A Message from the Principal!

A Message from the Principal!
May 12, 2024
The Week Ahead
Monday, May 13th - WVGSA Science test (8th grade students)
8th grade students: Hedgesville High School will hold a cross-country informational meeting on Monday 5/13 at 6:45 PM in the HHS cafeteria.
Tuesday, May 14th - No School - Election Day
Thursday, May 16th - Informal Orientation for 5th grade students/8th grade Chromebook collection
Friday, May 17th - Hersheypark trip/7th grade Chromebook collection
Friday, May 17th - If you did not preorder a yearbook and would like to purchase one, the cost is $45 cash. Yearbooks will be sold on a first come/first serve basis in Mrs. Brust's room.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, May 20th - Graduation Walk/6th grade Chromebook collection/
8th grade Soccer interest meetings - Hedgesville High School, 6 pm.
Girls in the big gym (contact Coach Janney, ajanney@k12.wv.us, if you can't make the meeting),
boys in the cafeteria (contact Coach Coleman, jtcoleman@k12.wv.us, if you can't make the meeting)
Tuesday, May 21st - HMS Relay for Life
Thursday, May 23rd - Nest Note Reward/Volleyball Tournament
Friday, May 24th - Last Day of School/2-hour Early Dismissal/Report Cards go home
Volleyball Tournament Information
In the afternoon of Thursday, May 23rd, 32 teams will face off in a single elimination tournament to play a team of "pro" teachers for the CHAMPIONSHIP and all the bragging rights! Students who wish to attend the tournament as a spectator will pay $1 at the door. Players will also pay $1. All proceeds will be donated to 2 local middle school students who are battling cancer. Teams need to register with Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Whitford by Friday, May 17th. There are currently 9 of the 32 team slots filled.
Chromebook Collection Information
8th grade collection - Thursday, May 16th
7th grade collection - Friday, May 17th
6th grade collection - Monday, May 20th
Virtual students collection - anytime BEFORE May 22nd. Drop them off in the front office.
All Chromebooks, chargers, and cases must be turned in by the end of the year.
Contact Mrs. Rihn with questions - lrihn@k12.wv.us
School Physicals
Middle School Physicals will be held on Thursday, June 6th starting at 5pm.
Location WVU Erma Bryd Building First Floor
Hedgesville High Physicals will be held on Wednesday, June 5th starting at 5pm
Location WVU Erma Bryd Building First Floor
You can get physicals either in the main office or online at the following link:
Any questions see Mr. Harper
Congratulations on concerts well done!
Strings Concert
Ms. Hochberg & the Orchestra
Handbell Concert
Mr. Hamberger & the Handbell Ensemble