The Weekly Update #4
November 1st, 2024

Month in Review
We have enjoyed the energy the students have brought this last month. It's pretty amazing walking the halls of an elementary school on Halloween Day! The smiles, the hugs, the excitement, and sheer delight in childhood on this day reminds all of us why we love our jobs. Kids are great. Thank you for all of your support with the Dance Festival and Halloween.
You may have noticed that our webpage is different! Our entire district has moved over to a website program that helps support consistency between students at all schools. As this continues to unroll, we anticipate that parents will love how it creates a uniform way of accessing communication for all of their students. Even though our webpage has changed, some of our teachers have opted to continue to use their established way of communicating this year. Next year, all teachers will use this new system. We update our webpage with school events frequently. Please access it for convenience in understanding what is happening at the school! Please note that on this webpage is a district/school calendar. We do our best to keep this updated with our school information. You can add events from this calendar directly to your Google Calendar.
Monthly News
Children should arrive at school dressed for the weather of the day so they can safely and comfortably enjoy recesses. All healthy children will be expected to go out for recess except in extreme weather conditions (wind chill, rain, snow, etc.).
If your child cannot participate in recess for health reasons, please send a note to this effect. If it is to be a prolonged indoor stay (longer than 3 days) please send a note from the doctor.
Students will remain inside in extreme weather conditions such as: cold temperatures typically below 20 degrees, wind chill, heavy rain and snowfall, and unhealthy air/inversions. We will monitor this carefully each day. MAJOR WEATHER EVENT: In the event of a major weather event (severe storm, power outage, etc.) The District’s Parent Link system will be used to notify parents. This can be in the form of an automated phone call, text, or email. For this information to reach you it is important that you keep your contact information current within the online Infinite Campus system. Information will also be posted and updated on the district web page www.nebo.edu.
For supervision purposes, we recommend that students arrive at school no earlier than 9:00 a.m. However, the front doors will be open for students to wait for the start of class in a common area. At 8:45 a.m., students will be allowed to enter the hallways to have breakfast. All other students will wait in the front common area, in the gym, or will be outside playing. If the weather isn’t appropriate for students to be outside, we will provide supervision for students to sit on the gym stairs until they can go to their classrooms at 9:05 a.m.
Thank you for your support as we get students to school on time and get them safely picked up. Please continue to pull forward to pick up students. Our intent is to keep the flow moving quickly each day. Students access to the parking lot is safest when we utilize the crosswalks. We appreciate your support.
Our monthly theme for Mrs Bradly, our school counselor, will be "Being a Good Citizen." Mrs. Ashley supports all students by doing classroom lessons on the theme.
School Information
November 7, 2024 - School Community Council in the Orchard Hills PD room. This is open to the public. We begin at 3:45
November 11 - School wide Veteran's day Assembly (Students only)
November 12-15 - Principal's Read Aloud with each grade level
November 22 - Second Grade Thanksgiving Assembly - 2:45 p.m. (more details will be sent by the grade level for family members)
November 25 - Second Annual Turkey Trot during lunch recess (Students only)
November 26 - Gobble Off Assembly (Students only)
November 27, 28, 29 (No School) Thanksgiving Break
December 5 - Cougar Choir Assembly 6 p.m. (Families invited)
December 7 - Cougar Choir performs at Santaquin City Office Building 10 a.m. (Families invited)
December 11-12 - Parent Teacher Conferences (Students and Parents) The Scholastic Book Fair will be open during conferences,
December 20 - Orchard Hills Annual Christmas Assembly (Students only)
December 20 - Students dismissed at noon - lunch will be served. Christmas Break begins
January 6 - Students return after Christmas Break
January 13-17 - Dreamer's Week, more information to come
January 20 - Martin Luther King, No School