Franklin County R-II School
Better Together...Our Community Empowers Students
Please reach out to families in district regarding Kindergarten Screening!
CSIP Stakeholder Meeting
Our stakeholder meeting will take place on March 11th from 6:00-7:30 pm. Another date has been secured if needed on March 18th from 6:00-7:30 pm. If you live in the district, you are welcome to come help us review and set new goals.
What is the CSIP?
As a component of the implementation of the Sixth Cycle of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) review process, all districts are required by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to develop a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) that directs the overall improvement of its educational programs and services.
The Franklin County R-II School District began this process in October, 2021. The purpose of the CSIP is to prioritize objectives and goals that will be developed and implemented over the course of the next three to five years. It is a plan that centers on the improvement of the district from all perspectives with the major thrust on enhancing student achievement and performance levels.
Our district priorities are centered around:
- Academic Focus (Student Achievement & Professional Development)
- Culture and Climate (Physical, Social & Emotional Safety)
- Leadership (Financially & Facility)
Board approval: 12/14/21
Stakeholder meeting: 11/9 2023
Stakeholder meeting: 4/2/2024
Board Approval: 7/23/2024
Stakeholder meeting 3/11/25
The current CSIP plan can be viewed on our website under the "For Parents" tab.
Family Reading Night- Feb. 18th
Let's get Yeti to read! Yeti's love to have fun in the snow, and so do we. Join us on Tuesday February 18th for Family Reading Night. Come for snacks, activities, and stories. (There may even be another mystery reader.) Every child that attends will get a free book, courtesy of the Franklin County R2 PTO. See you there!
Remember, unless you are under the supervision of Ms. Poe for STUCO, you must be accompanied by your parent, grandparent, or legal guardian.
Mid Term for 3rd Quarter - Feb. 14th
Sports/Extracurricular Activities
As a reminder, these are the requirements to participate in sports, cheer, archery, Science Olympiad, or other after school activities. If your child is on academic probation, you received an email from me at mid quarter. Grades will be monitored and reviewed at the end of the quarter to see if the student is eligible at that time.
Academic Requirements – In order to participate in sports, cheer or clubs, students must:
1. Maintain a C- average in basic subjects.
2. Have a passing grade in all classes.
3. Be present for the last four hours of the day of the game, or have pre-scheduled appointments approved by admin.
4. Not be under any suspension or expulsion.
These academic requirements pertain to basketball, cheer, Science Olympiad, and archery.
Failure to meet these requirements on the mid-quarter or quarterly report card will result in ineligibility of extracurricular activities for a period of four weeks upon issuance of the report. After four weeks, if requirements are met, the eligibility is reinstated. If not, ineligibility continues until the next report card.
High School Information 8th Grade
8th Graders and 8th grade parents: Please mark your calendar for an 8th Grade Night on Monday, February 3rd from 6:30-7:30 in the R2 Cafeteria. Hosted by Mrs. Colter with presenters from New Haven, Hermann and Washington High Schools.
Washington High School’s Curriculum Night is Wednesday, February 5th at 6:30.
Washington High School’s Shadow Day will be March 7th. Students will be exempt from school.
Hermann High School’s Orientation Night will be on Friday, March 7th after school at 6:00.
Hermann High School’s Shadow Day is Friday, March 21st all day. Students will be excused.
New Haven dates are still to be determined.
New Haven Track Informational Meeting
Our 7th and 8th graders are able to participate in track and field at New Haven. An informational parent/student meeting will be held on February 19th at 6:45 pm in the high school gym. If you have questions, please reach out to Jamie Hoener at New Haven High School. We do transport students to the high school for track practice.
School Board Vacancy
The Franklin County R-II School District will be accepting letters of interest to fill an open seat that has been vacated, effective January 28th, due to relocation outside of the district. Letters of interest can be dropped off at the school office or emailed to Nathan Parmentier, nparmentier@fcr2.org. The deadline to submit letters of interest is February 12th. The BOE will meet on February 13th at 5:30 pm to review applicants and make their selection.
To find out more regarding responsibilities as a board member visit https://www.mosba.org/page/board-candidates.
A school board member in Missouri must be:
A U.S. citizen
A resident taxpayer of a district or voters of the district in urban districts
A resident of Missouri and the district for at least one year
At least 24 years old
Be current on state and local taxes
Have not been found guilty of or pled guilty to a felony under Missouri or federal law
Have not registered or required to register as a sex offender
*The Board of Education will review interest letters and appoint a new board member per board policy BBE-1.
Inclement Weather and AMI
It’s definitely a relief to see some sunshine! Hopefully, winter’s worst is behind us. The next two weeks look "snow free"! Missing 5 days of instruction is significant, and while built-in weather days help, losing academic time can be challenging. Especially since all the days hit in the same week.
Our district has the option of AMI to keep students engaged even on snow days! It helps minimize the loss of instructional time while keeping students on track. K-4 students would complete a review packet (2-4 pages) of work in core subject areas. Our 5-8th graders will complete lessons on their Chromebooks. If you do not have access to Wi-Fi, please let us know and alternative assignments can be sent home. Attendance for the day is based on the completion of the work. This small amount of work counts for a full attendance day for the district and keeps students engaged in instruction. Rest assured, this isn't as intense as the Covid AMI that we all lived through!
Starting with our 10th snow day, we'll activate our Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) plan for days 10-15 to keep students engaged. While we hope we won't need this state-approved backup plan, we want to be prepared as we still have February, March, and spring storms ahead of us. (Note: The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education typically waives requirements for days beyond the 10-day mark.)
Today, your child received their AMI materials:
- K-4 students: Physical packets in Friday folders
- 5-8 students: Digital assignments on Chromebooks (These will be assigned in your Google Classroom)
Please keep these materials accessible. If we need to declare an AMI day, you'll receive notifications through:
- ClassTag
- School Messenger phone system
Store the AMI packets in a safe spot – think of them as your "snow day insurance policy." We'll let you know if and when we need to put them to use. Every year we have AMI in our pocket, but luckily we have not had to use it! Teachers will be available via email and ClassTag to answer your questions during normal school hours on AMI days.
Upcoming Fundraisers
Our Student Council and TREND organizations have some upcoming fundraisers that we would like to share! On Friday, March 28th the 2nd annual Dodge Ball Tournament will be held at R-II. Last year, this was a huge success!
TREND will be sponsoring a 3 on 3 basketball tournament on April 25th.
More information will be sent home with your students closer to these activities.
Dress Code
As per our handbook (page 19), hats are not to be worn in school unless special circumstances allow it. Please keep hats at home unless stated they can be worn for a special occasion.
Student Handbook: https://bit.ly/3zXrvos
Reminders/Save the Date
- 8th grade night for basketball February 13th
- All District Choir and Archery Tournament February 15th
- No School February 17th
- Science Olympiad Competition February 22nd
- Kindergarten Screening March 12th
- No School March 13th and 14th
- CSIP Stakeholder Meetings March 11th and 18th
- 3rd quarter ends March 17th
- Spring and 8th Grade Pictures: April 3rd
- Last day of school May 20th early release
We are still searching for a band/vocal music teacher for the 25-26 school year! Mrs. Freitag has been working to get her staff in place for the 25-26 school year. Ms. Pate will be teaching 3rd grade next year. Ms. Hoerstkamp is switching to 4th grade. Mrs. Emily Hischier has been board approved to teach 2nd grade for the 25-26 school year. She will be bringing 8 years of experience with her from the Gasconade County R-I School District.
Homeless Liaison/Foster Care
Kathy Oetterer, Point of Contact
3128 Hwy Y
New Haven, MO 63068