or out of character, seeing a student have one of those moments when they finally “get it”, or a moment of friendship and camaraderie with my staff or parents of our community.
Our community has so much to be thankful for. I hope that you have time set aside to enjoy family, friends, and loved ones this Lenten season. Hopefully we all can reflect on the good things in our lives and focus on what is essential to all of us. Happy Lent!
Mrs. Longden
Vehicle Break-in
As some of you are aware, on Wednesday morning we had vehicles broken into in our front parking lot and across the street in the Peace parking lot. This occurred during the 6 AM Ash Wednesday Mass. When the broken windows were found, the police were contacted. They are using our camera footage to find the vehicles that were involved in the break-ins.
Please be mindful of what you keep in your vehicles. There were backpacks and purses stolen out of vehicles.
Our number one goal is the safety of our students and staff. We will be keeping an extra eye out for anything that seems out of the ordinary around school and church. If you hear anything or know of anything, please contact us.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Longden
Tuition/Registration Materials
Did you know that among the top reasons new families come to visit us and enroll in Catholic Schools is that current or past parents share the good news about Catholic Education with them? Tell all your friends and relatives about the high quality of care and education your children receive at Holy Trinity School. Thank you for all that you do to encourage more families to enroll. You can make a difference for these families! You are great!
Don't forget about our Tuition Incentive - Family Referral: Refer a family that registers and enrolls at HTS for the 2022-2023 school year and receive $500 off your tuition bill! Discount is for one year, one per family.
If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, we are looking for someone to run an after-school program for 3 and 4 year olds. Contact the school office if you are interested.
Meaning: Attention to balance in one's life
Prayer: Dear Jesus, Help me to keep a balance in my life, using created things properly and in the right amount that is best for me. I need Your help to set limits for myself in doing things that I enjoy, such as using video games, playing outside, eating, and using my phone and the internet. Lead me on Your way of happiness!
Scripture: Matthew 14:23
Saint: St. John XXIII
Aspiration: Come Holy Spirit, increase in me the Gift of Fear of the Lord.
Opposing Trait: Giving in to being excessive in one or more areas of one's life
Ways to Cultivate: Set limits for oneself; create a balance in one's life by limiting the use of media, consumption of additional food and drink, etc.
Looks and Sounds Like: Resist the desire to play during work time in class or at home. "No thank you. I have had enough." Limit what you take of food. Limit time spent on the computer. Set limits for yourself. Create a balance with homework and leisure activity. Fast from food you enjoy.
Virtue Acknowledgement
Hattie was practicing the virtue of gratitude when she thanked God for the day today in a short prayer.
Adalyn was practicing the virtue of gratitude when she wrote a prayer of thanks during adoration.
Logan was practicing the virtue of gratitude when he wrote a prayer of thanks during adoration.
Jaxson was practicing the virtue of gratitude when he wrote a prayer of thanks.
Rita was practicing the virtue of respect when she reminded her brother to say 'thank you'.
Kyle was practicing the virtue of perseverance when social studies was difficult.
Max was practicing the virtue of self-control in math class.
Kiley was practicing the virtue of self-control and kindness when we were at recess and she stayed on the sidewalk with her friend.
Holy Trinity Catholic School received a grant from The Catholic Community Foundation to help with tuition assistance. This money is being offered to all students for the 2022-2023 school year. An application is available to be filled out by the children and was sent home last week. If you did not see it in the home folder and would like another copy, please contact the school office. Each child should fill out the questions on their own. Thank you to The Catholic Community Foundation! Visit legaciesoffaith.org to learn more about The Catholic Community Foundation. See the attached letter that will be in the home folder as well. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Longden.
ITBS Testing
Students in Grades 2-8 began taking their Iowa Test of Basic Skills this week. These tests will take place until March 17th. Please be mindful of scheduling appointments.
Our Spirit Wear store is open!
Access either at wpp-promo.com – under company stores
or at:
The store will close on March 25th. As with many other things right now, there may be some items that are not available when it is time to order. You will be contacted if this happens. Some items are hard to get right now.
First Communion Activity Day
Please see the attached regarding the First Communion Activity Day on Saturday, March 12th.
6th Grader, SiQi Gundrum, submitted a poster in the Wisconsin 2022 Aviation Contest.
She won 3rd PLACE in the Intermediate Age Category, in the Wisconsin 2022 Aviation Art Contest – “Design Your Perfect Aircraft.”
As a result of her achievement, her exceptional artwork has been sent on to the National competition. The U.S. National judging of winning entries from all participating states will take place in Washington D.C. over the next month.
After the judging is completed in Washington D.C., we will be notified of the results and will arrange to have the artwork returned with an award certificate. (Please note: entries that win the National contest are sent to the International competition in Switzerland and are not returned.) In addition to advancing to the next round, SiQi earned a $75 gift card for either art supplies (at Michael's Craft Store) or aviation supplies (atSporty's Pilot Shop).
Women's Group
Love Begins Here Mission
Please see the following link for all of the details and the on-line registration form: https://www.smore.com/jpmz7-6th-8th-grade-mission-week-at-ht
MEN of CHRIST Conference
Attention men: You’re invited to join the 2022 Men of Christ conference—Reawakening The Catholic Man—which will be held in parishes across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, including St. Frances Cabrini Parish in West Bend —with both virtual and live elements. The morning will feature well-known speakers, Mass, Adoration, Confession and fellowship. Conference is Free this year! Get all the details at MenOfChrist.net
When: Saturday, 26 March 2022
Where: St. Frances Cabrini Church, 1025 South 7th Avenue, West Bend, WI 53095
Time: 7:30AM Rosary, 8:00AM Mass with program to follow, conference ends at 12:30PM stay for fellowship and snacks.
Register at MenOfChrist.net or for help / more information contact Brian Wildt - thewildtfamily@gmail.com or Call/text 262-330-4330
Mark your Calendars!!!!
Social Fest is:
SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th, 2022Watch for more information on ways you can help with this great fundraiser!
Substitute Teachers and Aides
Holy Trinity Catholic School is looking for adults interested in substitute teaching. If you are interested, please contact the office. We have a Substitute Teacher Handbook with information regarding substitute teaching available along with an application that can be filled out. We would love to have you come and help out!
If you would be interested in aiding in the school, please contact the school office as well. We are looking for people to help out in various ways.
% Positive Out: 0.0%
% Out due to quarantine: 0.0%
Please continue to closely monitor your family for symptoms of COVID.
The Holy Trinity families have been doing well in keeping kids home when ill. Please do not let up and notify us right away. This has been our best mitigation yet! – Closely monitor, track, and isolate the situation so that it does not spread to others.
We highly recommend you to have a negative COVID test when returning after a quarantine period.
Advisory Committee
Calendar of Cash
February 24th - Annie Shaske
February 25th - Joseph Klahn
February 28th - Mark Boden
March 1st - Dennis & Joann Herriges
March 2nd - Paul Osterholm
March 1st-17th - ITBS Testing Grades 2-8
March 4th - End of Trimester 2
March 18th-21st - No School
April 7th-13th - Scholastic Book Fair
April 8th - Grandparent's Day (Info to Come)
April 15th - Good Friday (No School)
April 17th - Easter
April 18th-19th - No School
April 27th - 5th/6th Grade Retreat (Watch for Details)
April 28th-29th - 7th/8th Grade Retreat (Watch for Details)
May 19th - Spring Concert 5:30 P.M.
June 1st - 5K Graduation
June 1st - 8th Grade Graduation
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603