January 31, 2025
Greetings from Pastor John
We are finishing up our series on Conversations. We have looked at ways in which we are called to have conversations with one another, forgiving, challenging, encouraging. Conversations are the unit of our relationships, and we are called to have good relationships with one another. That means we can have good conversations with one another.
The last Conversation we will cover is the Cross-Cultural Conversation. This is the mandate from Christ to cross boundaries that we create to bring the Gospel. We often think of this in terms of missionaries, but we will be challenged to think about this in our cities and lives. The sermon we will use is Acts 10, Peter’s interaction with a man named Cornelius, to talk about what it means for us to cross whatever boundaries we place between us and other people. The Cross broke down the wall of hostility (Eph 2:14-16) and because we are a people restored through Christ’s work on the cross, we work to keep that same wall down. Looking forward to discovering together what God has for us in crossing cultures.
See you Sunday!
Prayer and Praise
January 23 -29, 2025
● Praise the LORD for the ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages.
● Praise the LORD for rain in California to mitigate the wildfire threats and damages.
● Pray for Bette Hathaway who lost her son, David, up in the Boston area this week. Pray also for relatives Mark Hathaway and Jess Gariepy who are part of our fellowship.
● Pray for safe and smooth travel for Dawn Mattera next Tuesday as she returns to Romania for a three-month term of mission with Love from Above.
● Pray peace for Roger and Jean Bachelder as they wait for Roger’s open-heart surgery on February 19th.
● Praise the LORD for all that have hopped on the Meal Train to provide meals for the Iacono family.
● Pray for Dawn Mattera’s young relatives Matt and Nicki, dealing with cancer diagnoses.
● Praise the LORD that Judy Partridge’s daughter, Tami, is now home after hospitalization for a potential heart issue.
● Pray for our upcoming events including this Saturday’s Women’s Breakfast, Baptisms, Next Step Classes, Soup Sunday, Youth Retreat and Annual Meeting.
● Pray for our mid-February missionary visit by Mark and Kora Taube from Uruguay.
Family Discussion Starters
•What words did Paul use to describe Jesus? What words would you use?
•What is the only way to have true salvation and forgiveness?
Because Jesus is our King, we seek to submit to His perfect leadership in all areas of our lives, knowing all He does is for God’s glory and our good
• HEAD: How is Jesus King in various areas of your life?
• HEART: How can we stir up our affections for the urgency of spreading the good news?
• HANDS: How can you bring light to a world filled with darkness?
Family Activities
Set a schedule for each family member to be “king”
or “queen” for a day. Allow them privileges to pick
meals, be served first, and assign tasks for others
to help them throughout the day. Compare their
ways of ruling to the perfect ways Jesus rules as King.
“Heaven is more than a destination;
it is a motivation. Knowing that we
shall dwell in the heavenly city ought
to make a difference in our lives
here and now.”
–Warren Wiersbe (1929–2019)
Sign-ups will be opening soon!
If you have used Tithely in the past, please use the link above and sign up to use the Church Center. We will no longer be using Tithely as of January 1, 2025. If you use ACH on Church Center, the fee is currently 30 cents, credit / debit card fees vary.
Below are copies of the upcoming Adult Daily Devotionals
February 2, 2025 Unit 27 Session 4
February 9, 2025 Unit 28 Session 1
Faith Alliance Church
Email: office@faithall.org
Website: faithall.org
Location: 833 Pleasant Street, Attleboro, MA, USA
Phone: (508)222-0856