Slater Nation News - High School
The Official FHUMHS Newsletter - September 1, 2023
Note from the Principal
It was certainly an interesting first week of school! Despite the water issues throughout Fair Haven, FHUMHS is off to a great start. We are excited to kickstart athletic games and we're planning a "Club Day" to introduce students to extracurricular options at FHU. Our Athletic Opener, which was canceled on the 30th, is being restructured. We will be creating video tutorials to share with families (to cover the 'nuts and bolts' of accessing athletics information) and rescheduling an in-person meeting between the Fall and Winter sports seasons. More information will be coming.
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend. We look forward to seeing students on Tuesday.
Thank you!
Ben Worthing
Welcome our new mascot - "SLATER"
Every class has their own private hallway
Advisories (Home Rooms) are off and running!
Welcome Back, Slaters!
Finding our way around the school
First Senior Class Assembly
Support Our Slater (SOS)
Please support one of our Slater Nation students that was recently in a tragic accident. The link below will re-route you to a Go Fund Me page:
We are grateful for our Slater Community and appreciate being able to pull people together in times of need!
Slater's Fight Against Breast Cancer
Support the FHU Slater Strider's fight against breast cancer. Purchase your gear for Homecoming week!
Upcoming Dates and Events...
September 28th - High School Open House
The high school will be holding its Open House on September 28th at 5:45 pm (the middle school Open House is on August 28th). We will be serving cider and donuts starting at 5:30 pm. Families will go through their child's schedule starting at 5:45 pm.
November 8th and 9th - Family/Teacher Conferences
FHUMHS will hold evening conferences on November 8th, and afternoon conferences on November 9th. Sign-up information will be shared in October. While we love in-person conferences, we are happy to accommodate virtual meetings as well!
About Us
Email: bworthing@svuvt.org
Website: https://www.slatevalleyunified.org/
Location: 33 Mechanic Street, Fair Haven, VT, USA
Phone: (802)265-4966
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FHUMHS/