CHIPS Weekly Update
January 27, 2023
Important Reminder- Arrival and Dismissal
Parent Conferences
Kindergarten Registration
Cold Weather Reminders
- With colder temperatures settling in for the winter, please be sure to dress your child for the weather. We try to get the children outside as often as possible (even when it's cold), and we want them to be comfortable and having fun outside!
- During the winter months, our car drop off and pick up line tends to get longer. It is our goal to keep arrival and dismissal flowing as efficiently as possible. You can help by having your child ready to get out of the car at drop off and getting them buckled in right away at pick up. Thank you for your help!
- If you are new to the car drop off/pick up line, please remember that it is prohibited to pass busses when their lights are flashing. If busses are still loading/unloading when you are ready to exit the CHIPS parking lot, please wait for busses to be done loading/unloading and turn off their lights, indicating it is safe to pass.
Important Upcoming Dates
- February 8- NO SCHOOL- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- February 20-24- NO SCHOOL- February Vacation
Health News
Handwashing is still and will always be a very most important part of our day! Please review the importance and make it a daily habit in your home as we continue to do here in our school environment.
The links provided share information between the Stomach Bug- vs - Influenza, guidelines on hydration when your child is sick and age-appropriate activities with fun videos about handwashing and GERMS! Our goal, during these early years, is to maintain a safe, healthy, and happy learning environment for all.
Please use our absence line (978-251-5188 Option 0) to report your child's absence from school and be sure to state the reason for the absence (illness, appointment, travel, etc). If your child is out due to illness, please let us know the nature of the illness (fever, vomiting, cough, etc.).
Nurse Kristen can be reached by calling the CHIPS main number (978-251-5188) and selecting option 3.
From the PTO
For planning purposes, the PTO will hold its annual sock drive in February. We collect new socks in all sizes and donate them to The Wish Project. More information will be shared after the holidays.
Chelmsford Integrated Preschool
Location: 170 Dalton Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: (978)251-5188