In the Loop
From Interim Superintendent Dr. Brenda Harring

Construction Update - July 19, 2024
Summer Construction & Safety Update
Demolition work is mostly complete and contractors are working hard to piece areas of the school back together. Some summer highlights and current construction work is listed below:
Install new HVAC units - Crane Lift Scheduled for 7/22-7/24/24
Finish work in D wing staff bathrooms
Ongoing light fixture installs
New ceiling grid in classrooms & cafeteria
Install new classroom unit ventilators
New floor installation in lower B wing
Mounting new clock-speaker boxes in classrooms
Monday 7/22 - Wednesday 7/24/24 there will be a construction crane lifting our new HVAC units onto the roof. We continue to ask the community to please stay away from the school from 6am-3pm for your safety.
If you have specific questions regarding our facility improvements, please contact Ms. Kristen Mari, Business Administrator/Board Secretary at