Dodge Elementary News 12/20
The Dynamic Dodge News

A Word from our Principal
Good afternoon Dodge families. I hope this video finds you doing well and at home, safe, getting ready for the holiday season to enjoy yourself. I know at Dodge Elementary we've been working extremely hard. We had our December Bug Parade.
And what a blast it's going to be each and every single time to see all the families coming into Dodge. It's going to be the first time ever we're going to have everybody in the auditorium. So, just bear with us as we work through that. Also, I want to wish everybody a happy holidays. Over the break, we've got two weeks off.
You will be returning on January 6th. But most importantly right now, we have our Wonder Museum. Our Wonder Museum is absolutely phenomenal, put on by Mrs. Widmer, Mrs. Mango, Mrs. Devaney every single year. And it's something that's truly fascinating and special for the kids because it creates the wondering, it creates the creativity of the brain for the students to really think deep about what they're doing, why they're doing something, and they learn so much about a certain topic, which is really cool.
So I want to thank Mrs. Widmer, Mrs. Devaney, Mrs. Mango for doing that every single year and we know absolutely, the kids absolutely love this. So. We we hope the kids really enjoy it again this year. And thank you to the three of you for doing that. And happy holidays, everybody. Rest, relax, enjoy your family together. It's two weeks off together. Taking that time, taking those moments and create memories. Last but not least, loud and proudly, who are we?
Upcoming Dates and Events 📅
Return to Dodge 1/6
What to Wear at Dodge 👕
Wednesday 1/8 Unity Day - Wear orange
Tuesday 1/14 Positive Tee Tuesday - Wear a shirt with a positive message