Nobles County Clover Digest
July 19, 2024

Thank you for hosting Cloverbuds!
A big thank you to all of our community clubs for hosting Cloverbud events throughout this past year. Our youngest members enjoyed getting to know youth leaders and adult volunteers.
NEEDED: Fair Helper Roles Sign Up Genius
We are in need of multiple fair helpers. Youth in grades 3+ are expected to fill at least one role. Youth who work in a fair helper role will have their most expensive State Fair program fee paid. Volunteers and parents are encouraged to fill a role. The Snack Shack specifically needs folks to fill those roles. Claim your role on the Sign Up Genius today!
Presentation Day
Presentation day judging is scheduled for August 2. Please join us for the public showcase on August 2 at 5:30 pm.
Youth planning to exhibit at presentation day, please complete the following form(s). These forms help us create a script for the public performance and ensure you have all the supplies for a successful presentation day experience.
All forms are due on Wednesday, July 24.
Staff at the Fairgrounds Office
Extension staff will be moving to the fairgrounds office on Tuesday, July 30. Please visit us at the fairgrounds if you need questions answered.
Snack Shack Punch Cards
Punch cards for the 4-H Snack Shack are available for purchase in quantities of $10, $25, $50. Punch cards purchased before July 31 qualify for a 10% discount.
Spirit of Molly Clarke Award - Now Accepting Nominations
We are excited to share the nomination form for the Spirit of Molly Clarke Award. Named for and given in memory of Nobles County 4-H’er, Molly Clarke, this recognition is based on the following character traits:
1. Passion for gathering youth of all ages together for fun, connection, and celebration
2. Always smiling and sharing positivity with everyone they encounter
3. Gratitude for the simplest things
4. A deep care for, and quiet service to, the county 4-H program
Anyone can nominate youth by visiting this simple nomination form: z.umn.edu/SpiritofMollyClarke. Nominations are due on August 9.
Federation Meeting Notes
Please review the notes from the Federation meeting. Congratulations to our newly elected youth officers and adult advisors. The next Federation meeting is on October 21 starting at 7:00 pm.
State Fair Chaperones Needed
Nobles County 4-H is looking for State Fair chaperones. All chaperones must be at least 21 years of age and be currently enrolled and approved as Minnesota 4-H volunteers, which includes completing the mandatory volunteer application and screening process.
Nobles County youth will participate in Livestock Encampment (August 22-25) and General Encampment 2 (August 27 - 29).
In order for youth to stay in 4-H housing, we must provide chaperones. Please reach out to Anna if you are interested in chaperoning State Fair.
Fair Clean Up
Pre-clean up will be Monday, July 29, 2024 from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. Post-fair clean up will be immediately following project release on Sunday, August 11, 2024 starting at 5:00 pm. Six to eight members are expected to attend pre and post fair clean up from each club. The more members the quicker clean up is done. Please bring brooms, rags, buckets, basic tools, ladders, etc. The following areas will be cleaned by the following clubs for both pre and post fair cleanup:
Benton & Plaza: Elk Tip Toppers & Clovers
4-H Office: Indian Lake Progressives
McCarvel: Grand Prairie Rockets & Okabena Bees
Olson Arena: Rushmore Central Hustlers & Graham Lake Braves
Nobles County Animal Science Reminders
Final Livestock Numbers
Please share your family’s final number of animals in each species that will be at the Nobles County Fair. This form is due on July 31. Understanding how many animals will be at the fair will expedite pen set up. Beef will be charged $10 per head for bedding; this money is payable to the Nobles County Fairboard and is due to the species superintendents at check in on August 7.
Thursday at the county fair
This year the 4-H beef and dairy shows will take place on Thursday, The beef and dairy committees met to discuss a plan to share the wash rack space. Dairy, please refrain from washing cattle in the morning till around noon. Beef, refrain from washing from noon till the dairy show starts to ensure wash rack room.
Fitting Rule Reminder
Per the premium book, this is a reminder of the fitting rule:
All grooming of livestock, including clipping, trimming and manipulation of hair/wool (such as blocking on sheep, pulling up hair on beef and working up top lines on dairy) must be done by the exhibitor, members of the immediate family or a livestock resource person chosen by the 4-H family. Immediate family members are defined as parents, step-parents, legal guardians, brothers or sisters. A livestock resource person is defined as someone who is working with the 4-H’er/4-H family to help them learn management and fitting and grooming skills in their project area. An identified livestock resource person would be allowed to work with the 4-Her and their family during the fitting and grooming process to guide and teach these skills. The 4-H’er exhibiting the animal must be present and involved in the fitting process at the county fair.
Based on this rule, one resource person per family is permitted.
Livestock Quality Assurance Training
All youth who wish to exhibit livestock at the MN State Fair, must have a valid quality assurance training. If you received a reminder email about YQCA training earlier this week, please complete the training by July 31. Youth who do not have their quality assurance training completed by July 31 will not be eligible for a state fair trip.
Registration Papers
Please submit livestock registration papers by July 31. A clear photo or scan can be emailed to Wendy. Animals must have registration papers to show in a registered class.
H5N1 Virus Testing for Lactating Cows
The Minnesota Board of Animal Health announced last week new testing requirements for lactating dairy cows attending exhibitions, effective Tuesday, June 18. All lactating– currently producing milk– dairy cows must have both a negative H5N1 test result and certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) to attend any exhibition in Minnesota. The requirements are effective until Dec. 31, 2024. If you intend to show a lactating dairy cow at your county fair, you must contact your veterinarian to get the testing scheduled.
Livestock Interview Questions
The county fair is right around the corner. Sample livestock interview questions will ensure you are prepared for your livestock interview. Here is a folder of sample interview questions.
Collecting Bids Prior to the Ribbon Sale
Prior to the auction, youth may gather donations from local businesses and individuals using the Ribbon Sale Donation Form. Youth may go through the live auction in addition to collecting donations from specific individuals. That youth member will receive their pre-sale donations and the winning bid at the auction. Checks must be payable to Nobles County 4-H. Businesses needing an invoice must provide accurate billing information. Donation forms must be turned in to the 4-H office by Wednesday, July 31.
Regional, State and National Events
Cloverbud Leader Training
We invite adults and youth with interest in youth programming for K-2nd graders to join us July 23rd, 6:30 pm in Marshall for Cloverbud Volunteer Training! University of MN 4-H Cloverbud Program Staff will be in attendance to share and walk through lessons for adults to bring back to their clubs or youth programs! Please register at: z.umn.edu/SWCloverbudVolunteerTraining
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