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October 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Baggett Family,
An early Greek philosopher once said, "The only constant is change." How very true it is! This month I wanted to express my appreciation to you, our Baggett Family as we have gone through quite a few changes in the first few weeks of school.
Safety - If you've not been by Baggett in the last few weeks since the tragedy in Barrow County, I want to refer you to the videos we put out the week after the event to share with you how we have adjusted things to keep our front door even more secure. We shifted our check-in/check-out system to the vestibule and are not allowing adults into the building unless they have a true reason to be there. Adults will remain in the vestibule and therefore not have access to the school for the most common reasons that adults show up at the building, for student drop-off, pick-up or to leave something for a teacher or a student. We are also making additional adjustments inside the building to ensure the increased safety of all. Additionally, the school district just pushed out a survey regarding transparent backpacks. Please take the survey and let your voice be heard. Your thoughts and opinions do matter.
Staffing - Baggett has experienced significant growth, with many more students than the district anticipated. We were expected to open the year with 991 students, and we are now at 1051, more than 60 students than we expected. With this growth comes additional staffing. In fact, we were allocated 8 additional staff members including 2 new kindergarten teachers and a kindergarten instructional clerk, a special education teacher and 2 special education paraprofessionals, a Parent Outreach Liaison for the front office, and an Assistant Principal. Over the past few weeks we have hired or received all but one of these new staff members and so excited to welcome them to the family. If your child has been one of the roughly 60 students who has been impacted by a class change, I would like to personally thank you for your understanding and flexibility and to stand by my commitment that each teacher we bring on is not just good enough for your child but would also be for mine. Additionally, during the month of October, we a grateful to have Dr. Jaime Fooks, a Principal Resident, joining our administrative team. Dr. Fooks is in training to become a principal. I am honored to have been selected to partner with Dr. Fooks and the district to give her an incredible experience throughout the month. If you see any of our new staff members, please remember to welcome them to the family!
Instructional Resources - Over the first few weeks of school, Baggett has experienced some changes in our oudoor learning program. We have a new solar panel system, the first of its kind among GCPS elementary schools which should be fully operational before the end of the month. So too, we have shifted some of our other resources, the Small Fry To Go Labitat where we raise 2,000 trout from the egg stage to the small fry trout stage each semester, the aquaponics system where we raise fish and grow plants in a self-contained symbiotic relationship, and our chickens to slightly different locations to create a more cohesive learning environment. In addition to outdoor learning, through grant money from the school district and some additional local funds, Baggett has formed a 5th grade band class, generating one more reason for students to say that they love coming to Baggett!
After School Programs - Our teachers and staff are truly innovators, coming up with new programs to offer our students and you, our family members. We have English classes for adults during the day and after school. We have new student literacy classes after school, and we've seen our extra-curricular programs grow tremendously as well with many more on the horizon. We also opened up our own after school program, Titan Innovation Program, serving students from early in the morning before school (6:30 AM) and going until 6:00 PM after school every single day. Interested in joining us, please scan the QR code below and our director, Ashley Hodges, will be in touch with you shortly.
Other structure components - Our media center is about to experience a tremendous upgrade. As the heart of the school we are so excited that by the end of the month there will be new furniture funded locally, and ten 3-D printers in a newly designed Baggett Maker Space partially funded through a $50,000 grant received from the College Football Hall of Fame. We're anticipating a ribbon-cutting ceremony to take place on October 16th. Please feel free to join us! Additionally, very soon we'll see our long overdue shade structures for the playground equipment.
I hope you feel it! Baggett Elementary School is the preferred education destination that we are aiming for it to be. Thank you for joining us on this journey of igniting innovation at Baggett Elementary!
Mitch Green
Baggett Elementary School
Upcoming Events
Families are welcome to join us for the bolded events.
October 1 - Picture Day
October 4 - Cultural Attire Day (rescheduled)
October 4 - Fall Festival - 5:30 PM (rescheduled)
October 9 - PBIS Celebration
October 10-14 - Fall Break - No School
October 15 - 3rd and Kindergarten Field Trips
October 15-18 - Breast Cancer Awareness - Dress-Up Days (see below)
Octboer 16 - Media Center Grand Reveal - 10:00 AM
October 18 - International Festival - 5:30 PM
October 19 - Paint Gwinnett Pink 5K
October 21-25 - Red Ribbon Week
October 23-24 - Early Release Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 25 - Read for the Record - Book Character Dress-Up Day
October 29 - 5th Grade Field Trip
October 31 - PTA Trunk or Treat
News from the Media Center
This, as you know, is just one opportunity to place books in the hands of our students. An additional one was at the Fall Fesitval where the Book Mobile was there throughout the evening providing one new book to each student for free!
Whehter purchasing books at the fair, selecting a free book from the Book Mobile, or simply checking out books from the Media Center, every student should always have a book with them. We often ask students to shows us their books at dismissal and award them with Titan Tokens for being responsible. Students should be reading every night at least 15 minutes and more for our upper elementary students. Please help us by setting aside time in your evening schedule to read with your child or have him or her read to you. Reading translates to school success and opens the doors for our students to build their background knowledge, to go places they wouldn't normally have the chance to go to and to experience worlds real and imagined.
Our counseling team would like to thank all of the family members who came out to visit us at the Fall Festival on Friday night. We were so happy to provide you, our community with clothing items as we head into fall and the temperatures change.
Please know that our conseling team is available to you should you need additional assistance in any way. If we, or the Family Center, cannot help you, we are commited to pointing you in the right direction.
Ms. Jones, K & 1
Office: 678-226-2763
Ms. Schlechte; 2 & 3
Office: 678-518-6663
Google Voice (call/text): 470-465-0860
Mrs. Powers-Kouassi; 4 & 5
Office: 678-518-6658
Google Voice (call/text): 470-465-0989
This Year's Theme, Igniting Innovation!
Following a year of Cultivating Community, our theme for the 2024-25 school year is Igniting Innovation. Innovation is part of our Vision statement, that we "will be an innovative STEAM school". For us innovation is about creating something new, and as I visited our 3rd-5th grade classrooms, our returning students had no challenge at all speaking about the times and places where they have an opportunity to create at Baggett. They spoke about all of our Discovery classes (Dance, Theatre, Music, Art, Science, Computer Science, STEAM, and PE) and they spoke about how they create through our Project-Based Learning approach where they work to solve problems at our school and community, creating solutions to address these problems.
So too, our teachers are consistently looking for ways to improve that which they do. Through reflection and data analysis, they are always looking to make incremental improvements, innovations, that lead to higher levels of student success.
As a school, you know that we are innovative. Just last week our solar panel system went in behind the school. We are the first elementary school in GCPS to have a solar panel system for students to study electricity, natural and renewable energy resources, the impact of weather, clouds, temperature, seasons on energy production, and so many other standards. We have kicked off the school year with an abundance of clubs and extracurricular activities including volleyball, cheerleading, drama, chorus, STEAM, Readers Rally, Wise Girls Read, Soccer, and LEGO Robotics with so many more on the horizon. No other school in GCPS does what we do! This is why more and more families happily report that they "Love coming to Baggett!" And why we are igniting innovation!