ROO WAAG for Week #29 !
March 03-07, 2025

ROO News for March 03-07, 2025
A Message from Our Principal, Dr. Kara Trevino! 🤟
Hey Roos,
It is hard to believe March is here. We have so many things going on from Fine Arts competitions to Livestock Shows and all kinds of athletic events. Our kids are doing great things, and I want to congratulate our Art teachers as several of their students are moving on to state level competitions. We also have three powerlifters moving on to compete at the state level. What a gift it is to work with such KANGAMAZING students and staff every day!
Recently, we've had a great turn out at Saturday School interventions put on my many of our teachers who teach EOC tested subjects. Two weekends ago, 70 students attended-WOW! I'm so proud of your collaboration and efforts to go the extra mile and help our students be success. Way to go!
Finally, congrats to KHS Teacher of the Year, Nichole Brieno-Young. You embody the Killeen High School values, and we are so proud of your leadership.
Stay the course- we are just two weeks away from spring break. This is the time we must be extra vigilant as safety is our number one concern. Hugs to my ROO F.A.M.I.L.Y.!
Kt 😊
Monday's Meet and Greet Activity: We Are Teachers! 🤟🦘
Hey ROOS! Check Out the CKH Classroom Activities for ENGAGE & a LAUNCH! 🤟
Objective: Participants will learn to give a professional handshake and practice greeting each other.
Group Size: Any
Time: 3-5 minutes
- Take a few minutes to teach your class the art of a professional handshake. Say, "A handshake is more than a simple gesture; it's a powerful tool! Here are some pointers for a great handshake:"
- "Always shake with your right hand."
- "Give two to three shakes."
- "Then let go!"
- "Lean in slightly."
- "Make eye contact."
- "Smile!"
- "Have a firm grip."
- Etc.
before the timer ends. You'll have two minutes. Be sure to say 'hi,' use their name, and give a good
handshake. Ready? Go!"
Processing Questions:
- "Who was someone who did a great job greeting you? Tell me more!"
- "Did that take any of you outside of your comfort zone? Why?"
- "Remember, leadership is not about you. It's about what you can do for others. When you're in a conversation with someone, how can you ensure they are comfortable?"
- Say, "Pretend you're always interviewing. A good handshake is a great way to impress someone!"
What's the Buzz
Launch: Summarize the main points and takeaways from the day's lesson, clarify any commitments to action steps (homework), and share a meaningful, positive, powerful message.
- Display the following quote by an unknown author: "Words are like bees; some create honey, and others leave a sting."
- Have students reflect on the meaning of this quote.
- Make the comparison that honey is pleasant, but a sting is painful.
- Ask students to describe things they can say to others that are affirming, motivating, and encouraging.
- Omitting the details, ask students to explain how it made them feel when someone's words stung.
- What does it tell you about someone who uses words that sting (hurt)?
- How can you make sure your words are motivating and affirming to others?
Inspiration for the Week!
***March's CKH Monthly Trait: Courage**
"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen."
-----Brene' Brown
"Courage is the complement of fear. A man who is fearless cannot be courageous. He is also a fool."
------Robert A.Heinlein
Check Out the CKH Video Section
Please check out the Capturing Kids' Hearts "Living Leadworthy" video with your students and listen to Flip Flippen speak on COURAGE ! Go to the VIDEO TAB!🤟
A Teacher's Thought for March!
Courage bolsters our well-being.
- Adolescents higher in courage report greater satisfaction with their lives. And later in life, greater courage is related to a greater sense of purpose and life satisfaction.
Courage helps us to navigate social and emotional challenges.
- Greater courage in adolescents and adults is related to more active use of coping strategies (e.g., seeking social support and engaging in positive problem solving). In other words, the practice of courage helps us to adapt in difficult situations (rather than avoid them)—and to work toward reaching our personal and professional goals.
Courage prepares us to take academic risks.
- Rather than avoid an assignment, students who engage in “academic courage” learn to persevere through a difficult learning task despite their fear, leading to more positive academic outcomes.
Courage emboldens us to stand up for our beliefs.
- Courage is related to a willingness to speak up at work. When we have the courage to question the status quo (e.g., norms and policies), we potentially effect change in our institutions.
Courage undergirds authentic leadership and collegial trust.
- Theorists link courage with authentic leadership and trust-building between leaders and employees. In other words, school leaders who courageously demonstrate openness and vulnerability with their staff help foster a trusting school culture.
Hey ROOS! Did You Know....?
Spread the Word! 🦘
Hey ROOS! Check out the Article BELOW about Critical Thinking! 😁
Positive Referrals for Positive ROOS!
A ROO Shout-Out goes out to this week's activities!🤟
Good Luck to our ROOS who play this week!🤟
Boy's/Girl's Basketball
Boy's Wrestling
Boy's/Girl's Soccer
Softball / Baseball
Have a GREAT time ROOS who will participate in!🤟
ROO Students and Staff Participating in Last Week's Activities!
Congratulations to our Teacher Of The Year
💥✨🎈🎈🎉🙌🤟Mrs. Nicole Brieno-Young! 💥✨🎈🎈🎉🙌🤟
Way to Go Alfredo Palao - Lamb $1400 ! 🤟
Way to Go Estiven Palao - Lamb $1000! 🤟
Way to Go KHS Powerlifting Girls! 🤟
🎉🎉🎉Congratulations KHS Powerlifters!🎉🎉🎉
We’re beyond excited to announce that Tyranny Pace, Meleana Price, and Precious Tauililli are heading to STATE for powerlifting!
These incredible athletes have put in countless hours of training, pushing themselves to the limit, and now they're about to show the STATE what they're made of! Let's cheer them on as they take on the state competition and continue to inspire with their strength, determination, and heart.
Way to Go ROOS ! Positive Referrals and Exemplifying Kangaroo Characteristics!
We are SO proud to celebrate the amazing students who earned Positive Referrals this month for showing their Kangaroo Characteristics and being true Student Leaders on campus!
🎉🎉 🤟Way to GO to Mrs. Coles and her Baseball Students! 🤟🎉🎉
(Recapturing a MISSED MOMENT!)
Hey ROOS...Are You Ready for What is Coming Our Way Soon?
" From our earliest days, Black History has been American History! From the slaves who carried the stones to build the White House to the Black soldiers who helped to fight for our nation's independence. African American culture has profoundly shaped American culture, music, arts, literature, and sports. Through dance they have told the stories of who were, who we are, and who we can be. During Black History Month, we celebrate the people who have shaped our heritage. We remembered those who struggled for our rights and our freedoms. We reflect on how far we have come and how much farther we have to go. Happy Black History Month, a power of a movement! "
------ From Barack and Michelle Obama
Historian Carter G. Woodson is known as the "Father of Black History". He founded Black History Month in 1926 to promote achievements and educate people about Black history, promote Black pride, and counter racist stereotypes.
ROOS Students Taking Timeout To Tell What Black History Means to Them!
Ja'Kara - 9th Grade: "Technically, all black people make a change and there is no more segregation!"
Nevah - 11th Grade: " Black people have rights and there is freedom to make an impact today and everyday!"
Ariana - 10th Grade: " To me, celebrating Black History Month expresses how we got freedom and now we take care of business and are grateful!"
Vincent - 10th Grade: "To me, Black History Month shares how we have come together, have made changes in the world, and if not for certain black people, we would not be here today!"
T.K. - 11th Grade: " February represents the black community and what has been done to make a change from the pace to now. There is more peace! "
Trinity - 12th Grade: " BHM means the empowerment of the past, present, and future. What defined our culture and what elevates our culture now to new heights!"
Jahmiere - 10th Grade: " BHM is about the culture, what it means, and how it came about. "
Jamarcus - 11th Grade: " It means bringing us together."
Tyson - 10th Grade: " It means Unity! "
Isaiah - 10th Grade: " It means Rights! "
Joshua - 10th Grade: " It means us equal together, walking free, talking free! "
Lilyana - 10th Grade: "BHM means a time to remember our ancestors and what they did to get to the points they had to do to get us to walk freely."
Keilise - 10th Grade: "BHM means to look back on something and realize to look back and know that we have overcome!"
Haven - 10th Grade: "It means a time when you look back and make sure that we have no racism anymore. There is no name calling and this is a time that Blacks can grow and learn that we are changing everyday moving forward, then what was done to Blacks in the past!"
KHS Reminders!
Hey ROOS! Please Checkout Scarlet's Email from Feb. 22nd!
Volunteers are needed for KHS Prom ( April 26th )
Yearbooks are On Sale! Grab yours By Ordering Online Today! 🤟
Order your 2025 yearbook today by clicking the link! On sale today, get them while they're hot!