Davisburg Dateline
Kott's Korner
How wonderful to see so many families at the Y5 and Kindergarten Enrollment Open House! If you or someone you know were unable to attend, please call the main office for information and next steps to enrollment. Please remember that all enrollment is done online through the Holly Area Schools Enrollment Information page.
Speaking of seeing families, it sure is awesome to see parents at Davisburg for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Most teachers held conferences this week. If you were unable to attend, please contact your child’s teacher to schedule a conference or phone conversation.
Holly Area Schools will be on break next week. As always, I encourage you to: get outside, play some games, and/or read some books. If you aren’t sure what to do try going for a walk, playing “Go Fish” or re-reading Fenway and Hattie.
Thank you for your continued support in the education of your children!
Denise Kott
- 3/27-3/31 Spring Break - No school
- 4/3 Welcome back!
Spring Cleaning
March is Reading Month Paw Bracelets
Rock Your Socks Day was Amazing!
The Down Syndrome Guild of Southeast Michigan challenges you to “out-sock” them and help bring awareness to Down Syndrome!
Davisburg showed off those socks and raised over $1,500 for the DSGSM, way to go Davisburg!
Jump Rope For Heart
Please call the attendance line when your student will not be at school.
ATTENDANCE LINE - 248-328-3514
Summer Camp Registration
It’s time to register for Broncho Camp Invention (exiting grades K-5) and Invention Project (exiting grades 6-8)! These summer camp offers Broncho Young Fives through eighth graders hands-on STEM activities utilizing problem-solving skills, strategy planning, teamwork and more (Y5-5th) AND high energy, hands-on STEM activities to bring their inventions to market using problem solving, strategy planning, teamwork and more (grades 6-8).
Free/Reduced Lunch Applications - apply anytime
Leader in Me
The Leader in Me Section: Revisiting Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Think Win-Win is the belief that everyone can win. It’s not you or me, but both of us. It’s a belief that there are enough good things for everyone. It’s being able to be happy when good things happen to other people.
At Davisburg, a big part of thinking win-win is being a kind, caring and considerate person. When we do things for others, we both win. I feel proud that I helped you, and you are grateful that I cared.
When family members argue it is a great time to talk about thinking win-win. Have a discussion about what each person is seeking and come to a compromise where everyone wins. Another way to bring Think Win-Win into your home is to do something kind for another person. Talk as a family about how it made you feel, and how you think it made the other person feel.