Friday September 6th.
Message from Principal Fippin
Hello Everyone,
Hope to see everyone at the Ice Cream Social tonight. It is a great way to support our 5th graders going to science camp, as well as cool off a bit. It has been a hot one this week.
We have over 50 4th and 5th grade students that have signed up to be Jr. Coaches this year. This is a wonderful program that allows our students to show leadership opportunities, learn new games, support with social interactions, and teach the BCE WAY. We are excited to see the program and students start next week.
We have started our Drumming program with Ibo. Students are loving the time with him. Thank you to the Parent club and all of you for your fundraising efforts last year to help support this amazing program for our students.
Have a great weekend. The next newsletter will come out on Friday 9/20.
Gerri Fippin
Principal BCE
Join us at the Ice Cream Social Today!
Come out to support the Ice Cream Social from 5:00-7:00. Our 5th graders will be scooping ice cream. All proceeds from this event will benefit the 5th Grade Science Camp. BCE students will receive 1 free scoop! Ice Cream scoops are for sale for $1. Families need to attend this event with their students. Hope to see you there!
New Emergency Procedures
All Santa Cruz County Public Schools are implementing new shared Emergency Procedures.
This means that all schools, law enforcement, fire, and rescue will now all use the same terminology and language for emergency situations.
Students and staff training we will begin having drills with these new procedures soon.
Below is an explanation of the new procedures.
When: Fire or Smoke, Gas Leak, Hazardous Materials, Natural Disasters, Building Structural Issues, Bomb Threat
Notification: Evacuate the building... Evacuate the building… Evacuate the building
Action: GET OUTSIDE! Evacuate the building, Bring belongings if possible, Teacher grab go bag, Evacuate to a Safe Place based on what is occurring
Take Attendance and notify Office if students are missing/injured or if you have other teachers’ students with you
When: Dangerous situation outside of the building, Hazardous material, Dangerous Weather, Air Quality, Law Enforcement Activity in the general vicinity
Notification: Return to the Building... Return to the Building… Return to the Building
Action: GET INSIDE! Bring everyone inside, Take Attendance and Notify Office if students are missing / injured or if you have other teachers’ students with you
Similar to what we used to call “Shelter in Place”
When: Unknown person in the school, Student behavior escort/room clear,
Law Enforcement activity near school, Medical emergencies, other circumstances on or near campus
Notification: Hall Check.... Hall Check…. Hall Check
Action: Return immediately to Classroom. Lock Doors. Do Not Open Door. Continue Teaching
When: If there is an immediate and credible threat inside or near the school premises, such as an armed intruder or an act of violence, a lockdown may be ordered to protect students, teachers, staff, and visitors.
Notification: Lockdown.... Lockdown…. Lockdown
Action: Lock Doors, Turn off Lights, Close Windows, Close Curtains/Blinds, Create Barricades, Take Attendance, Maintain Silence
Join the BCE Yearbook Team!
We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help make this year’s BCE Yearbook unforgettable! Whether you’re a budding photographer, a creative designer, or a detail-oriented organizer, we have a spot for you. Be part of a fun and rewarding experience as we document the highlights of the school year and create a keepsake that everyone will treasure.
Visit https://bit.ly/BCEyearbook25 or email us at yearbook@bceparentsclub.org for more information.
Dear SLV Families,
We hope the start of the school year finds you well.
We want to let you know that it is required for your student(s) to be registered. See form below. This is for liability and safety reasons.
Transportation Registration Form School Yr 24-25
Should there be a school bus breakdown, closed route or a route delay, School Messenger will not contact you unless your student(s) are registered.
If you do not have your student registered by Thursday, 08/29/24 your student will be left at the school and sent to the office.
For more information please call the Transportation office at 831-336-2223 or email Heidie at hoconnor@slvusd.org.
Thank you for your understanding.
News and Notes
Important Dates
- 0/11-10.20- Drive For Schools
- 9/20 Bear Paw Store
- 9/24- Picture Day
- 9/27- September Character awards
- 10/4- Walk/ Jog a thon
- 10/11- No school
- 10/14-10/18- Parent Teacher Conferences
- 10/14-10/18- Book Fair
Community Information
Did you know that our district maintains a "Community Opportunities" website.This is for parents / students to receive information about current local events and opportunities for adults and/or children.
Note: The San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District does not sponsor or endorse any of the organizations or events that are located here. They are non-school sponsored events and are not being promoted by the school district. All postings are provided as a courtesy to the parents/students.
Support our Bear Paw Store!
Our students work hard every day and are rewarded with Bear Paws.
We have a Bear Paw Store about every 4-6 weeks. Our first Bear Paw Store is September 20th. If you are able, please consider purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List. Donations are appreciated!
Bear Wear!!!
We wear Bear Wear on Fridays!! Get your Bear Wear here to join in on the school spirit.
Positive Behavior Support will continue to be a major focus for BCE this year. We will focus on the BCE Bear Way for the first month. How do we show Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible all over our campus. Please ask your student how they are showing these behaviors. We are giving Bear Paws for good behavior. These will be used like cash at the Bear Paw student store. Our first Bear Paw Store is on September 20th!
Don't Forget the Rules for Drop off and Pick up
Drop Off and Pick Up
We have had several issues the past couple of weeks at both drop off and pick up. Please know that all of us out at the cross walk are only trying to keep our students and families safe. I wanted to remind everyone to please first be Kind and Patient. Here are a few reminders about pick up and drop off
- You can drop off on either side of Laurel Street.
- You can NOT drop off coming up on Lomond street.
- You can only leave your car in designated parking spots on Laurel street.
- Make sure you are not parking in front of our neighbors drive ways
- On Lomond Street, you need to park in the right direction. Buses are not able to get through when cars are away from the side and parked in the wrong direction.
- When walking down Lomond Street please use the sidewalk. We have had a few close calls with kids and parents walking in the center of the street.
Thank you everyone for helping ensure safety of all of our students. Below is the parking map again for reference.
Hot Lunch and Bus Passes
We will continue to provide free lunch to all students this year. We do ask that you complete the application on the district webpage. It is very important that ALL families complete this form, as it helps us with funding in several different areas.
If your child will be riding the bus this year and will need a bus pass, please make sure you purchase your bus pass online here. Once you log in to LinqConnect you will see "School Store" on the bottom right hand corn. Click that to buy your pass. Any questions contact the transportation department at 831-336-2223
Please also complete the following form for all students riding the bus.