Barbara R. Morgan Elementary School

September Events
- Sept. 2: NO SCHOOL - Happy Labor Day!
- Sept. 6: 1st Quarter PTA Meeting @ 8:15 AM in Room 263
- Sept. 13: Individual Picture Day with Timeless (Your child will come home with ordering info after picture day)
- Sept.16-21: Homecoming Dress Up Week (watch for details later)
- Sept. 18: Parent Teacher Conference Option #1 from 3:30-6:30 (Sign up to come soon)
- Sept. 19: Tortoise & the Hare PTA Jog/Walk-a-thon Fundraiser! (see below for times/watch for paperwork soon)
- Sept. 20: MDHS Homecoming Parade @ approximately 2:00 PM thru BRMES
- Sept. 25: Parent Teacher Conference Option #2 from 3:30-6:30 (Sign up to come soon)
Principal Update
🎉 Hey BRMES Families! 🎉
I'm absolutely thrilled to welcome you back to a brand new school year! 📚✨ This year’s theme is all about "Fun & Games!" 🎲🎉
This monthly family newsletter will be your go-to source for all the latest updates and info. We've got a shiny new texting, email, and calling system, so bear with us as we iron out the kinks—we’ll soon be bringing you more frequent updates from both the school and your child's classroom. 📱📧📞 Be sure you opted IN to get our messages (see image below). Thank you for completing the online signed Medical Consent form and the demographic updates!
Parent teacher conferences at BRMES will be a bit different this year. We are spreading out parent teacher conferences to 6 different nights. Watch for a sign up in your email soon. We are offering two options this month! They are never required; but we'd love to see everyone schedule at least one conference sometime this school year with whomever you'd like to meet with.
Let me introduce our fabulous new 2024-25 office team! 🥳 Miss Leigh, Miss Jess, Mrs. Borg, and our wonderful high school student aides will be here to help answer your calls, send messages to your kids, and keep our school safe by monitoring visitors and volunteers. 🛡️📞📝
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at 📞 (208) 634-2219 or shoot us an email at 📧 brmesoffice@mdsd.org.
Here’s to a fantastic year filled with lots of FUN & GAMES! 🎈🙌
Mrs. Berg
School Safety Review
All school doors to the school remain locked during classroom learning hours. All visitors and pre-scheduled volunteers must be identified at the doors and scan your drivers license for admittance.
We continue to practice the below four emergency protocols from the Idaho Standard Command Responses for Schools (ISCRS) on a regular basis.
Breakfast & Lunch
You are encouraged to pay for your child's breakfast or lunch through My School Bucks.com. Call our office if you need your child's Student ID number. You can even set it to notify you when your child's account balance is low. A check written to MDSD Food Service can also be accepted if your child can deliver it to the office or cafeteria.
Please consider completing a free/reduced application as well. Fill out and print an application in English or Spanish here (under forms) or stop by the office to pick up an application.
September school lunch menu can be found here.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
BRMES Calendar 2024-25
From your mobile device 'App store', search for McCall Donnelly School District. Download the FREE MDSD App. Here you can access all calendar events and sync them to your own device/your own calendars and get all the latest district information via your mobile device.
Powerschool is an excellent tool for parents to keep track of their child's daily schedule, attendance, and grades. Download the Powerschool app to get started. Our code is: XLLD
If you had it installed from last year; try to log out and re-login to get connected to the 2024-25 information. Call us if you are needing further assistance @ 634-2219.
Tortoise & the Hare (Fundraiser) ~ Thursday, Sept. 19
Students will be walking laps at Sabala Field on the Payette Lakes Middle School grounds on Thursday, September 19th. This is our one and only fundraiser for our PTA. Students will have 30 minutes to walk or run laps and earn a bracelet for each lap he/she completes. Students ask for donations from family or close friends to encourage them to run/walk many laps within their 30 minute time block. We are excited to see what our kids can do! Our BRMES families are invited to come watch or to volunteer. Here is the volunteer sign up and grade level times.
- 1st grade: 10:15-10:45
- 2nd grade: 11:05-11:30
- 3rd grade: 11:45-12:15
- 4th grade: 1:00-1:30
- 5th grade: 1:30-2:00
- Kinder: 2:00-2:30
Pledge/donation packet information will be coming home with students soon.
Join the PTA
Join the BRMES PTA by September 5 for a chance to win $50 to the spirit store.
The PTA is a great way to get connected with other families while supporting our amazing school and kiddos! You can commit as much or little time that fits your schedule and we would love to see you at the quarterly meetings. Sign up here.
We want to show the BRMES staff our appreciation for the work they do with our kids all year long! Consider signing up for monthly treats (drinks and chocolates) to keep their lounge stocked! Sign up to donate here.
1st Quarter BRMES PTA Meeting is Friday, September 6 at 8:15AM @ BRMES RM #263. All parents invited to join us!
2024-25 PTA Officers
- President: Anna Kinney
- Vice President: Leigh Brown
- Secretary: Jodi Currie
- Treasurer: Jenn Gray
Website: https://www.mdsd.org/o/brmes
Email: brmesoffice@mdsd.org
Address: 125 South Samson Trail, McCall ID 83638
Phone: 208-634-2219